Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold
Thanks on Behalf of Kent & Sylvia to all who attended and bid onsite and Online from 10 plus states at the auction, Thanks again for all the support at our companies auctions!!!

February 16, 2023 @10:30 A.M.--Upcoming Live/Online Onsite Farm Equipment Retirement Auction To Be Held At The Former Sioux Center, IA Airport!--Kent & Sylvia Pruismann--Owners

Visit the catalog(s) to Bid Online:

Auction Date:   February 16, 2023 - 10:30 am
3030 360th St.,
  • Sioux Center
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Upcoming Live/Online Onsite

 Farm Equipment Retirement Auction

Of A 2011 New Holland T8.390 MFD Tractor, 2011 New Holland L230 Skidloader, Case 621F Payloader, 2011 Kenworth T370 Feed Truck With SAC Turbo Max 6170 Mixer Box, Houle 7300 Gallon Manure Tank, Case IH 870 7 Shank Disk Ripper, Case IH 496 24ft Disk, 2015 New Holland Roll Belt 560 Round Baler,

Artex CB2604 Vertical Beater Spreader & More!



Location: 3030 360th St., Sioux Center, IA 51250

 (Former Sioux Center, IA Airport)




Auction Date: February 16, 2023 @10:30 A.M.




Auctioneer’s Note:  We are honored to have been selected by Kent & Sylvia to offer for sale at auction this nice line of equipment! As Kent & Sylvia have sold their feedlot property and are relocating they have asked us to offer this nice line of equipment for sale at auction! Join us either in person or online at this auction! Thanks, Zomer Company Team






Tractors: 2011 New Holland T8.390 MFD Tractor—1 Owner—sn-zbrc04783, shows 3993 eng hours, POWERSHIFT, intelliview II monitor, left hand reverser, buddy seat, front/rear duals, 380/80R38 front tires, 480/80R50 rear tires, 4 sets of rear weights, big 1000 pto, 4 remotes, 3pt, quick hitch, def, trimble receiver, auto guidance (waas) : 1998 New Holland 8970 MFD Tractor—sn-d416737, shows 6868 hours, 420/85R30 front tires, 480/80R46 rear tires, 10 bolt hubs, 4 remotes, 1000 pto: John Deere 4640 Tractor— sn-4630H 00382R, shows 6789 hours, quad, 3pt, 3 remotes, 1000 pto, 480/80R46 tires, this tractor had an overhaul in 2012 and had the clutch rebuilt, new brake pads, new sychro and hub all in 2019: 1996 Case IH 5240 FWA Tractor—sn-jjf1058938, shows 20,186 hours, 14.9-24 front tires, 460/85R38 rear tires, 3 remotes, 3pt, 1000 pto: Oliver 1655 Diesel Tractor—sn-259-753-490, shows 8102 hours, rear fenders, cement wheel weights, 15.5-38 rear tires, wf, 3pt, 540 pto, 2 remotes: Oliver 1650 Diesel Tractor—sn-213-198-452, shows 7199 hours, wf, 15.5-38 rear tires, 540 pto, 3pt, 2 remotes, rear fenders




Feed Truck: 2011 Kenworth T370 Feed Truck W/ SAC Turbo Max 6170 Mixer Box—vin-2nkhln9xxcm296870, shows 66,489 miles, shows 17,317 hours, digistar ez4600 cab readout, left hand discharge, tandem rear axle, 11R22.5 rear tires, red dot condenser, Paccar engine, 315/80R22.5 tires, PB auto trans, in 2021 this truck had a new cam shaft installed, in 2019 this truck had an overhaul completed (all work completed by Mikes Service Garage)




Skidloader: 2011 New Holland L230 Skidloader—1 Owner—sn-nbm432332, airless flex solid tires, hyd quick tach, aux hyd, 2939 hours, radio, 2 speed




Skidloader Attachments: 71” skidloader quick tach funnel bucket: 83” skidloader quick tach bucket: 83” skidloader quick tach bucket with bolt on cutting edge: 74” skidloader quick tach: 76” skidloader quick tach fence line cleaner: Lowe Skidloader quick tach post hole auger—9” bit included: 14” post auger bit sold separate: 42” pallet forks:




Payloaders: 2012 Case 621F Payloader—sn-ncf216287, shows 11,372 hours, joystick, radio, ride control, commodity king, 20.5-25 tires, aux hyd: 2010 New Holland W130B Payloader—1 Owner, shows 14,421 hours,  sn-n7f200661, Titan 20.5R25 tires, radio, joystick control, JRB quick tach, aux hyd, sold with no attachments




