Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Directions: From the intersection of US HWY 18 & SD HWY 11 on the West edge of Canton, SD go North for 2 1/4 miles. Property is located on the East side of SD HWY 11.
Legal Description: Tract 2 of Wilson Addition in the SW1/4 of Section 4, TWP 98N, Range 49W, Lincoln County, SD.
General Description: This property has been surveyed and consists of approx. 76.88 gross acres of pastureland! This pastureland is in a great location and has excellent source of water from Beaver creek which flows through the property. This property is accessible from HWY 11 through an access easement from the adjoining property. The predominant soil types of this pasture include: SuF-Steinauer-Shindler, Sa-Salmo, StD-Shindler-Tamo, SkD2-Shindler-Egan, Eab-Egan, EsB-Egan-Shindler, WeA-Wentworth, AcB-Alcester, Ca-Chancellor-Tetonka. This pastureland has an Agri-Data productivity rating of 31. This is a productive pasture in an area where pastureland is not always available! Cow/Calf Operators & Outdoorsmen do not miss out on this opportunity!
The buyer of this property will be required to do some fence installation between this property and the adjacent property. Contact Agent for details. This pastureland is being sold with no housing eligibilities.
Taxes: Taxes will be reassessed by the county due to the recent survey division.
Possession: Buyer will receive full possession of the pastureland on March 1, 2023
Terms: 15% Earnest money deposit due with an offer.
Agent Contact: Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Price: Contact Agent For Details.