Zomer Company

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Zomer Company

June 23, 2011 - Personal Property Auction - Elmer Koedam

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   June 23, 2011 - 5:00 pm

Upcoming Evening Auction

Of late model items including JD L110 riding mower, Yardman push mower, Ariens snowblower, Household goods, tools and misc. outdoor items

Thursday evening-June 23, 2011

Sale time: 6:00 PM

Location: 1017 Park Lane Rock Valley, IA. or from Pump n Pak in Rock Valley go 2 blks North to 11th St. then go 1 blk South on Park LaneAuctioneers note: As Elmer has moved to Crown Pointe in Sioux Center, offered at Public Auction will be a very nice clean newer line of household goods, outdoors items, JD lawn mower, Yardman push mower, Ariens Snow blower etc. Make plans today to attend! Listen to FM93.9 or see our website for weather related announcements!

HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Kenmore washer-white: Maytag elec. dryer-white: dorm size freezer: 3 pc queen size bedroom set which includes pillow top bed—slept in 12 times/dresser w/mirror/chest dresser: breakfast table set w/4 roller chairs, 1 leaf: small kitchen table w/2 chairs—white top: Fastlane matching sofa/loveseat: wood rocker: occasional chairs: quilt rack: Sony 400watt stereo w/speakers w/60CD mega storage: misc. pictures: misc. Indian décor including Kachina dolls, blankets, bow and arrow etc: antelope mirror: cedar chest w/tapestry top: octagon end table: (5)-6ft white plastic banquet tables: table lamp: Sylvania 19” flatscreenTV w/remote-1 yr old: artificial tree: Compaq Presario computer w/ flatscreen monitor: HP DeskJet printer: wood computer desk: (2) office chairs: Suzuki Omni chord: La Clavietta instrument: older sheet music: misc. bedding: egg/muffin toaster: Mr. Coffee coffee maker: blender: Hoover steamvac: Oreck hand vac: Oreck air purifier:  toothpick holder collection: cooler: display shelves: spoon collection: spoon holders: GE heater/fan: Comfort Aire dehumidifier: many misc. items:

MOWERS AND SNOWBLOWER AND MISC.: JD L110 riding mower w/Kohler 17 ½ hp eng., w/128 hrs, w/bagger: Yardman 21” push mower w/Kohler eng-1 yr old w/bagger: Ariens 1027LF snow blower w/10hp Tecumseh motor, elec. start—4 yrs old: Bomgaars 15 gal. pull behind sprayer w/booms-never used: pull behind fert. spreader: Brinly pull behind lawn thatcher: Remington elec. 6 ft tree trimmer/chainsaw: rakes: tree pruner: Black and Decker leaf blower/vac-newer:

MISC. OUTDOOR ITEMS: patio set w/4 chairs: 3 pc wicker set w/loveseat, chair and table:  8 ft yard windmill: outdoor bench: high powered BB gun: Sears car carrier: misc. items:

TOOLS: Big Red 3 ton floor jack: Craftsman 125 psi 1.5 hp 2 gallon air comp.: 10” elec. cutoff saw: 6” bench grinder:   Craftsman 2 drawer tool box: Keller 4 ft fold up alum ladder: 16ft alum ext. ladder: grease gun: Keller 6 ft ladder: skil saw: Craftsman elec. sawzall: 2” receiver hitch: bench vise: 3/8 Black and Decker drill: 10” Craftsman table saw: Black and Decker belt sander: Porter Cable round elec. sander: lots of hand tools: many misc. items:

Terms: cash/good cashable check, Credit/debit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcement made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Zomer Clerking.Auctioneers:

Elmer Koedam–owner

Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Listing Agent(s)

Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker