Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Large Upcoming Public Live Tool Auction in Hull, IA
Auction will be held Rain or Shine
in the Hull Lumberyard building
Craftsman 30 gal 6 hp upright air compressor: Delta 1 ½ hp dust collector:Powermatic 15″ Model 15HH thickness planer-220v: Grizzley Model G1531 6” x 80” edge sander: Sears Model #113.24350 Craftsman 12” band saw: Powermatic Model 54 6” jointer w/helica/cutter head: Festool vacuum w/sander and hose: Cutting torch-near new: Craftsman 16” x 4” sander w/stand: Lots of misc. Hand tools, wood, trim, lumber, concrete tools, Scaffolding, Drywall tools, etc:
Saturday May 19, 2018 @10:30 A.M.
Location: 808 Main St. Hull, IA or directly across from Hull Medical Center
Auctioneers Note: As Ike has sold his business, he is offering at public auction his own personal tools and etc. This is just a partial listing due to Ike still going through his items. This will be a large auction with many surprise items!! Make plans today to attend!!
Trailers: 16’ tandem axle car trailer: lawn cart:
Tools: Craftsman 30 gal 6 hp upright air compressor: Delta 1 ½ hp dust collector: Powermatic 15″ Model 15HH thickness planer-220v: Grizzley Model G1531 6” x 80” edge sander: Sears Model #113.24350 Craftsman 12” band saw: Powermatic Model 54 6” jointer w/helica/cutter head: Festool vacuum w/sander and hose: Cutting torch-near new: Craftsman 16” x 4” sander w/stand: MBW ground pounder compactor w/5.5 hp Honda eng: Delta unisaw w/Biese meyer fence system: blow torch w/tank: steel table w/bench vise/grinder: numerous table saws: Delta air purifier: 3-rolling scaffold: 1-12L x 12W 250# alum scaffold plank: 1-12Lx 14w 500# alum scaffold plank: 2—16L x 14W 500# alum scaffold planks: 1-20L x 12W 250# alum scaffold plank: 1-20l x 14w 500# alum scaffold plank: 3-200 gal S.S. tanks on pedestals: 2—6’ Bauer double sided stepladders: 6’ stepladder: 8’ wood stepladder: 10’ wood stepladder: 1-38’ aluminum ext ladder: manhole cistern cover w/ring: 30”x 36” cast iron floor drain cover: Craftsman 12 gal 5 hp shop vac Peerless 6’ wooden door jamb level: 10 boxes of 8d Bostitch stick nails: assorted rolls of 3/16, ¼, 5/16 braided cable: misc used wheels: squirrel cage fans: large box fans: temporary light strings: t squares: framing squares: large metal cabinet w/drawers: wrench sets: socket sets: potato forks: screw jacks: bar clamps: pistol grip clamps: c clamps: misc. elec supplies: misc plumbing supplies: jumper cables: Poulan gas chainsaw: Milwaukee drywall gun and misc. drywall tools: drywall stilts: tool belts: attic fan: alum shovels: air tank: hard hats: steel post pounder: grease guns: motors: gas tanks: come alongs: 3 ½ gal concrete sprayers: concrete rakes: pry bars: red rosin paper: bench fise: misc steel and poly tool boxes: Craftsman tool chest: Corwell tool box base: wood chisels: handy man jacks: log chains: several battery operated drills: ½” elec drills: floor brooms: lots of assorted hand tools: trash cans: Polly 55 gal barrels: air hoses: ext cords: lots of misc. items to numerous to list:
Flooring/ wood/lumber/trim: 14-10’ x 3 ¼ x ¾ T and G fir flooring –new: misc sheets of plywood: new short 2 x 4, 1 x 4 and 2 x 6’s: misc corner bead, L bead: misc used trim/baseboard: misc redwood/cedar lumber:random lengths of steel–6′ to 12′-great for windbreak/roof/etc:
Terms: Cash/good cashable check. Credit/debit cards also accepted. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements: Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased.
Ike and Phyllis Uittenbogaard–owners
Don Krommendyk-712-470-3203
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526