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  • Sold

March 1, 2014 -Indoor Antique & Collectibles and Household auction--Hudson SD--Marie Cole Estate-owners--Over 300+ in attendance-Awesome Auction!!

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   March 1, 2014 - 11:00 am
Hudson, SD 57034, USA
  • Hudson
  • Lincoln County
  • SD

Public Estate Auction

Of Antique & Collectibles, Antique Furniture, Lots of Glassware items, lots of Hudson Advertising items, Household goods, Lawn and Garden items and misc.

Saturday- March 1, 2014–Sale time: 10:30 A.M.

Location: Hudson Community Center—Hudson SD


Auctioneers note: We are honored to have been asked by the family of the Marie Cole Estate to conduct their auction. This auction has some unusual and interesting items on it to include lots of Hudson SD Memorabilia, antique furniture & kitchenware items, Hull, Redwing, Shawnee etc pottery,  lots of glassware items,  misc. lawn and garden items and household goods. Mark your calendars today—this is one you will not want to miss!! In case of inclement weather see our website or listen to FM93.9.

Antiques: beautiful ornate walnut dresser:  Oak wash stand: parlor table set/2 chairs:  wood secretary desk: 4 door Wainscot cabinet: ornate wood shelf: Seth Thomas mantle clock:  several white wicker items to include chairs/coffee tables, rocker, planters etc: Thornward guitar: M Hohner accordion: Terry Redlin canoe w/paintings: Currier & Ives prints: Audobon prints:  John Green prints to include- “Democracy from Eye of Eagle), (Night on the Town-which is downtown Sioux Falls): Ron Backer print (Queen Bee Mill-which is the Sioux Falls mill): WS George bowls: lots of glassware to include colored glassware, crystal, cut glass etc: Milkglass items: kerosene lanterns: Mr Peanut nut set: many teacups/saucers: Christmas tea sets: cast iron items including-stove, shoe stretcher, dogs, phonograph etc: blue enamel pans, coffee pot, cups etc:  vintage linens, doilies, printed feed sacks, embroidered pillow cases, hankies etc: vintage clothing: 12 pc Sango China set (Dresdenia pattern): kitchen shakers: silver tea set:  cream cans: picnic basket: juicers: pyrex bowls: misc. crocks & crock bowls:  wood cheese box: washboard: enamel pie plates, strainers, coffee pot & misc enamelware: glass rolling pin: wood kitchen utensils: glass canister set: old Wm Roger silverware: misc sacks including Amana Pancake, pistachios, Burpee, Buttermilk etc.: camera: marbles: costume jewelry: Royal Copley vase: several Hull vases & pitchers: Redwing vase: USA #16 pitcher: Frankoma vases: small & large Fiesta pitchers: stemware: hen on nests:  Black doll collection to include Cabbage Patch w/box, figurines, etc: child’s sewing machine:  Children’s dishes: Fire truck: Wyandotte Dirt scraper: 3 bottom plow: old baseballs: old children’s books: 60’s & 70’sWalt Disney comics to include- Billy the kid, Rawhide, Peter Gunn, Restless Gun etc.: kids top: Lincoln Logs: Tinkertoys: old games to include Parker Bros pool, Sergeant Preston game, Tiddley Winks, Indoor Croquet, Peter Pan etc.: carrom board: Johnny Cash records: Sioux Falls Books: misc. old pics & frames: Remington adding machine: misc wood straight chairs: old purses: drying rack: bean pots: 5 gal. Redwing & Western crocks: 2 gal. Redwing crock: shoulder jug: Shakespeare rod & reel: Pfleuger reel: lots of misc. sewing items: lots of misc. items:

Guns: Blk powder pistol: 12 gauge blk powder shotgun: blk powder rifle:

Advertising items: Miller Service garage silhouette therm.: Fruen Elevator Beresford therm: Hudson Cent. Quilt posters: WF Krienke plate: 1926 Johnson & Torkelson Hudson calendar: 1888-1988 Hudson Cent. Plates: A & B store-Hudson newspaper ad: 1926 Buckwalter Bakery –Hudson SD calendar: Hudson Congregational & Lutheran Church calendars: 1930’s & 1940’s Hudsonite newspapers: 1935 1st Hudsonite newspaper: Lester Pfister belt buckle:  Old 1892 & early 1900’s ribbons from firemans dance-Hudson SD: Coca Cola paper fan: Palace Café fan: Inwood Furniture bowl:  Hudson SD mugs/glasses: Harry Miller garage mug: Bobs Market 1950 calendar-Hudson: Hunting Elevator ruler/comb: lapel pins: 1899 Hudson Congregational Community calendar: pens/pencils: Royal typewriter: lots of misc. items:

Household items: 2007 Crosley refrigerator-white: 19.7 cu ft Amana upright freezer: Toshiba 32” flatscreen TV-2 yrs old: Vizio 19” flatscreen TV:  3 pc queen bedroom set (no mattress) w/dresser & nightstand: 4 pc full size bedroom set w/dresser w/mirror, chest dresser, nightstand: 3 pc full size bedroom set w/dresser/chest dresser:  Jenny Lind bed: small dropleaf dinette table/2 chairs:  stackable bookcase: (2) nightstands: TV stand: 4 pc matching end table set(2 end tables, coffee & sofa table): floral rockers: misc. occasional chairs: 8 gun gun cabinet:  Entertainment Center w/doors: ProForm Crosswalk 370E treadmill: wicker baskets: 9 x 42” dinette table w/2 captains, 4 reg. chairs, table pad, 2 leaves w/matching China cabinet:  (2) Corelle ware sets: Revere ware pan set: Perma glide pots/pans/glass lids: toaster oven: cookbooks: muffin tins: cookie sheets: loaf pans: Tupperware: toaster: coffee warmers: deep fryer: juice extractor: hand mixer: blender: elec. knife: games: hunting & fishing & misc. books: lots of bedding: Hon 4 drawer file: metal storage cabinet:  lg assortment seasonal items: space heater: standing fans: misc. lamps: Christmas trees/décor: misc. jars: lots of misc. items:

Boats: 13 ½ ft Herters fiberglass fishing boat w/Shorelander trailer w/18hp Johnson motor: 12 ft Crestliner aluminum fishing boat w/trailer:

Tools and lawn and garden misc: 10 x 10 screen gazebo:  Mitee Kut drill press: hand grinder: ½” electric drill: misc. hand tools & tool boxes: vise: Craftsman 12gal shopvac: 7.2v drill: garden bench: stepladder: brooms: saws: hoe: misc. lawn & garden items: Sanyo kerosene heater: lots of misc. numerous to list:

Terms: cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Not Responsible for accidents or theft ot items purchased. Zomer Clerking.


Marie Cole Estate-owners

Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers

Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Listing Agent(s)

Rick Childress
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Real Estate Agent