Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

Sept 26-2015-7.20 Acre Gayer Century Acreage Site, And A very large Auction of many unique items including 1954 D4 Caterpillar Dozer, H Farmall and JD #50 tractors, Single cylinder gas engines, Wooden Spoke wagons,Collectibles, Tools, Household and misc.--ACREAGE SOLD FOR $255,000.00. DOZER SOLD FOR $13,000.00--GREAT CROWD--THANKS TO ALL THE BIDDERS!!

  • Live Auction
Open House:
Saturday Sept. 5 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and Saturday Sept 12 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Auction Date:   September 26, 2015 - 11:00 am
3563 Eagle Ave, Rock Valley, IA 51247, USA
  • Rock Valley
  • Sioux County
  • IA
Lot Size:
7.20 acres

7.20 Acre Acreage and Personal Property of the Gayer Family Century Farm

At Auction

Personal Property to include–1954 D4 Caterpillar, H Farmall Tractor, Wooden Wagon w/wooden spoke gear, Shop Tools, Very Large Assortment of Antiques & Collectible items- Household items –

This will be an interesting auction!!

Saturday Sept 26, 2015 @ 10:30 A.M.

Location: 3563 Eagle Ave. Rock Valley, IA. or from Pump n Pak in Rock Valley, IA. go 5 miles South on Elmwood Ave. Blktop K-30 to 360th St./Blktop B30 then go 1 mile West to Eagle Ave. then go approx. ½ mile North to Acreage Site

zomerauctions.com–“Your Real Estate Specialists”

Auctioneers Note: We are honored to have been asked to conduct this auction for the Gayer Family. This acreage has been in the Gayer family for over 100 years and is a Century farm and now for the 1st time is being offered to the public at public auction. This acreage offers endless opportunities with a great 2 story home and several outbuildings.  Also included on this auction are a 1954 D4 Caterpillar, #50 JD, H Farmall tractors and very large assortment of antiques and collectibles—some very old and unique–misc. household and tools. Many items not listed!! Make plans today to attend this auction!! Acreage will be sold at 10:30 with Pers. Prop. to follow. Possibly will run 2 rings!

Legal Description: Parcel A in Twp 96-46-Section 18 in the SE ¼-Sioux County, IA. -subject to public roads and easements of record.

General Description: This acreage consists of a 2 story 5 bedroom home, historic barn, open front cattle shed and several other outbuildings which are situated on 7.20 acres. The home boasts a nice eat in kitchen w/up to date cabinets, formal dining room, large living room w/gas fireplace, main floor master bedroom suite w/entrance to screen porch and walk in closet, bath and main floor laundry. The upstairs consists of 4 bedrooms and full bath w/claw ft tub. There is an unfinished basement. The home has a propane forced air furnace and older central a/c. The exterior of the home is masonite siding and new shingles in 2015. The home is in the Rock Valley School District. Due to this being an estate this property is exempt from a septic inspection. The successful buyer will have the option to buy an additional 3.24 acres adjoining the acreage to the West.-contact agents for details. There is a well on the property currently not in use. This acreage is located between Sioux Center and Rock Valley, IA.—only a ½ mile off of a hard surface road. Make plans today to attend.

Taxes: The current estimated Real Estate Taxes according to the Sioux County Treasurer are $964.00 per year. Taxes will be prorated by seller to date of closing.

Open Houses: Open house will be held on Saturday Sept 5, 2015 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M, and Sat Sept 12, 2015 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. or by appointment by contacting one of the agents listed below. Possession: Possession will be closing day Oct 30, 2015.

Terms:  The buyer(s) will agree to enter into purchase agreement with these terms. A $25,000.00 non–refundable down payment will be due immediately following the auction with balance due on closing day on or before Oct 30, 2015. This property is being sold as a cash sale with no finance contingencies. Full payment will be due and payable on closing day when clear and merchantable title will be given to the buyer(s). This property is being sold as is where is with all defects and no warranties expressed or implied. Although all information is deemed reliable all buyer(s) are encouraged to inspect the property and verify any information.  The Sale is subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Agents are representing the sellers in this transaction. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertising. Jim Pickner Attorney for sellers.

The following items will be sold immediately following the acreage site.

