Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
202.91 Acres/Eden Township –sold in 3 tracts
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Sale time: 10:30 A.M.
Auction to be held at site of land
This is an opportunity of a lifetime to purchase this property for it has been in the Anderson family for many, many years. This land consists of a scenic acreage with pasture and the balance is highly productive farm land located south of Fairview SD and southeast of Newton Hills State Park. You will not want to miss this auction, so make plans today to attend! We would like to thank the family of John C Anderson Estate for allowing us to sell at public auction this real estate located from Fairview, SD, 3 ½ miles south on #143 and ¾ mile west on 291st Street or from Hudson, SD, approximately 4 miles north on #143 and ¾ mile west on 291st Street.
According to the FSA there is 155.5 acres of cropland, 66.9 acre corn base/86 bushel yield/ 132 bushel CC yield; 71 acres soybean base/34 bushel yield/40 bushel CC yield. 4.2 acres oat base/63 bushel yield/84 bushel CC yield. Predominate soils include Alcester and Lamo (AH), Crofton-Nora (CpD2), Moody-Nora (MpC2). Partially tiled, Real Estate Taxes: $1,755.52
TRACT 1: This tract consists of 53.5 +/- acres to be surveyed if sold separately. This acreage site combined with pasture and approximately 12.3 acres of farmland will be offered as a unit. As you wind down the long driveway you will be impressed with the serenity that this acreage site offers. This acreage site consists of a possible 6 bedroom home with main floor laundry, large kitchen and living rooms and a full unfinished basement. The acreage has rural water and a well in use for livestock. The setting of this acreage is unbelievable with the adjoining pasture with natural creek and beautiful historic Cottonwood trees. This highly productive pasture is perfect for your cow/calf operation or for the horse lover or hunting enthusiasts. The outbuildings include a large Quonset machine shed, 2 cattle sheds—perfect for calving, 2 older hog buildings and 3 grain bins. This is truly a property that you must see to appreciate the awesome view and natural setting. If sold separately buyer(s) agree to purchase surveyed acres. Make plans today to attend the Open Houses!!
TRACT 2: Approximately 149 acres of Farmland.
TRACT 3: A combination of Tracts 1 and 2.
METHOD OF SALE: Offered first will be Tract 1 then Tract 2 and then Tract 3 which will be a combination of Tract 1 and 2. Tracts will be sold in the method of highest value. If acreage site and farmland are sold separately, seller will pay for surveying costs of acreage site and pastureland.
TERMS:10% nonrefundable down payment day of sale with the balance due on or before December 1, 2008. Full possession of farmland, pasture, cattle yards, cattle shed and grain bins will be March 1, 2009. Possession of house, Quonset and hog building will be on closing. Possession subject to 2008 lease. 2007 and 2008 taxes paid by seller. Home and acreage is being sold as is, where is, with all defects and no warranties expressed or implied. Although all information is deemed reliable all buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify any information. If sold in separate tracts, seller agrees to pay for survey of tract 1. Tract 2 will be determined by total taxable acres, less surveyed platted acres of tract 1. No survey will be done if sold as a unit. Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, or highway of record, if any. Statements made day of sale take precedence over all written advertising. Real Estate licensees are agents for the seller. Sold subject to confirmation of owner.
LEGAL: Lot 1 and the West ½ of Lot 2, NW ¼, 3-96-48 and the East ½, Lots 1 & 2, NE ¼, 4-96-48, Lincoln County South Dakota.
Carrie Ann Serck, Personal Representative
Visit our websites for pics at or
Joel Westra-605-310-6941
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526