Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Randy Hillrichs Estate
Of JD 4430, JD 70, JD 60, JD A48 Tractors, International M Tractor, Vehicles, Farm Machinery,
Tools, Household items, Antiques & Collectibles etc.
Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 10:30AM
Location: 21291 130th St.; Akron, IA 51001
Branding Iron Lunch on grounds
DIRECTIONS; From Hwy. 10 go 9 miles south on K-22 then 1 ½ miles west on the north side of the road. Or from Hwy 3 and K-22 intersection go 5 miles north and 1 ½ miles west.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: We are honored to have been asked to conduct this auction for the Randy Hillrichs Estate. This is a complete household, machinery and tools auction. Make Plans to attend.
Household:Whirlpool Freezer, Whirlpool Washer & Dryer (heavy duty), Whirlpool Electric Stove, Gibson Refrigerator, Microwave Cart, Wringer Washing machine, Wash Tubs, Glider Rocker, Floor Lamp, Kitchen cabinet, Asst. End Tables, Ottoman, Wooden Kitchen Table & 4 Chairs, Tan Lift Chair, Small Wooden Desk, Record Player, Pyrex, Miscellaneous kitchen, Stainless Steel Water Bowl, Lots of Knick knacks, cookbooks, fans, canning jars, Home Interior Barn, Safe, Shredder, Ceramic heater, Misc. Bedding, Ironing Board, Jewelry Armoire, Quilt Rack, Asst. Lamps, Wardrobe, 3pc. Waterfall bedroom set with round mirror, Fullsize bed, dresser, shelves, John Deere pictures, John Deere Bedding, pillow, John Deere Teddy Bears, Asst. toys, stereo stand, Wooden Barn Shelf., Granado turntable stereo w/8 track, folding chairs, Love Seat, 4’ decorated tree, John Deere decorated tree, Christmas decorations, Hoover vacuum, Barn lamp, Boot holder, Horse bookends, many Lawn Ornaments, bird bath and bird house benches, John Deere Bird House, Breyer Horses
Antiques and Collectibles:Steel kitchen stool, Anniversary Clock, Kerosene Lamp, glass milk jars, flat irons, 1946 Steel & Simon Co. notepad, 1916 JM Dodd Co. notebook, Wooden trunk, Silverware, Nash Coffee Can, 1976 Atlas, Plymouth Co. Centennial Atlas, 2 Antique crochet shawls, Carnival glass candy dish, iron tractor seat lawn chair, crème cans, Cedar chest, Shirley Temple Candy Dish, Copper Tub, Redwing Crocks 20 gallon & 30 gallon, Crème Separator, John Deere Radio(Needs work), Horse single harness, hand sharpening wheel, Hero Corn Grader, JD Owner’s Manuals, Coca-Cola items, Iron Sleds, Craig Lumber C. Apron, “Johnnie Express” remote control car, Chicken nests & feeders, Galvanized tub, iron wheels
Vehicles:1980 Chevy pickup – 97,000 miles 350 Engine:1982 Chevy Caprice Classic – 126,324 miles 4.4 Motor: 2006 Dodge Ram 2500 – Reg Cab long box – 122,324 miles rebuilt front end – 4X4 7 ft Snow Plow that fits the front of the pickup
Tractors & Machinery & Assessories :JD 4430 – #026270R – Radial tires & Power Shift: JD Hub Duals 18.4 X 38 ;JD 70 nf – 45 loader, ps: JD 60 nf—gas (6017011): JD A48 Serial(621840) with 227 JD picker (50622): JD A48 Serial (620012) – needs work: New Idea Side Rake: JD 20 Series front wheel weights and JD Wheel weights:JD 530 Round Baler with chopper attachment: 1951 International M – #FBK 276671: JD 7000 4 Row Planter: New Idea Ground driven manure spreader: End Gate Seeder: JD Spreader for parts: Metal Barge Box W/JD Gear:3 Wooden Barge Wagons: New Idea pull type Corn picker: JD 5 Bottom plow W/Clod Buster 2pt.: Drag Sections: 200 gallon Sprayer – 3pt. w/Booms: JD AT 40 Cultivator: JD 494 A Corn Planter: JD 15’ BW Disc w/tandem Clamp on Duals: 6 Round Bale Carrier & Bale fork: 5th Wheel flat bed trailer w/triple axles: JD Tractor Umbrella: Concrete tractor weights: Bale spear:
Tools, Fencing, and Misc:
Schumacher Battery Charger, Air Compressor-Air America, Lincoln 180amp Welder, 2 Gas weed eaters, McCullough Chain Saw, Craftsman 19.25 hp 42” cut riding Lawn mower, Wire winder, wire, electric fence posts, cement troughs, slide in pickup caddy, Aluminum Extension ladder, post hole digger, handyman jacks, car ramps, electrical cords, & much more too numerous to mention.
TERMS and CONDITIONS: Cash/good cashable check. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements.
Randy Hilrichs Estate–owners
See pics:
Ivan Huenink-712-470-2003
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526