Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

May 31, 2012 - Household Items Auction - Jeanette Van Den Top

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   May 31, 2012 - 6:00 pm
  • Rock Valley
  • Sioux County
  • IA

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Of a 1 owner- 1993 Buick Park Avenue car (only 66,955 miles),

Swisher & Ariens Lawn mowers, Ariens Snowblower, Household goods & Collectible Items

Thursday May 31, 2012

Sale time: 6:00 P.M.

Location: 1107 11th Ave. Rock Valley, IA. or from Coop in Rock Valley go 1 block West on Hwy 18 to 11th Ave. then go 1 ½ blocks North.

***Bizzy Beez lunch on grounds***

Auctioneers note: We are honored to have been asked to conduct this auction for the Jeanette Van Den Top family. As Jeanette has moved to Whispering Heights in Rock Valley, offered on public auction will be a clean low mileage Buick Park Avenue car w/only 66,955 miles, a very clean line of household goods, mower, tiller and misc. tools and collectibles. Make plans today to attend!! For inclement weather listen to FM93.9

Car: 1993 Buick Park Avenue w/3800 eng., pw, pl, white –w/red cloth interior—fully loaded—new battery—new windshield–1 owner—only 66,955 miles—SHARP!

Household items: GE 17.7 cu ft refrigerator-almond: Mastercraft loveseat: glider rocker: navy wingback chair: round Oak dinette table w/4 chairs, 2 leaves: table w/10 chairs: end table w/mag. rack and lamp: 3 pc bedroom set w/queen bed w/pillow top mattress/dresser w/mirror and chest style dresser: misc. lamps: microwave cart: microwave dishes: silverware: utensils: Tupperware: lap trays: misc. glasses: crock pot: pots and pans: West Bend popcorn popper: George Foreman grill: food chopper: waffle iron: salad master: (3) Bunn coffee pots: ice cream maker: fry pan: casserole dishes: bakeware: misc. plates/dishes: toaster oven: hot plate: air pot: meat grinder: GE elec. fry pan: apple peeler/corer: juicer: barometer: Iron: Magnavox boom box: fans: puzzles: picnic basket: coolers: (2) Electrolux vacuums: Montgomery Ward sewing machine: Crosley dehumidifier: lifejackets: religious books: luggage: lots of misc. items to numerous to list:

Mowers, Snowblower and misc. outdoor items: Swisher zero turn mower w/8 hp eng. w/32” cut:  Ariens SX724 7 hp snowblower: Ariens LM215 -5.5 hp push mower w/bagger: Coast to Coast fert. spreader: brooms: shovels: spades: rakes: elec. weed eater: Weed Eater elec. leaf blower: elec. B & D hedge trimmer: coaster wagon: runner sled: outdoor wooden bench: wooden lawn chairs: flower pots: hoses: hose reels:

Fishing misc.: Lowrance fish finder: wire fish basket: tackle boxes w/tackle: rods and reels: fishing seats: fish nets: minnow bucket: misc. items:

Tools: Master Mechanic 10” band saw: B & D jigsaw: Value Craft 15” scroll saw: Master Mechanic sander: Montgomery Ward batt. charger: B & D 3/8 drill: Master Mech. Polisher: Test Rite tool box: propane tank heater: propane tank: socket sets: ext cords: Werner 5 ft ladder: saw horses: level: misc. hand tools: c clamps: 6 gallon wet/dry vac: 2 step stepstool: lots of misc. items:

Collectible items: round claw ft end table: plant stands: Farmers Coop-Hull pie plate: coffee pots: 3 gal. crock: blue crock bowl: Crock cookie jar: ceramic cookie jar: 8 pc China set: enamel coffee pot: ironing board: (2) wood high chairs: wood dinette chair: (2)pipe stands w/tobacco canisters: standing ash tray: braided rugs: brownie cameras: eyeglasses: Structo truck/trailer: barge wagon: enamelware: copper boiler: LC Smith typewriter: carome board: pic frames: wood bench: Plueger reel: shoulder jug: records: hurricane lamp: pocket knives: Farmers Lumber wood tray: misc. items:

Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Not responsible for theft of items purchased. Zomer clerking

Jeanette Van Den Top—owners


Mark Zomer -712-470-2526

Darrell Vande Vegte—712-726-3428

Listing Agent(s)

Rick Childress
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Real Estate Agent