Collectible items: JD type E 1 ½ hp 500 rpm single cylinder gas engine: McCormick Deering type LA single cylinder gas engine-300-500 rpm, SN#LA17314: Int Harvester type LB gas single cylinder eng-300-500 rpm, SN#38589: wood & metal DeKalb signs: Hubbard seed thermometers: (2)John Day washer displays w/washers: John Deere 3 door cabinet-repainted: wood kitchen cabinet: several wood china cabinets: Armoire dresser w/2 mirrors: blonde drop leaf table: several wood plant stands:  8 dr metal cabinet: commode w/towel bar & beveled mirror: : (2) Camel back trunks wrought iron bed: enamelware: wood carpenters tool box: plastic chicken waterers: cast iron tractor seats: misc. wood chairs: wood folding chairs: misc adv. Yardsticks including Van Beek Inc. Implement, Ted Dykstra etc: Hydrotex metal barrels: 6 gal Redwing crock: 2 gal crock: Fort Dodge 25 gal crock: shoulder jug: Aladdin Model 6 lamp(converted to elec.): horse hanes, harness & harness dip tank: Manby CLEUD stone grinder w/stand: forge billow: old pulleys: JD tractor umbrella: old tools: 2 man saws: old metal elec. clock: blacksmith anvil & vise: wood blk planes: Arcade MFG Co. Grinder: Black Beauty axle grease can: misc. wood cabinets: glass oil jars: old lanterns: Green Colonial wood stove: seed planter plates: cast iron dinner bell: Arbor & metal gates: wood buggy seat: Hanson scale: Buddy L truck: Old Chevy hubcaps: metal  Standard, Amco etc gas cans: 1914, 1915 & 1970’s license plates: bucksaw: STP oil cans: old yard lights: galv rinse tub: misc. old bikes: Rixe German bike: misc. trikes: wood high chair: misc. records/8 tracks: old radios: lunch buckets: American scale: glass jars/lids/handles: wood water cooler: cast iron pans: brass fire ext: Rock Valley Cream can: milk bottles: Dazey butter churn: round wooden churn: old cameras: lots of costume jewelry: misc. books: 1908 &  1913 Sioux County Atlas’: Livestock comm. Books-Clay, Robinson, Schoeneman Bros, Walter Bros, National etc.: Dekalb, Trojan, seed corn books: DeKalb belt buckles, cups, clips, pencils, plates etc: misc. RV memorabilia—plates, pins, mugs etc-: kids wood chair: lots of misc. glassware: misc. toys & games: mantle clock: Country Store Emporium shoulder jug-Hudson SD: Gilbert microscope set: cowboy boots & hats: old pics: birdhouse collection: egg crates: buttons: cream separator: shadow pics: beer steins: misc. umbrellas: lots of misc items

Caterpillar: 1954 D4 Caterpillar-diesel w/pony eng., 7 ft balderson w/sub soiler, SN#7U25097-runs: Tractors & Wooden Wheel Wagons, Machinery: JD #50 gas tractor, nf, ps, runs: Farmall H tractor w/dual loader w/manure & regular bucket runs: wood flare box wagon w/wood spoke gear—exc. cond.: steel wheel belt driven silage blower: wooden spoke running gear: EZ Go golf cart for parts: walking plow: 2 wheel tractor caddy: brand new JD corn picker screens: JD #5 sickle mower:

Mowers & misc. lawn & garden items: Craftsman LT1750 42” hydro: 3 x 8 lawn cart: old Lawn Boy riding mower: garden bench: chain link fence: coaster wagons: 3 x 5 Bomgaars lawn cart: wheel barrows: lots of misc. items:

Household items: GE washer/dryer-white: Maytag smooth top stove: portable Kenmore dishwasher: 3 pc Broyhill queen bedroom set w/dresser w/mirror and chest dresser: oval dinette table w/4 chairs, 3 leaves: small dropleaf table w/2 chairs: wood wardrobe: 3 pc bedroom set w/dresser w/mirror and chest dresser: 3 pc full bedroom set w/dresser w/mirror and chest dresser:  elec. indoor grill: Ham Beach food processor: Kitchen Aid mixer: Bunn coffee maker: blender: variety of kitchen items: burgundy Lazyboy leather recliner: misc. occasional chairs: sofa: Empire 7 x 35 binoculars: TV stand: CD’s & DVD’s: misc. lamps: misc. pics: Dirt Devil vac: misc. TV’s: Kenmore sewing machine w/cabinet: misc. sewing supplies: 2 & 4 dr file cabinets: office chairs: desk: kids safety gate: lots of misc. items:

Tools: Red Arrow 40T  press: Industrial ¾” elec. drill press: 5/8” elec. drill press: 3/8 2 wheel service cart w/heavy duty vise: Acetyline torch w/cart: heavy duty commercial grinder on stand: Panline elec. power washer:  Lincoln power luber: roller stand: 16 gal. Craftsman wet/dry vac: Mac 3200 gas chainsaw: Craftsman skil saw: 6” elec grinder: car ramps: Craftsman box/open wrenches: vise grips: Craftsman sander: sledge hammers: (2) Craftsman jigsaws:  Craftsman scroll saw: 12” Craftsman band saw: cordless drill: Craftsman 1 ½ hp rotozip: Craftsman sander: Craftsman 8” grinder: gear puller kits: bolt cutter: crescent & pipe wrenches: 24” crescent wrench:  set of Billing standard wrenches: heavy duty screw jacks: fence stretcher: lots of misc tools to numerous to list:Fuel barrels: 300 gal gas & diesel barrels w/stands:

Terms: cash/check/credit cards accepted. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased.

Deloris Gayer Revocable Trust–owners

Mark Zomer—Broker-712-470-2526-Darrell Vande Vegte-Broker–712-726-3428—

Gary Van Den Berg-Sales-712-470-2068–Ryan Zomer-Sales-712-441-3970

Type of Home: 2 story
Lot Size: 7.20 acres
Property Tax: 964
Utilities: 97
Roof Type: asphalt =new in 2015
Siding Type: masonite
Furnace Type: propane forced air
A/C: central–older
Master Bedroom: 10 x 13.6 main w/entrance to screen porch and walk in closet
Bedroom #2: 7.4 x 12.3 up
Bedroom #3: 15.3 x 13.2. up
Bedroom #4: 13.4 x 9.7 up
Bedroom #5: 11.4 x 9 up
Main Floor Bathroom: 11.3 x 7 w/tub and shower
Bathroom #2: 8.2 x 5.6 w/claw ft tub
Garage Size: single unattached
Kitchen: 19 x 13.4 w/nice cabinets
Dining Room: 13 x 15.3
Living Room: 21.2 x 17.5 w/gas fireplace
Laundry / Utility: main–6.4 x 13.3
Basement Includes: unfinished

Listing Agent(s)

Gerad Gradert
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Ivan Huenink
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent