Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company

May 22, 2010 - Toys, Antiques, & Collectibles Auction - Bob & Cherie Groeneweg

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   May 22, 2010 - 10:00 am

Indoor Auction

Of 200+ toys and Antiques and Collectibles

Saturday May 22, 2010 @ 9:30 A.M.

Location: 2565 280th St. or from Pump n Pak in Rock Valley, IA. go 3 miles North on Blktop K-30 to 280th St. then go ½ mile East


Auctioneers Note: As Bob is relocating to town due to health reasons—he will be offering his antiques and collectibles and also antique bikes and toys on Public Auction. This will be a large auction with 2 rings running most of the day—so take a friend and plan to spend the day. The order of the sale will be 2 rings starting at 9:30 AM with 1 ring starting on toys at 10:00 AM.  Bicycles will be sold at approx. 12:00 PM. This will be an indoor auction w/seating available.

ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Metal signs including Trojan seed corn, Mallard seed corn, Pfister Hybrids, Hy Line, Wallace Farmer, Coop, Gro Coated etc: Lg Firestone metal sign: Good Year tire sign: Funks G seed corn sign: Monroe Shock absorber Thermometer: stained glass window: WC Kooiman calendar/mirror: WC Kooiman thermometer: Old Style beer clock: Hires Root Beer clock: Coca Cola clock: Cenex clock: Pioneer clock: Sessions mantle clock:  20” school house bell w/#20 Yoke: 14” bell: barn cupolas: (2) Standard Oil Co. 30 gallon oil drums w/pumps: (6) 60 gallon Standard Oil Co. oil drums w/pumps: sad irons: bale carrier: steel yard gate: walking plow: McCormick Deering hand corn sheller: McCormick wood hand corn sheller: manufactured by Twin City Separator Co. wooden grader—nice: push sickle mower: metal lawn chairs: walk behind garden cultivator: de horners: many spades/shovels/grain scoops/scythes 3 & 4 tine pitchforks– all with wooden handles: lots of nail kegs: lg assort. 5 and 10 gallon cream cans: Tinkertoys, American Bricks, Lincoln logs: 2 gallon Redwing clock: Coop oil/grease cans: Griswold cast iron pans: Phillips 66  wheel bearing grease can: Mobile oil grease can: Seed & Feed sacks including Pioneer, Kinscrost, DeKalb, Coyote, Clover Hill, etc. –nice cond.: Cyclone grass seeder: Sioux Hatchery bag: Schoenman Warburton Lumber nail pouch: Coop tire display racks: gas torches: meat grinders: wood/steel pulleys: IH tool box: misc. IH wrenches: IH wheel wrench: IH grease gun: IH fire ext.:  IH G 3170 wrench: JD wrenches: IH tool box: misc. IH wrenches: IH wheel wrench: IH V8 valve covers: 1 gallon IH tractor fluid can: IH belt buckle: IH 32 oz metal milker pump oil can: S wrenches etc: shoe repair stands: buggy steps: 28” buzz saw blade w/pulley: Shelton #14 wood plane: corn planter stakes: steel wheels: metal seats: horse shoes: window weights: Landcaster Champion blower drill press: cow stanchions: (2) IH cream separator bowls: Stainless Steel milk bucket: barn windows: hand corn sheller: approx. (30) fishing rods/reels including JC Higgins, SportKing, Pflueger Trump etc.: Phils stove: Maytag wringer/washer w/owners manual and bill of sale: Maytag oil can: Dexter wringer/washer: glass milk bottles: ½ pint glass milk bottles: Coca Cola crates: misc. pop crates: shoulder jugs: square and round egg baskets: (4)wooden chicken crates—nice cond.: ice cream makers: coal buckets: hand cistern pumps: cast iron tractor seat: 32 oz metal Surge vac pump oil can: enamelware: fruit jars w/glass lids: lots of misc. tins including Calumet baking powder, Nashes coffee tin, Monkey Grip, Millars Magnet Cocoa etc.: Big Beam flashlight: misc. table and floor lamps: cigar boxes: several Halloween masks: Dazey glass butter churn: Remington typewriter: Hedman checkwriter: rotary phone: misc. old games including Combat and others: old puzzles: Mickey Mantel bat:  wooden sleds including American Flyer, Our Own hardware and Ace Pacer: 4 hole wire spoke wheel: cuckoo clocks: braided rugs: coin operated bubble gum machine: misc. record albums: 8 track tapes including Elvis, Dick Clark etc: 8 track player for vehicle: lots of misc. pictures: misc. lanterns including Coast to Coast, Dietz #2, Mastercraft #2 etc: misc. glassware: brass pieces: lots of misc. to numerous to list.

Antique Farm Machinery/Windmill : Triple box wagon w/gear and wood wheels: wagon spring seat: sleigh bottom for triple box wagon:  No. 7 McCormick horse drawn sickle mower:  Dempster windmill-complete: IH single rw horse drawn cultivator: walking potato plow: IH horse drawn seeder:

Guns: Marlin 12 gauge pump: Winchester Model 20 410: Crossman Outbacker BB gun: Daisy and Red rider BB guns:

Toys: IH 400, Murray and Carton pedal tractors: all toys listed are 1/16th scale–IH planter  precision #6: (2)IH 450 tractor : IH 560: (5)IH 806: IH 856 and 966:  IH 1466: grain drill: IH sheepsfoot: Loadstar tilt bed: IH barge wagon: pull type combine: IH TD24 electric crane: IH 1066: IH 806: IH 1456: IH 915 combine: Tonka toys including pickups, horse trailer, cement trucks, ladder truck, dragline truck, livestock semi, sand loader, dozer, forklift etc.: Structo toys including–cranes, crawler, bulldozer, grader, misc. trucks, fire trucks, cement mixers, semi logger, transport/furniture semis etc: Approx 200 toys to numerous to list:

Furniture: (6) matching pressback chairs-nice: 3 misc. pressback chairs: approx. 8—3 spoke chairs: approx. 12– 4 spoke chairs:  wooden highchairs: wooden rockers: round claw ft kitchen table: sewing rocker w/tapestry seat: square kitchen table w/6 chairs: Serpentine front dresser w/beveled glass mirror and claw ft: white 4 pc single bed set w/canopy frame-compete: brass full size bed: Mont. Ward upright radio: (4) wooden school desks: desk parts: misc. furniture: Lakeside Chicago USA pump organ: misc. furniture:

Oil/fuel cans: 5 gallon cans including Mobil, Skelly, Archer, Coop, Conoco, Champion, United MP, Phillips 66, Coop Qwik lift, Farm Oyl etc:  Standard gear lub. can: Standard 5 gallon 2/4 D weed killer can: Champlin hyd fluid: Columbian steel 10 gallon oil can: Standard Oil Co. 5 gallon fuel can w/flip lid: Standard Oil Co. 10 gallon fuel can:

Antiques bikes etc.: JC Higgins mens bike w/headlight/chrome: Deluxe Speed Cruiser mens bike–blue: Deluxe Speed Cruiser womens bike–red: Hawthorne mens bike-blk: Hawthorne kids bike:  rare 2 wheel kids bike: approx. 30—Hawthorne, Coast King, Huffy, Murray, Columbia, Tru Test, Hiawatha, Western Flyer, JC Higgins, Monarch, Sears etc. mens and womens bikes to numerous to list: 2 & 3 wheel scooters: scooter parts: assorted bike parts including seats, baskets, tires, pedals etc.: 3 coaster wagons:

Terms: Credit card/cash/good cashable check, not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of sale will supersede any advertisements.


Absentee Bidding day of sale –call-712-441-3970

    Bob and Cherie Groeneweg-owners

Questions call-712-470-0554


Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

    Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428 

Don Krommendyk-712-470-3203

   Dave Koedam-712-470-2505

Listing Agent(s)

Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker