Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
When selling Commercial property, you want to go with a trusted professional who understands all the dynamics of Commercial property. All Commercial properties have specific uses and locations and our professionals through years of experience understand all the complexities of selling Commercial Property. Many of these complexities include but are not limited to proper zoning, conditional use zoning permits, applicable zoning laws, access to the property, property square footage needed for Commercial structure, proper zoning setbacks, incentives available through local development and so much more. Put the Zomer Company team to work for you!
We are a family owned full time Real Estate Company with over 75 years of combined experience in the Real Estate World. With 7 Agents, we cover Northwest Iowa and Southeast South Dakota! Call today and let us assist your selling process!! We would love to assist you in selling your property!
As an experienced professional who has helped many clients sell their property, we know how to handle every aspect of the sales process – from strategically marketing and showcasing your property to making sure everything's signed, sealed, and delivered by the closing date. Providing you with comprehensive, high-quality listing service is our top priority. So, when you decide to sell your property, please contact us and let's get started!
Marketing your property is one of the most important aspects of selling your home. Our professional agents will assist you in staging your property for the selling process and also help give you tips that will help you sell your property!! Our Zomer Company staff will prepare the brochures to showcase your property to the best of our ability!
As experienced professionals who has helped many clients sell their property, we know how to handle every aspect of the sales process – from strategically marketing and showcasing your home to making sure everything's signed, sealed, and delivered by the closing date. Providing you with comprehensive, high-quality listing service is our top priority. So, when you decide to sell your property, please contact us and let's get started!
Zomer Company specializes in listing properties for sale along with planning auctions. Review with your real estate professional the best method to sell your property.
Approx. 95% of buyers searches begin online. We advertise on our company website which receives approx. 4 million hits per month along with digital marketing through social media and several online advertising websites. We also post on the MLS which allows us to post your property on national websites such as Zillow, and etc. We also network with other real estate professionals that have potential buyers looking for certain types of properties.
We will conduct Open House on your property if you choose. We will also provide all the info needed to get your property ready for an open house!
We offer a direct mailing strategy to send flyers or postcards to rural or local areas to attract buyers with in a specific radius.