Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company

Sealed Bid Rent Opportunity To Rent 77.8+/- Tillable Acres Of Farmland In Canton TWP, Lincoln County, SD Just North Of Canton, SD! Bids Are Due By March 16, 2022!!

  • Sealed Bids
Auction Date:   March 16, 2022 - 5:00 pm
  • Lincoln County
  • SD

Sealed Bid Rent Opportunity



This Is A Great Opportunity To Rent A Nice Farm In Canton TWP, Lincoln County, SD!

This Farm Is Located Just North Of Canton, SD!


Description: This farm according to FSA consists of 77.8+/- tillable acres. This farm has an Agri-Data productivity soil rating of 66.9 and a county soil rating of .673. The predominant soils in the farm include: WhA-Wentworth-Chancellor, StD-Shindler, EcB-Egan-Chancellor, Cd-Chancellor-Viborg, La-Lamo, Ch-Chancellor-Wakonda-Tetonka, Gr-Graceville. This farm does have 17,000+ feet of drainage tile installed. This farm would make a great addition to your current farming operation!



Location: This farm is located from the Canton, SD firehall North 1 mile on 481st Ave and then ½ Mile West on 281st St.



Legal Description Of Property:_____ Tract 1 of the Dykstra Addition in the NW1/4 & NE ¼ of Section 14, TWP 98N, Range 49W, Lincoln County, SD & Tracts 2A & 3A of Dykstra Addition in the NW1/4 & NE1/4 of Section 14, TWP 98N, Range 49W, Lincoln County, SD

This lease is for the tillable land on these tracts only. Tenant will have no rights to the pastureland or CRP portion of these properties.



Lease Terms:


2 year cash rent lease

Full rent will be due on March 15 of each year.(When lease is signed first year)

Cornstalks/bean stubble cannot be baled without permission.

Tenant will be required to report APH yields each year.

Tenant will be required to furnish all fertilizer receipts for fertilizer applied.

Tenant will be required to turn over all soil samples for the farm if requested if tenant has completed any.

Tenant will be required to spray noxious weeds and maintain the property. Tenant must exercise proper care to ensure spray does not drift into the CRP or pastureland.

Tenant may not chop silage without permission.

Landlord reserves the right to ride ATV/UTV’s on the property during off season prior to spring planting and after fall harvest.

Landlord also reserves the right to ride ATV/UTV’s on the very border of the property between boundary and crops year round.

This farm has been signed up for the farm program and tenant will be able to assume this program as operator.



Bids must be submitted by March 16, 2022.



The bidder who is selected will be notified by March 21, 2022. If you receive no notification by March 21, 2022 your bid was not selected.



Please email mark@zomercompany.com for a bid submission form.



Bids may be submitted by mailing them to Zomer Company at 1414 Main St., Rock Valley, IA 51247 (Attn. Mark Zomer) or by emailing them to mark@zomercompany.com. Only bids submitted on a signed bid submission form will be accepted.



Call 712-476-9443 with any questions.





Listing Agent(s)

Darrell Vande Vegte
  • Auctioneer
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker