Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold

March 6-Retirement Machinery Auction JD 7220 Tractor, JD 7410 Tractor, JD 1760 Planter, CIH 1660 Combine, Timpte 50′ Grain Trailer, Landoll 6230 Disk--Jeff and Cheryl Plucker Owners--Thanks to the super large crowd over 350 people that attended!!

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   March 6, 2015 - 10:00 am
27328 459th Avenue, Chancellor, SD 57015, USA
  • Turner County
  • SD

Retirement Machinery Auction

JD 7220 Tractor, JD 7410 Tractor, JD 1760 Planter,

CIH 1660 Combine, Timpte 50′ Grain Trailer, Landoll 6230 Disk

Friday, March 6th, 2015 10:30 A.M.

Auctioneers Note: Jeff and Cheryl have sold their acreage and are moving to Wyoming and will offer their equipment at public auction. This is an excellent lineup of equipment that is well maintained and serviced including tractors, combine, tillage equipment, livestock equipment and much more! Make plans to attend this auction today. Location: 27328 459th Avenue Chancellor, SD 57015. From Chancellor, SD 2 miles north on County Road #41 (461st Ave) 2 miles west on County Road #20 (275th St) and 1 ¾ miles north on 459th Ave or from Parker, SD 5 miles east on County Road #20 (275th St) and 1 ¾ miles north on 459th Ave.
Tractors/Loader: John Deere 7220 MFD, 3,442 hrs, new rubber, new air seat, power quad, left hand reverser, 3 hyd, RW7220R036149; JD 7410 MFD, 9073 hrs, quad, RH reverser, 18.4-38, wheel weights, JD joystick, RW7410H010145; Miller PL3 loader, grapple, spear, new cutting edge, pins, bushings, rebuilt cylinders, work done by Miller (sold as option on tractor); 7410 mounts; JD 8450 3208hrs, quad, 3pt, pto, 4 hyd. new exhaust, new head, steering cylinders, all new AC, 20.8-34 rubber, cast duals, with 6 way Leon blade; JD 4430 529 hours on overhaul, 11,000 total hours, quad, 3hyd, lift assist, new AC, 18.4-38, front weights/rock box.
Combine/heads: CIH 1660 3,989 hrs, Ag leader monitor, 24.5-32 tires, chaff spreader, through shop yearly. CIH 963 corn head, 6-30’s, completely rebuilt in 2014; CIH 1020 bean head, 3 rock guard.
Grain Trailer/Trucks: 2009 Timpte 50′ Ag hopper, new brakes/linkage, triple axle/tag, newer tires; 1999 Freightliner FLD120 semi, 3406E Cat, 13 speed, 968,000 miles, underhaul, 24.5 low pro tires; Ford 900 truck, 20’ Obeco steel box, twin screw, 5X4 transmission, 477 gas.
Farm Equipment: 2014 JD 1760 planter, 12-30’s (only used 600 acres), flex, liquid fert, 3 bu. boxes, Precision clean sweep, Yetter trash whippers, MudSmith gauge wheels, nice; Landoll 6230 23’ disk, harrow; 1996 New Holland 664 round baler, auto wrap, kicker, (bought new); Knight 3300 feed wagon, scale, new augers/pan; Bobcat 7753 skidloader, 1,693 hours, bale spear, extra 80” bucket; JD 3970 silage cutter; 3 row; completely rebuilt; JD 590 grain cart; Gehl 1410 manure spreader, new apron, slop gate; Wil-Rich field cultivator, 31’ harrow; New Holland HT154 12 wheel rake (nice); JD MX7 3pt mower; New Holland 278 square baler, accumulator; Krause 4600 12rw cultivator; Great Plains 12’ grain drill; NH 1475 haybine 16′, updated sickle drives; Broyhill 60’ sprayer, new valves/plumbing/pump, New Raven 440 monitor; Pull type 150 gal sprayer, boomless tips; Roorda manure spreader; Parker gravity wagon, tarp, hyd. auger; Feterl 10X27 hyd. truck auger; Feterl 10X66 with swing hopper; Farm King snow blower; mower trailer; 3pt. bale mover; 80” bucket; rock bucket; 5′ hay pickup; 3pt 5th wheel; water tanks; tires, 3pt sprayer.
Misc. Equipment: 1000 gal fuel tank, GPI pump; JD 80 gal hyd/motor oil stand (nice); Napa 5hp 80 gal. air compressor (nice); Magna Force air compressor; hyd. wire winder; Kimble grade 8 bolt bin; hammer drill; Ingersoll Rand 1 inch impact wrench; cherry picker; power washer; 20 ton press; saddle tanks, weight bracket; quick hitch; Knipco; wash bin; electric grease guns; tools chests; parts bin; more miscellaneous items!
Livestock equipment: Verns Creep Feeder; Sioux Steel bunks; (5 brand new) Divine 10′ cement bunks; Sioux calving pen; 27 Behlen panels; 3 Sioux gates; 2 Wrangler horse stall fronts; coral panels; A-1 cattle fogger/tank; fencing equipment, posts (steel, wood, railroad ties); horse feeder; calf shelters; Sioux calf warmer.
Feed: 300 ton corn silage; 150 ton oat silage; hay/straw round and square bales.
Terms: Cash/Sales tax collected.

Jeff and Cheryl Plucker Owners

Joel A. Westra Broker Associate, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222
Joel R. Westra, Broker, Beresford, SD 605-310-6941
Pete Atkins, Broker Associate, Tea, SD 605-351-9847
Mark Zomer, Broker, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent