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Zomer Company
  • Sold

March 16, 2021 Online Only Equipment Auction! Featuring Items Located In Iowa & South Dakota!

Auction Date:   March 16, 2021 - 5:00 pm
  • IA
  • SD

Online ONLY Equipment Auction

Featuring A John Deere 8650 4WD Tractor, Allis Chalmers 9670 MFD Tractor, 2013 Case IH 3230 Self Propelled Sprayer–585 HRS–1 Owner, 2013 Case IH 1250 Early Riser 16rw Planter–1 Owner, Case IH 1250 24rw Planter, John Deere 1780 12rw Planter, 2014 Wilson 50ft Aluminum Grain Trailer, 2013 Case IH 3408 8rw Corn Head, Friesen Seed Tender, Mixer Wagons, Gravity Wagons, Loaders, Tillage Equipment & More!!!

Closes March 16, 2021 Starting @5:00 P.M.

Go To www.zomerbid.com to bid or click on the link below!





4WD & FWA Tractors:  1998 Ford New Holland 8970 FWA Tractor–SN-114141, tach shows 3,025 hours, tractor has 3575 total hours, 4 remotes, 1000 pto, 3pt, quick hitch, 18.4R46 rear rubber with duals, 200kg rear wheel weights, 22—front 40kg suitcase weights, 16.9R30 front rubber, front fenders, radio, heat, a/c, batteries were just installed approx 2 months ago, good clean running tractor, Larry & Joan Blatchford are retiring and this is the reason the tractor is being sold! Allis Chalmers 9670 MFD Tractor—18 speed powershift, 16.9-28 front tires—80%, 18.4-42 rear radials—40%, 10 bolt duals, 3 remotes, front weights, retirement tractor: Deutz Allis 9190 MFD tractor—Mfd, 10 bolt duals, front weights, 16.9-28 front tires 30%, 18.4-42 rear tires 40%, quick hitch, 3 hydraulics, tow rope not included, owner is retiring: 1983 John Deere 8650 4wd Tractor—Sn-RW8650H003644, shows 5900 hours, 4 remotes, 1000 pto, 3pt, 20.8R38 rear rubber, heat, air, radio, quad shift, LED lights:



2WD Tractors: John Deere 4640 Tractor–3rd owner—Sn-4640H020777R, 6840 hours and owner believes these to be actual, 3pt, 2 remotes, 1000 pto, Firestone 18.4R42 tires, 14.00-16 fronts—new, 10 bolt hubs, side step, new style a/c system, front aux fuel tank, 6–100# front suitcase weights, heat, a/c, radio work, quad, 1 set of 250# rear wheel weights, quick hitch included: IH 986 Tractor With WL42 Westendorf loader–cab Air, Heat, air seat, am-fm radio, 6190 hrs, dual hydro, good torque, 540-1000 PTO, 5 sets of rear weights, 3pt, 420/85/R38 Rear, 10.00-16 front, nice Westendorf WL 42 loader, quick tach bucket, tire chains, # 2510189U15681. This is a good clean tractor!  1974 IH 966 Tractor with Miller P12 Plate Loader— joystick controls, quick tach bucket with grapple, cab/heat, has AC but is not hooked up, front tires are 90%, rear tires are 18.4-38 at 65%, engine has Turbo on it, air ride seat, recent clutch, injection pump, and oil coolier, 3 sets of rear wheel weights, hrs. Unknown: IH 706 Tractor With Loader—1964 IH 706 gas with Dual 320 loader, grapple, with extra bucket, IH flattop fenders, 56 series shift, dual pto, Firestone 18.4R34 tires on rear. Loader cylinders were recently rebuilt. Tractor does have running issues: Oliver 1550 Gas Tractor–Sn-168928-502, shows 6343 hours, 13.6-38 rear tires, rear fenders, wf, 3pt, 2 remotes, 540 pto: 1955 Farmall 400 Tractor—starts runs and drives, power steering, 13.6-38 rear, 600-16 front, ST drawbar, # 32217: 1955 Farmall 300 Tractor— starts runs and drives, torque works, ST drawbar, 11.2-38 Rear, 550-16 Front, # 17829: 1937 McCormick Deering Orchard Special 12 Tractor—12.4-24 Rear, 550-16 Front, Rebuilt Motor, New mag, Carb, Fuel Pump, starts runs and drives! nice #OS2438. 



