Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Live Retirement Machinery Auction
IH 3588, 2- IH 1086’s, IH 1066, IH 786, IH 1680 Combine,
2011 Timpte Grain trailer, Demco 1050 Grain Cart-(Like New)
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Sale Time: 10:30 A.M.
Location: 1846 250th street Inwood, IA 51240. From Oak Street Station in Inwood, IA go 1 mile south on HWY 18 and turn left on 250th street and go ½ mile east.
For more info/pics-
Auctioneers Note: Lyle has discontinued his farming operation and will be offering a good quality line of machinery at public auction. The majority of items have been stored inside and are in field ready condition. Lyle enjoyed IH tractors and took excellent care of his equipment. Large items have been serviced and are ready to be put to use. Online internet bidding is available please visit For more information and pictures visit
Tractors: 1981 IH 3588 tractor, 5,885 hours (low hours on overhaul), DT466, 20.8-R38 firestone radials, HD drawbar/sway-block hitch, Good TA/clutch, AC, new interior, dual PTO, 4 hyd., air ride seat, new driveline shafts, 9 bolt 20.8-R38 duals (sold separate), super sharp! 1980 IH 1086, 8,539 hours, 18.4-R42 firestone radial tires, 11.00-16 frt., DT466, heat/AC, chrome door rails, K&M step, nice original tractor; 1981 IH 1086, DT414, 5,603 hours, all new AC components, 18.4-R42 radial firestones, low hours on new TA/clutch; 1971 IH 1066 8,381 hrs, 18.4-R38 radial firestones, DT466, new radiator, clutch, and rear main, 2 sets wheel weights; 1980 IH 786, 5,524 hours, 18.4-38 firestone F151, 358 German diesel, 2 hyd., 10.00-16 frt., good TA/Clutch, nice.
Combine and Heads: 1988 Case IH 1680 combine, 2,833 hrs., field tracker, cross-flow fan, chopper, Vittetoe spreader, long unload auger, AFX rotor, Gordon Bars, intercooled DT466 w/inline pump, through shop yearly, low hours and well maintained. 2005 Case IH 2206 6 row 30’’ corn head, hydraulic stripper plates, poly, shedded; Case IH 1020 bean head, 25’, field tracker, fore/aft, 3 inch cut SN# JJLO225199.
Skidloader: 1993 New Holland L555 Deluxe, 3,376 hours, Kubota 4 cylinder, quick-tach bucket and grapple; pallet fork; 1 owner.
Trailers: 2011 Timpte grain trailer, 96″ x 42’, air ride, stainless steel front corners, full stainless rear, tarp, Ag hoppers, extra lights, aluminum wheels, used very little, bought new, extremely sharp! 2009 PJ 38’ 5th wheel flatbed, bought new, 2-12k dually axles, Brand new 235/80/16 tires 14 ply; 2013 Load trail dump trailer, 8X16, tarp, ramps, tandem axle, 235/80/16 tires; 2011 PJ 20’ tilt bed car trailer, brand new 14 ply tires, tandem 7K axles.
Farm Machinery: 2011 Demco 1050 grain cart, tarp, scale, very little use, immaculate condition, bought new; White 6100 6 row 30’’ planter, insecticide/fertilizer, with 6900 interplant, 3000 monitor, Yetter row cleaners, no-till coulters, bought new, (planter can be split or bought as a unit); IH 720 5 bottom plow, 18’’, coulters, clod buster, excellent shape; Tesla 30’ header cart; 2-IH 183 6 row cultivators, with rolling shields; Sudenga 8 X 72 auger, hyd. lift, hopper has hydraulic swing assist; Sudenga 8’ truck hopper, hydraulic motor; Sudenga 6 X 57 auger, swing hopper; Westendorf 12 ton gear with flatbed, 19’8’’, 2 inch cut lumber with heavy duty stringers; Flatbed, 8 X 16, good tires, 2 x 10 wood deck; 1500 gal. water tank, 30 gal. induction cone with 2” hose, Briggs and Stratton 3.5hp transfer pump; Roorda silage wagon, Flarebox wagon with JD gear; Barge box with JD gear; Killbros 250 gravity wagon; MFS 3612 scraper, tilt, (bought new, very little use) Bush Hog 1550 9 shank disc chisel, 11’6’’ width, twisted points; 3421 rotary hoe, 21’; 5-IH 88 series suitcase weights, 2- sets of IH wheel weights; Large IH cement weights, 3pt quick hitch.
Terms: Cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcement made day of auction will supersede any advertising. For online bidding terms visit Zomer Clerking
.Lyle Ver Hoeven Owner— 1-605-321-8889
Trucking contacts are available if desired.
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428
Blake Zomer-712-460-2552
Joel Westra-605-310-6941
Joel Westra-605-957-5222