Payloader Attachments: 104” JRB payloader bucket—bolt on cutting edge: 100” Payloader bucket: 5 tine Payloader bale spear: 7 tine 14ft Payloader manure pile composter: 12ft payloader tire scraper: 13ft payloader tire scraper: Grabtech 4 tine payloader bucket grapple (Grapple Only):




Disk: Case IH 496 24ft Disk—SN:JAG0164335, 3 bar harrow, 21” rear blades, 19 1/2” front blades, 9.5L-14 tires




Disk Ripper: 2010 Case IH 870 7 shank disk ripper—SN:JFH0043039, 16.5L-16.1 tires, rolling baskets, lights




Field Finisher: Krause 3119 20ft Soil Finisher—SN:1438, 15 1/2” disk blades, walking tandems, 10.00-15 tires, 3 bar harrow with rolling baskets




Soil Mover: Orthman FE8120 Soil Mover—21.5L-16.1 tires




Round Balers: 2015 New Holland Roll Belt 560 Round Baler—1 Owner, sn-yen184054, 40th anniversary baler, 21.5-16.1 tires, monitor, shows 17,388 bales: 2009 New Holland BR7090 Round Baler—1 owner, cornstalk special, monitor, 21.5-16.1 tires, sn-Y9N0427, shows 20,893 bales:




V Rakes: H&S Hi Capacity 12 Wheel V Rake:




Mixer Wagon: Knight 3160 Commercial Reel Mixer Wagon—445/65R22.5 tires, left hand discharge, 1000 pto




Manure Spreaders: Artex CB2604 Vertical Beater manure spreader—SN:A48179-0001-10-07479, 55” sides, big 1000 pto, 600/50-22.5 tires, Vertical beaters, GEA triple axle gear. 8ft x 30ft, Artex by Redwood: Artex CB600 Horizontal Beater Manure Spreader—SN:264410316, 43” tall sides, big 1000 pto, horizontal beaters, 650/50R22.5 tires, 8ft x 20ft




Slinger Spreader: Kuhn Knight 8132 Pro Twin Slinger Spreader—sn-d0151, tandem axle, 425/65R22.5 tires, missing rear gear box cover, hyd fold cover, 1000 pto




Manure Tank: Houle 7300 Gallon Manure Tanker—SN:1801-013261-486D6100, 28L-26 tires, lights, 1000 pto triple axle, Raven SCS660 controller, 5 injector Houle toolbar




Manure Pumps: 10ft Houle SP 3B 8 Manure Pump—SN:CAA41004759, 540 pto: 11ft Houle Manure Pump—SN:10040842103B9: pumps need work




Load Stands: 8” x 30ft Farm Star Load Stand: 8” x 36ft AWS Load Stand:




Flatbeds: 9ft x 23ft flatbed—Westendorf WW2416 gear, 385/65R22.5 tires: 8 1/2ft x 24ft Wooden Flatbed—Westendorf WW2416 gear, 385/65R22.5 tires:




Farm Equipment: Leon 2000 14ft silage blade—hyd swivel: Fair Snocrete 7ft 742A 3pt snowblower—1000 pto, 3pt: Demco 365bu Gravity Wagon—8 bolt Demco gear, 385/65R22.5 tires:  wire winder: 3pt bunk blower—IH silage blower conversion: 6ft x 12ft 2 wheel trailer: 3ft x 13ft mixer wagon gear: 500 Gallon Demco Sprayer—model HP, tandem axle, hyd driven, 60ft booms: 3 prong Westendorf bale spear:




Livestock Equipment: 3ft headgate with gate: 24ft, 26ft, 28ft guardrail sections: 20ft to 25ft misc angle iron: 25ft sections of sucker rod: 58 1/2” x 75” Livestock Carrier:




Diesel Barrel: 1,000 gallon diesel barrel—fill rite pump: 2—500 gallon diesel barrels—Fill rite pump: Approx 125 gallon diesel barrel—Fill Rite 12v pump:




Misc: Tractor chains: heavy duty electrical cord: 22—40KG New Holland suit case weights: 12—88# suitcase weights: several quick hitches: 1500 gallon poly tank:




Terms: cash or good cashable check. Credit card will also be accepted(3.5% fee added). All items purchased as is where is with any/all defects. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Auctioneers have the right to require certified check or wire for any purchases. No warranties expressed or implied. For online bidding terms see our website zomercompany.com




Kent & Sylvia Pruismann -Owners




Mark Zomer —712-470-2526   Blake Zomer-712-460-2552—

Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428– Bryce Zomer 712-451-9444

Ivan Huenink-712-470-2003—Gerad Gradert-712-539-8794—Joel Westra Jr.-605-957-5222

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent