Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

Sept 28, 2013 Extremely Large 2 ring auction of -Orval Harberts-owner-Very Successful Auction--over 400+ people in attendance and record prices on various items--

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   September 28, 2013 - 11:00 am
702 East Dakota Avenue, George, IA 51237, USA
  • George
  • Lyon County
  • IA

harbert (4) harbert (8) harbert (10) harbert (11)

Extremely Large 2 ring George IA Public Auction

Of JD 318 Garden Tractor, JD L140 Lawn mower, 5 x 8 trailer,

Tools, Late Model Household goods, Antique and Collectible items

Saturday September 28, 2013—-Sale time: 10:30 AM

Location: 702 E. Dakota Ave. George IA or from Jurrens Funeral Home go 5 ¾ Blks East on Dakota Ave.

Auctioneers note: As Orval has moved to the George Good Samaritan Retirement Home, we are honored to Offer at Public Auction an extremely clean line of items including a JD 318 Garden Tractor w/cab and Snowblower, JD L140 lawn mower, lots of tools, a nice line of household items and misc. collectible pieces. There is definitely something for everyone on this auction!! Come enjoy a Saturday with us and attend this nice Auction!! This is a LARGE auction!! We will be running two rings part of the day, so bring a friend!! Order of sale 1 ring will start with tools/misc. items and 2nd ring will be selling household items. Lawn tractor & mowers & snowblower will sell at approx. 1:30PM-

There are lots of items to numerous to list:

Bizzy Beez Lunch on grounds

Household goods: Bosch front load washer: Maytag Neptune dryer-7 yrs old: Maytag smooth top stove-white: Amana refrigerator w/freezer on bottom—3 yrs old-white: Amana Chest freezer-3 yrs old: older refrigerator: gas stove: above stove Maytag microwave-almond: older microwave: 4 pc Broyhill queen size bedroom set w/dresser/mirror/chest dresser/nightstand: 3 pc full size bedroom set w/dresser/mirror/end table—mattress 1 yr old: 3 pc full bedroom set w/chest dresser & dresser/mirror: 2 pc blonde full size bedroom set w/dresser/mirror & chest dresser:  misc. lamps: Oak end tables: Oak sofa table: Oak glass front display cabinet: Oak roll top desk:  upright jewelry cabinet: misc. jewelry boxes: Oak oval dinette table w/4 roller chairs/2 leaves-nice: dropleaf table w/2 chairs:  dinette table w/4 arms chairs/2 leaves: China Hutch: Panasonic 37” TV:  (4) matching roller chairs: (2) glider rockers: (2) Lazyboy recliners-mauve: misc. older sofas/occasional chairs/recliners: microwave cart: Oreck canister vac Oreck upright vac: Hoover carpet cleaner: Sewmore sewing machine w/cabinet: Classic radio w/cd/phonograph: Sony cd player: Vitacraft pots & pans: Bunn coffee maker:  kitchen utensils: Sunbeam mixer; glasses: Tupperware: mixing bowls: 4 drawer file cabinet: luggage: lg assortment Christmas/seasonal items: 24 pc Christmas dish set w/matching platters, gravy boats, veg. bowls etc.: canners: fruit jars: folding chairs: lots of misc. items to numerous to list:

Antiques & Collectibles:-dresser w/beveled mirror: misc. dolls: Sessions mantle clock: Sessions #639 mantle clock-blk: Carlson Electrick –Sibley thermometer: spoon collection: thimble collection: Centennial plates including Farmers Coop 1906-1956 & Minneota MN 100yr glass platters: waffle iron: assorted dishes: Terrace Park milk box: wood pitchfork: Kraft shortening tins: Redwing 10 ga crock: Western 4 gal. crock: kerosene lanterns: Toleto conservator:  New Era rope machine: hay knife: Last supper –Little Rock Farmers Exchange pic: misc. old cameras: Benjamin Moore paint sign: baseball glove: tire patch wood box: lots of misc.:

Toys: Case Agriking #970 tractor: (2) IH 1086’s: Super M: Allis Chalmers WC: IH 706 w/duals: IH 400 w/loader: JD D: IH 560 w/IH picker-precision: Massey Harris 44-precision: Massey Ferguson 760 combine: JD 50: JD 70: IH 504 w/mounted cult. –precision: (2) Farmall A’s: Mustang skidloader: Harley motorcycle: misc. Tractor pics: Forever Red picture by Charles Fertag:    Tonka motorhome:

Ranch King snowblower, JD L140 mower and Thatcherizer: Ranch King 8 hp 26” snowblower: JD LA140 48” hydro mower w/bagger & vac w/Briggs 23 hp eng: 4 ft JD thatcherizer:  Homelite gas weed eater:

JD 318 garden tractor w/cab-hyd lift, w/snowblower & 48” deck-w/ pto:

Trailer: 5 x 8 trailer –tilt ramp:

Sprayer/Lawn cart: 25 gal pull type ATV sprayer: lawn cart:

  Scooter: (2)Ranger scooters—electric w/chargers:

Outdoor items: Phoenix gas grill: plastic lawn chairs: (2) ladies bikes: croquet set: lawn ornaments: tackle boxes: fishing poles:lots of misc items:

Tools: alum ext ladder: 5 ft Fiberglass ladder: ext cords: trouble lights: Reddy heater: metal cutoff saw: KT drill press: work light: 2 wheel cart: Magna force 5 hp air compressor: air chisel: elec. Drill: handyman jack: Ryobi hammer drill: Century 295amp welder: Craftsman 10” table saw: ¾” socket set: Black & Decker skil saw: Black & Decker grinder: Makita hand grinder: DeWalt 18v cordless drill:  1/2” drill: ¾” drill: mitre box: router: power saws: large assortment hand tools including hammers, pliers, socket sets, crescent wrenches, screwdrivers, levels, squares etc:  pipe wrenches: Craftsman 14.4v cordless drill: Century battery charger: bench grinders: lg assortment drill bits/reamers: car ramps: saw blades: ½” impact wrench w/impact sockets: 200 ft tape measure: jack stands: ½” deep well sockets: ½” drive socket set: tap and dye set: 18” crescent wrench: lawn fertilizer spreader: garden hose: lots of misc. items:

Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Zomer Clerking

                 Orval Harberts–owner                           



Mark Zomer-712-470-2526        

   Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428  

Don Krommendyk-712-470-3203

Tim De Bruin-712-475-3325

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Rick Childress
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Real Estate Agent