Loaders: Westendorf WL40 Loader—Case 2090 Brackets, Quick tach 7’ Bucket: Miller M12 Loader—8’ Bucket, brackets off 970 case



Loader Attachments: Miller 3 prong Bale Spear: Westendorf 85” Loader Bucket: 2018 Kubota 96” Loader Bucket—like new, Kubota euro mounts: Miller 10ft Push Blade—Hyd swivel, sn-3723, cutting edge was just flipped(top is wore, bottom is in good cond), model asnbgl25: WL 30 loader brackets:



Self Propelled Sprayer/Sprayer Tires: 2013 Case IH 3230 Self propelled sprayer—1 Owner—Pro 700 monitor, swath control, Aim Command, 800 gallon tank, 90ft. boom, induction cone, 100 gallon rinse tank, deluxe cab, auto boom control, remote boom controller, 46” tires 90%, only 585 hours, bought new: 4–650-65R-38 sprayer floater tires sold separate:



Tillage Equipment: Krause Landsman TL 6200 36ft Mulch Finisher—Sn—1653 02/08, 18 inch front blades, 3 bar harrow with rolling baskets, 24/7 Krause leveling system, front gang hyd adjust, walking tandems on main and wings: IH 496 24ft Disk—good blades, folding cylinder has leak, owner is retiring: Bush Hog 1560 Disk Chisel—16ft, 11 shank, straight point, owner is retiring: Kent Series 5 28ft Field Cultivator—Series 5, 28’, 3 bar harrow, owner is retiring: John Deere 5 bottom plow with clod buster bar: White 226 24ft Field Cultivator–hyd fold, 3 bar harrow:



16rw & 24rw Planters: 2013 Case IH 250 16rw30 Early Riser Planter—1 Owner—Always shedded—-Sn-YCS041020, Pneumatic down pressure with cab controls, 2 row shut offs, amvac smart box system with amvac smart box controller, Yetter shark tooth trash whippers, central, corn and bean plates, hyd fold, approx 9,000 acres on the planter, last used with a 700 monitor(not included): Case IH 1250 24rw Planter—Central fill, 24 row, pneumatic down pressure, shark tooth trash whippers, CIH standard units, purchased new, always shedded, excellent condition. The planter does not come with its own monitor. It was run using a CIH 700 monitor:



12rw/8rw/4rw Planters: John Deere 1780 12rw Max Emerge 2 Planter—skip rows, newer openers, gauge wheel bearings, packer wheels, monitor, shedded, nice # H01780 F665317: John Deere 7200 12rw30 Max Emerge 2 Planter—12R-30. Yetter tri-fold markers, has Series 2 updates, 6 row disconnect, front fold, 250 monitor, field ready: John Deere 7000 8rw wide Planter— front fold, Electric over hydraulic markers, Kinzie seed Monitor corn & beans, Book. # 123632: John Deere 7000 4rw wide Planter—Corn & bean Cups, Monitor, Book.# 077090



Seed Tenders: Friesen Dual Bin Seed Tender—Honda eng., pull start, spout, 240bu., NO gear:



Combine Heads: 2013 Case IH 3408 8rw30 Corn Head—3408, 8 row, 30”, single point hydraulic hookup, good condition, dual drive, hydraulic stripper plates



Semi Tractor: 1985 IH S2575 Semi Tractor—350 Cummins, 13 speed transmission, 355,000 miles, 24.5 tires, Passenger front fender is damaged, owner is retiring.



Grain Trailers/Hay Semi Trailer: 2014 Wilson 50ft Semi Aluminum Grain Trailer—VIN-1w14503a8e2263233, 75,000# gvwr, model dwh-550, tandem axle with additional tag axle, 445/50R22.5 tires, aluminum rims, air ride, 72 inch sides, elec openers on the hoppers, elec tarp with remote, side viewing windows: 102” x 48ft  Semi Bale Trailer—Steel decking, tandem axle, spring ride, 23 bales if single stack on top, 30 if double stack the 2nd row, 255/70R22.5 tires,



Gravity Wagons: Demco 450bu. Posi Flow Series 2 Gravity Wagon—lights, brakes: Kory 300bu. Gravity Wagon—300 bu., Kory 8278 running gear, 8 Bolt wheels, nice older wagon, owner is retiring



Livestock Trailer: 1992 Diamond D 6 1/2ft x 20ft Livestock Trailer: 1983 Triggs 7ft x 20ft Steel Livestock Trailer–tandem axle, wood floor, 1 center gate:



Farm Equipment: Demco 60ft Sprayer boom—3pt., 50ft main boom: Bush Hog 2620 20ft Bat Wing Mower—1000 pto, hyd fold: Dietrich 6 shank tool bar: Balzar 2600 Standard Tank—no front pto: Elec ran transmission PTO cart: Sudenga 10″ x 61ft Auger: wooden silage box:


Skidloader Attachments: 2 prong Redline Skidloader quick tach bale spear:



Mixer Wagons: Schwartz Feeder Wagon— 540 PTO, hydraulic out discharge, 11L-15 Tires, gate & hopper, has scale but unknown if working: Oswalt 250 TMR Ruffage Master Mixer Wagon—Left hand discharge, digistar ez210 scale(scale turns on however shows a code) scale is as is, 540 pto, 28 inch wide discharge 



Livestock Equipment: Verns 8ft Towable Creep Feeder—good pans, calf gates: Schuld-Bushell 6 ton bulk bin: 2—Schuld 8 ton bulk bins: 3– For-Most Hyd Chutes–palp cages, head sweeps, brisket bar, scales: 5—For-Most Working Tubs/Alley Setups: Continuous fencing: 2–Ritchie waterers: Gates:



Pickup: 1997 Dodge 1500 Pickup—Extended cab, 360 engine, 170,000 miles, had new transmission at 130,000, 4×4, receiver hitch



Zero Turn Mower/Fourwheeler: Altoz XP 610 HD 61” Zero Turn Mower—Altoz XP 610 HD Zero Turn , 61’ Deck, 33 Kohler Command Pro, EFI, 32.6 hrs: Polaris 500 ATV–5101 miles, 4×4:



Trailer/Boat/Camper: 2008 Lamar 7ft x 20ft Flatbed Car Trailer–loading ramps, 3500# axles, titled: 6 x 8 trailer—6 x 8 Trailer, 195/70/14 Tires, Removable tail gate, 1 7/8 Ball, plastic floor liner, lights and jack. No Title or Registration: 10’ Jon boat: 1999 Wilderness  Model 824Z Lite Camper—good cond, a/c, awning, kitchen: Dura Line Equipment trailer



Misc Items: 9500# Pusher Axle off of a Peterbilt Semi—245/70R17.5 tires, airbags, airlines, fenders will all be included, axle will be removed from the truck for buyer. Recently had new stabilizer cylinders installed. Aluminum rims: Randolph right angle drive—Model G-100, 100HP, SN-910174: John Deere 100HP Diesel Eng with Rockford Power Takeoff—Engine SN#-T06068T551621, Eng model #6068TF001, Rockford Power take off SN#892477, ASSY No–4-34510, HSG-3, Clutch 11-S, shows 11,173 hours: John Deere 630 30ft bean reel: Large ASST of IH parts—including 2 pt, seats, mufflers, etc: JD soft side cab off 700 series mower: Wet kit for IH semi: Better built 100 gallon pickup fuel tank: JD planter boxes for 7200 12 rw planter: two way radios: ASST tractor chains: irrigation pipes: JD 568/569 baler belts–like new:



Air Compressors/Wood Working Tools: Ingersol Rand SSR-EP50 50HP skid mounted rotary screw air compressor—490 load hours: Ingersol Rand HG201T air dryer: Kaeser SM 10T 2007 10HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor: Bel Aire QP318VE 5HP air Compressor: Ingersol Rand D25IT 15CFM Air Dryer: Disc master 53” brush sander—3 phase, 2004 model: Powermatic 3ft Shaper Sander—model 27: Band & Scroll saws: Thermo fused melamine sheets—22 total:



Terms: Please See Zomerbid.com For Terms.


Auctioneers/RE Agents:

Mark Zomer —712-470-2526   Blake Zomer–712-460-2552  Don Krommendyk—712-470-3203

Ivan Huenink—712-470-2003—Gerad Gradert—712-539-8794—-Joel Westra Jr. 605-957-5222




Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent