Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

October 2, 2010 - Farm Machinery Auction - John Byl

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   October 2, 2010 - 11:00 am
  • Sioux Center
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Upcoming Public Auction




SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M.

LOCATION: 2968 400TH St. Sioux Center, IA. or from Snieder Insurance Company(B-40 East and Hwy75) go 1 ½ miles West on 9th St./B44


AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Make plans today to attend this auction as John is offering his collection of antique tractors, antiques and collectibles and misc. tools etc. at Public auction. Tractors will be sold at 1:00 PM. Listen to 570-WNAX for weather related announcements!!

TRACTORS: H Farmall, SN#48564, 11.2.38 rear rubber, rear fenders, OD, side pulley, restored—very nice: JD # 60 SN#6051550, 13.6.38 rear rubber, ps: WD Allis SN#130619, rear fenders: JD A- SN#696753, Behlen ps, live hyd, roll o matic nf: JD A-SN#669363: JD A –SN#661653-roll o matic nf: : JD A SN#373094, Behlen ps, live hyd, roll o matic nf:

TRACTOR PARTS AND ASSESSORIES: 2 sets of JD rear fenders: JD pto shields: H pulley: M pulley: PTO shield for H or M: JD wheel weights:

GOLF CART AND WAGON: Club car golf cart, gas, white-nice cond: EZ –Go golf cart –no engine, w/hitch: green 4 wheel coaster wagon w/rubber tires:

ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLE ITEMS: Russel wood beam walking plow: roll over walking plow-all steel—imported from Italy: ox yoke-imported from Italy:   Minneapolis Moline seed cleaner: push lawn mowers: scythes: single horse harnesses: horse hanes/eveners: horse shoes: horse collar: buck saw: 2 and 5 gallon JD oil cans: nail pullers: large assortment of Ford car wrenches: old wrenches: bull horn weights: hand grindstones: hand seeder: rug beaters: ice tongs: misc. scale parts and scales: croquet set: wooden barrel wash machine: beaver hide stretchers: McCormick Deering cream separators: McCormick Deering hand corn sheller: lanterns: license plates: oilers: rinse tubs: pot bellied stove: cast iron pans: cigar boxes and tins: pipes: misc. tins: 2 cistern pumps-chain type: wood and metal ammo boxes: lightning rods: Maytag motor: wooden and steel hay pulleys: Meyer Sherman Model 25 milking pump: watering cans: wooden dyes from Roorda plant: engine cranks: 10 gallon milk cans: antique brake bleeder: sad irons: nail kegs: wooden water jug: hand washing machines: weed sprayer can: DeLaval, Surge, McDeering milk buckets: wire stretcher: lots of misc:

TOOLS AND MISC.: hand saws: 12v Tulsa wrench: misc. forks and scoops: helicopter sprinkler: boat seats: depth finder: scroll saw: drill press: band saw: DeWalt radial arm saw: Craftsman 4 ½” jointer/planer: router: Delta 10” compound mitre saw: Delta 4” belt sander/disc sander: Rockwell 10” table saw: 2 Shop Smith tool centers 1/w attachments: misc. hand tools: auto body roll over jig: buzz saw: storage boxes: funnels: engine mounts: misc. tractor tool boxes: corn knives: (2) 24’ wooden ext. ladders: seed corn planter: jacks: belting: car ramps: traps: lots of misc.: 100 + misc. assorted steel wheels-some rear tractor rims

FARM MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK MISC.: 600 gallon sprayer on 4 wheel gear: manure carrier w/rail: 3 pt disc: 3 pt side rake: horse cultivator: Moline seeder: 3 bottom 3 pt Dearborn plow: 6 tumble bugs: pickup box trailer: chicken waterers and feeders: kerosene tank for brooder: misc. items:

 FANS ETC: (3) 4’ x 5’ large 27500 CFM, 1100 rpm centrifugal fans made by Peerless Elec. Co.:

TERMS: cash/good cashable check, not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any

JOHN BYL—OWNER—712-395-1810


Don Krommendyk-712-470-3203             Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

Listing Agent(s)

Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker