Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Income Potential

2400 Head Hog Wean To Finish Hog Site For Sale! Located In Emmett County, IA Located Just North Of Armstrong, IA!

  • Armstrong
  • IA

2400 Head Hog Site For Sale Located North Of Armstrong, IA In Emmett County, IA

This Is A Great Opportunity To Purchase A Wean To Finish Hog Site!

This Site Was Built New In Approx. 2007!


Address: 5651 140th ST., Armstrong, IA.


Driving Directions: From the North Union High School on the North side of Armstrong, IA go North on N6th St., for 1 block to 6th Ave. then go East on 6th Ave.(15) for 1 1/2 mile to the curve then continue around the curve and go North on 15 for 3 miles to 140th St. then go approx. 3/4 mile West on 140th St. to the Hog Site.



Abbreviated Legal Description: Tract A in the NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 35, TWP 100N, Range 31W, Emmett County, IA (5651 140th ST., Armstrong, IA)



General Description: This site consists of approx. 2.55+/- Gross acres according to the survey which was completed on the property. This site was built brand new in 2007!  The building consists of an approx. 102 x 192 wean to finish hog building which is split into two separate rooms. This is a great opportunity to purchase an existing hog site! This building is currently on a turn by turn pig flow and possession will be subject to current pig producers pig depending on time of sale. The manure for this building is currently bound under a manure easement which is on a year by year renewal basis. Contact An Agent For A Copy Of The Manure Easement



Building Features:

8ft Pit

2 separate rooms with 36 pens per room

Onsite Propane Generator

2 in tandem Chore Time approx. 18 ton bulk bins for each room (4 on the site total)

Chore tronics controllers

Dry Feeders

Cup waterers

2 LB white heaters per room

Well on site with separate water meter for each room

Separate Loadout for each room


Viewing: To View the property please contact an agent. Bio-Security Regulations must be followed.



NOT Included:

Mats & Brooder Heaters

Alarm System



Price: $478,500.00



Terms: Buyer will be required to pay a earnest money deposit down with the offer with the full balance due on closing day. Sale is subject to current pig producers flow of pigs in the building and subject to the manure easement.



Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

Blake Zomer-712-460-2552

Bryce Zomer-712-451-9444

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Rick Childress
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Real Estate Agent