Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

March 11, 2017-Cat 75D Tractor, Case IH 1666 Combine, 2014 Dodge 3500 and a full line of excellent farm machinery!!--Scott Hyronimus Estate---The Family would to thank the very large crowd that attended and their support for making this a great auction!!!!

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   March 11, 2017 - 11:00 am
Beresford, SD 57004, USA
  • Beresford
  • Union County
  • SD

Machinery Auction

March 11, 2017 10:30 AM

Cat 75D tractor, Case IH 1666 combine, 2014 Dodge 3500


Location:  28481 470th Avenue Worthing, SD 57077.  Or from the Davis Hurley exit 1/2 mile west to 470th street and 1/4 mile south.


Auctioneers Note:  Scott enjoyed farming all of his life.  If you’re looking for good used farm equipment don’t miss this auction.  There will be many tools and miscellaneous small items followed by a full line of farm machinery.


Tractors: Caterpillar 75D track tractor, 5,137 hours, good condition, 3176 motor, 340 hp, 10 sp. powershift, 50% rubber, 4 hydraulics; White 2-135 18.4-38, 3 hyd., 4,152hours, saddle tanks; White 2-150 tractor, 18.4-38 cast duals, standard drawbar, shows 2,829 hours; Miller M12 loader, (sold separate) bucket, grapple, White 150 mounts; Oliver 1655 gas, nf, 4,913 hrs.; Oliver 1850 gas, cab, wf, cab (no windows); Allis Chalmers 7020, powershift, cab, show 504 hours; Ford 8N tractor.


Corn Dryer:  Sukup T12 grain dryer, 2012 model, used very little, extremely nice, pre-wired for cell phone control capability.


Combine:  Case IH 1666 combine, 3,416 hours, good condition, new feeder house chain, new augers, AFX rotor, grain tank extension; Case IH 1063 6 row cornhead; Case IH 1020 20’ beanhead (needs repair);  4 wheel  header cart.


Trucks/Trailers:  1994 Freightliner semi, 1,201,078 miles, 9 speed, N14 cummins, average tires; 1998 Jett grain trailer, 30’, tarp, average rubber; Ford 900 semi, gas, twin screw; Enclosed Van trailer (used for spraying); Chevrolet C50 grain truck, tag, 16’ wood box, 90K miles; Chevy grain truck (not running), Ford grain truck (not running).


Farm Machinery:  Killbros 1160 grain cart, tarp, (small dent in auger); John Deere 7000 12RW planter, 2 pt., 30 inch, updated drive; Case IH 3900 disk, 32’, harrow; DMI field cultivator, 38’, harrow; Will-Rich chisel, twisted points; Harvest International truck auger, pto, excellent condition; Sudenga 10X61 auger with hopper; Sudenga 8X57 auger, hopper; IH 4600 field cultivator, harrow; CIH 12 row cultivator; IH 8 row cultivator; Melroe 610 skidsteer, not running, bucket/grapple; Parker Gravity wagon with hydraulic auger (tender wagon); 3pt bale fork; Oliver Plow 6 BTM auto-reset, Oliver 5 BTM and 3 BTM plows; 3 section Land roller; 6 section Drag; bulk bins; 3pt tree cultivator, blade, bucket, and post hole digger for Ford tractor; Harrow on cart; drag on cart; 1 shank sub soiler (old); IH feed grinder; Gehl 1460 round baler; Nitzche 3 wheel sprayer; Bloomhardt 500 gal. pull type sprayer; Ford 242 disk; Roorda 180-5 manure spreader; westendorf gear with gravity box; numerous other farm equipment for iron.


Pickup/Trailers:  2014 Dodge 3500, 4 door, diesel, 41,000 miles, 5th wheel hitch; 2012 Big Tex gooseneck trailer, 25’, 3 ramps, tandem axle dually, nice; 1996 Trail-Rite livestock trailer, gooseneck, 20’, good floor.


Livestock Equipment:  Hog feeders; hog waterers; chick incubator; chicken waterers; chicken feeders; rabbit cages; rabbit transport cages.


Terms:  Cash or good check, sales tax collected.  Not responsible for accidents of theft of items purchased.  Any announcement made day of sale will supersede any advertisements.  All buyers are encouraged to inspect all items and verify information.  All items sold as is with no warranties or guarantees of any kind.


Lunch provided by Deleware Reformed Youth Group.


Scott Hyronimus Estate

Joel A Westra, Auctioneer, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222

Joel R Westra, Auctioneer, Centerville, SD 605-310-6941

Pete Atkins, Auctioneer, Tea, SD 605-351-9847

Mark Zomer, Auctioneer, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526

Listing Agent(s)

Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker