Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold
Sold for Tract 1-$10,300.00-Tract 2-$11,000.00

March 21, 2012 - 182.73 Acres of Lyon County, IA Farmland & Acreage

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   March 21, 2012 - 10:00 am
  • George
  • Lyon County
  • IA



WEDNESDAY MARCH 21, 2012—Sale time: 10:30 A.M.

LOCATION: From Jurrens Funeral Home in George, IA. go 3 ½ miles West on 210th St./ Blktop A-34 to beginning of land.

Auction to be held at site of land—Auction signs will be posted!

Auctioneers note: We are honored to have been asked and appreciate the opportunity to offer at public auction these tracts of farmland/acreage site for Erwin Heeren Estate. This attractive farm and acreage site has been in this family for over 100+ years and presents a once in a lifetime opportunity. This farm has excellent soils and would make an excellent addition to anyone’s current farming operation or would make a great investment! This is a rare opportunity to purchase some PRIME farmland in this location.

LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 1: Parcel F located in the Fractional NW ¼ of Section 5, Twp 98N, Range 44W of he 5th P.M. Lyon County, IA. subject to public roads and easements of record.  

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 1: This highly productive tract contains 80.12 +/-acres of farmland and has according to the Lyon County FSA 62.54 tillable acres with the balance in road and pasture/creek etc. Buyer will receive in fall of 2012 –$613.00 for rent on 14.32 acres of pasture. This farm has a combined corn base and soybeans base with Tract 2. The predominant soil types include: 310B, 310B2, 310C2-Galva silty clay loam, 430-Ackmore silty clay loam and 311B-Galva. This farm is classified as non-HEL. This farm has an average corn suitability rating of approx 64 on the tillable acres. This farm has some tile. This farm is well maintained and managed and provides an excellent opportunity to anyone.

LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 2: Parcel E located in the Fractional NW ¼ of Section 5, Twp 98N, Range 44W of he 5th P.M. Lyon County, IA. subject to public roads and easements of record.  

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 2: This highly productive tract contains 99.24 +/-acres of farmland and has according to the Lyon County FSA 78.03 tillable acres with the balance in road and pasture/creek, tree area etc.

Buyer will receive in fall of 2012 –$887.00 for rent on 20.72 acres of pasture. This farm has a combined corn base and soybeans base with Tract 1. The predominant soil types include: 310B, 310B2, 310C2, 311B—Galva silty clay loam, 430-Ackmore and 61B-Primghar and also 92-Marcus. This farm is classified as non-HEL. This farm has an average corn suitability rating of approx 59 on the tillable acres. The buyer of this tract will be required to install a field driveway east of the acreage site to access tillable land east of acreage site. This farm is well maintained and managed and provides an excellent opportunity to anyone.

LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 3: Parcel D located in the Fractional NW ¼ of Section 5, Twp 98N, Range 44W of he 5th P.M. Lyon County, IA. subject to public roads and easements of record

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF TRACT 3: This tract contains 3.37 acres. This property features a Ranch style home, built in 1972, with 1144 sq ft on the main floor. The main floor consists of a kitchen w/dining area, large living room, full bath and 3 bedrooms. This home has a full unfinished basement. This home has a single unattached garage. This property has a Lennox—approx. 5 yr old fuel oil furnace. This home has central a/c. This acreage site is located on a hard surface road. This acreage site has a well but no Rural water. This property is being offered for sale as is. The Estate is exempt from a septic inspection therfore any updates to septic system will be buyers responsibility. If you are looking for great “Country Living” on a blacktop road just West of George, IA. –this would be a wonderful opportunity for you!!

OPEN HOUSE ON TRACT 3: Open house will be held on the acreage site Tuesday March 6 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. and Saturday March 10 from 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. or by appointment by contacting one of the agents listed below. Possession of Tract 3 will be on closing day.

TAXES: According to the Lyon County Treasurer, the current net Real Estate taxes for Tracts 1, 2 and 3 combined are approximately $4914.00 per year. Seller will pay the real estate taxes thru fiscal year ending June 30 2011, and taxes payable in September 2012 for taxes thru Dec 31 2011.

METHOD OF SALE: These tracts of farmland/acreage site will be offered as 3 separate tracts and will not be combined.Order of sale will be tract 1, 2,and then tract 3.

POSSESSION/LEASE TERMS OF TRACTS 1 & 2: Possession of the farmland will be March 1, 2013 due to current farm lease. Both Tracts One and Two have an existing lease that is a 50/50 crop share lease which the new buyer will assume with the current tenant. Current tenant for 2012 will plant the tillable acres of both Tracts One and Two to soybeans and buyers of Tracts One and Two will reimburse tenant on the day of the auction for seed as follows: Tract 1-$1500.96 and Tract 2–$1872.72. All herbicides, spraying costs –(provided by the United Farmers Coop of George, IA.) and crop insurance costs etc. will be split 50/50 between new owner and current tenant. All custom work of planting and harvesting will be provided by the tenant and at harvest Soybeans will be delivered to the United Farmers Coop of  George by the tenant.

Possession of Tract 3 will be on closing day.

Terms for Tracts 1, 2 and 3:  Purchaser(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable 10% of the purchase price immediately following the auction and also enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day on or before May 8, 2012 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. The farm is being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all the data provided. Any announcements made the day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. The land is being sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact the agents listed below. Auctioneers and Real Estate agents are representing the sellers.

See our website—www.vanzomrealtyauction.com

            Erwin Heeren Estate–owner



Mark Zomer—VVZ Real Estate–712-470-2526

Tim De Bruin-Otter Valley Real Estate—712-475-3325

Darrell Vande Vegte-VVZ Real Estate–712-726-3428

Gary Vanden Berg-sales-VVZ Real Estate-712-476-5843


Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent