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Zomer Company
  • Sold

October 2, 2021 @10:30 A.M.--Live Onsite Auction Of Farmland, An Acreage & Pastureland/Recreational Property Located In Fairview TWP & Eden TWP, Lincoln County, SD! This Auction Will Consist Of 4 Separate Tracts! Property #1 is located Southwest Of Fairview, SD & Properties 2 Through 4 Are Located on The East Edge Of Hudson, SD!-- Merlyn Miller Heirs--Owners

Auction Date:   October 2, 2021 - 10:30 am
29338 488th Ave., Hudson, SD

Upcoming Live Public Auction Of An Acreage Site, Cropland & Pastureland/Recreational Property

To Be Sold in 4 Separate Tracts!

These Properties Are Located in Eden & Fairview TWP, Lincoln County, SD 

The East Edge Of Hudson, SD & Southwest of Fairview, SD!


Property #1: 40+/- Acres Of Farmland In Fairview TWP, Lincoln County, SD! 


Property #2: Will consist of 35.74 Acres of Pastureland/Recreational Property Which adjoins the Big Sioux River


Property #3: Will consist of 11.39 acres of cropland which adjoins 488th St on the South side


Property #4: Will consist of a 6.38 acre acreage site which offers scenic views of the Big Sioux River 





Auction Date:  October 2, 2021 @ 10:30 A.M.



Property #1 Location: From Fairview, SD go 3 miles South on 486th Ave to 290th ST. then go 3/4 mile West on 290th St. to the farm. Farm is located on the South side of 290th St.



Properties 2, 3 & 4’s Location: 29338 488th Ave., Hudson, SD from the East edge of Hudson SD go East on 488th to the rail road tracks and then go North on 488th Ave on the East side of the tracks to the acreage. For property 3 go East on 488th St from the East edge of Hudson and cross the rail road tracks approx. 1/4 mile. For property 2 continue East on 488th St from property 3 for 1/4 mile further to property 2. Properties 3 & 4 are on the North side of 488th St and property 2 is on the South side of 488th St.  Auction signs posted. Watch zomerauctions.com for inclement weather.  Auction will be held at Property #4 (acreage site).






Auctioneers Note: We are proud to present for the Miller family these properties for sale at auction! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase an acreage, cropland or pastureland/recreation property in this area as not many properties are offered for sale in this area! These properties have been in the Miller family for many years! Be sure to attend an open house to view this property or schedule a private tour today! Make plans to attend!!




Legal Description of Property #1: The NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 34, TWP 97N, Range 48W, West of the 5th P.M., Lincoln County, SD Subject to all public easements and roads of record. 



General Description of Property #1: This property consists 40+/- gross acres according to the Lincoln County Assessor. This property has approx. 38.9 Acres of tillable farmland with the remainder in road/ditch. This farm has a corn base of 25.5 acres with a PLC yield of 141bu. And a soybean base of 12.6 acres with a PLC yield of 45bu. The predominant soil types include: MoB-Moody, MpC2-Moody-Nora, CpD2-Crofton-Nora. The productivity index according to Agri-Data is 66 and the county soil rating on the property is .770. The farm lies adjoining 290th St on the North side. This farm is 97.2% tillable!! This property has one building eligibility with the property.This farm is in a great location and also provides an opportunity to purchase a smaller tract of farmland! Land in this area is not often offered for sale! Make plans today to attend this auction!




Legal Description of Property #2: Tract 4 in Millers Addition in Section 18, TWP 96N, Range 47, West of the 5th P.M.,  Lincoln County, SD. Subject to all public easements and roads of record. 




General Description Of Property #2: This property consists of 35.74 gross surveyed acres. This property consists of approx. 19.5 acres of pastureland and approx. 16.24 acres of trees/recreational property. This property offers a unique opportunity to purchase pastureland/recreational property adjoining the Big Sioux River and also adjoining a hard surface road. This property has no building eligibility.This property is located on the South Dakota side of the Iowa & South Dakota border! Pastureland/Recreational property is not often offered for sale in this area! Make plans today to attend this auction!!

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Legal Description of Property #3: Tract 3 in Millers Addition in Section 18, TWP 96N, Range 47, West of the 5th P.M. And the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 13, TWP 96N, Range 48, West of the 5th P.M., Lincoln County, SD. Subject to all public easements and roads of record. 




General Description of Property #3: This property consists of 11.39 gross surveyed acres. This property has approx. 11.21 Acres of tillable farmland with the remainder in road/ditch. This farm has a corn and soybean base combined with the adjoining farmland with a PLC yield of 141bu. On corn and a PLC yield of 45bu. On soybeans. The predominant soil types include: Da-Davis, ThB-Thurman, Gr-Graceville, DkB-Delmont, Bo-Bon. The productivity index according to Agri-Data is 74.1 and the county soil rating on the property is .725. The farm lies adjoining 488th St on the South side. This farm is in a great location and also provides an opportunity to purchase a smaller tract of farmland! This property has one building eligibility. This property also lies adjoining the acreage site. Make plans today to attend this auction!




Legal Description of Property #4: Tract 2 in Millers Addition in Section 18, TWP 96N, Range 47, West of the 5th P.M. And the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 13, TWP 96N, Range 48, West of the 5th P.M., Lincoln County, SD. Subject to all public easements and roads of record. 




General Description of Tract #4: Wow! Location Location! This acreage site has it all with close access to a hard surface road and close proximity to the Iowa/South Dakota border and Hudson, SD and not to mention the great views this property offers of the Big Sioux River! This acreage site consists of 6.38 surveyed acres! The home on the property includes a 2 story home with a single detached garage. The main floor of the home consists of kitchen, dining room, living room, master bedroom with bathroom, 2nd bedroom and main floor bathroom! The 2nd level of the home features 2 additional bedrooms for a total of 4 bedrooms in this home! The lower level of the home is unfinished. This home has central a/c, a propane furnace, cement board siding and asphalt shingles. The outbuildings on the property include a open front cattle shed which opens to a cattle yard, a cement block storage building and other smaller outbuildings! This property is on Rock Valley rural water and Mid America elec and has private septic system. This property may be in an area designated as a flood plain. Please contact your lending source for determination. This property has several well established trees and offers a very secluded location overlooking the Big Sioux River




Method of Sale: Properties will be sold in the order listed and will not be combined in any way. Property #4 will be sold in total dollars and Properties #1, #2 & #3 will be sold per acre with the final bid price x the gross acres. All properties will be sold from the site of Property #4 (acreage site)




Open House: Open House will be held on Sept. 7, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. and on September 15, 2021 from 5:30 P.M.—7:00 P.M. or by appointment                 




Taxes: Property #1 taxes are approx. $714.52 per year. The taxes will need to be re-assessed for property’s 2 through 4 by Lincoln County, SD due to the recent survey.




Terms: Purchaser (s) will be required to pay a non-refundable $10,000.00 as earnest money deposit on the acreage site and 15% of the purchase price as earnest money deposit on property #1, #2 & #3 and agree to enter into a purchase agreement immediately following the auction with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day on or before November 8, 2021 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. This property is being sold as a cash sale with no finance contingencies and as is, where is, with any/all defects and encroachments if any. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. No warranties are expressed or implied. All buyers are encouraged to do buyers due diligence. Any lines on maps are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be actual boundary lines of the property. All measurements, years built, footages, etc are assumed to be correct but are not guaranteed. Owners title insurance and closing fee shall be split 50/50 between the buyer and seller. Closing shall be conducted by Lincoln County Title. Any announcements made day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Any new fencing must be done according to SD Statutes. This Property is being sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Real Estate brokers are representing the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact auctioneers listed below Jim Pickner–Attorney for sellers.


Merlyn Miller Heirs — Owners

Click Here for Auction Booklet


Auctioneers/Re Agents:

Mark Zomer —712-470-2526

Ryan Zomer-712-441-3970—Joel Westra-605-957-5222




Type of Home: 2 story
Roof Type: asphalt
Siding Type: cement board
Furnace Type: Lennox propane
A/C: central
Master Bedroom: 11.7 x 18 main
Bedroom #2: 12.5 x 14 main
Bedroom #3: 12 x 14 up
Bedroom #4: 9 x 13.3 up
Master Bathroom: 5 x 8 w/shower
Main Floor Bathroom: 6 x 11.6 w/tub and shower
Garage Size: 16 x 19
Kitchen: 10.7 x13.3
Dining Room: 12.5 x 13.3
Living Room: 12.5 x 17.3
Laundry / Utility: 9.10 x 11.5
Den: 8.7 x 13.4 main

Listing Agent(s)

Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker