Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Evening Retirement Auction
Of JD 4230 Tractor, Ford 2000 tractor: Dixon 48ZT Mower, 6 ft Woods belly mower, Farm Machinery, Tools,
Household & Antiques and misc.
Tuesday evening July 2, 2013—
Sale time: 6:00 P.M.
Location: 1678 260th St. Inwood IA or from Little Chubs in Inwood IA go 2 miles South on Hwy 18 to 260th St./Blktop then 1 ¼ mile west on 260th St.
Bizzy Beez lunch on grounds
Auctioneers note: We are honored to have been asked to conduct this auction for Terry and Cherie Groth. They have bought a home in Canton SD and are offering at Public Auction their clean line of items. We will start on tools at 6:00 P.M. then sell Household and antique items and then finish on the tractors and farm machinery etc.
Tractors: JD 4230 tractor w/JD factory rollbar cab, SN#005067R- 3 pt, 90% 18.4/38 rear rubber, underhaul at 8000 hrs, quad shift-8623 hrs: 1974 Ford 2000 tractor -2 spd trans., SNC424464, Model B10236, wf, 90% 12.4/38 rear tires, live hyd, 3 cyl gas eng., rear fenders:
Loader: Westendorf WL-42 quick tach loader w/7 ft bucket: 18.4/38 tractor chains:
Woods belly mower and misc. machinery: Woods 6 ft 3 pt belly mower-triple blades-4 yrs old: Wood flare box wagon: 6 ft straight disc: 3 pt 9 ft straight disc: 5 ft 3 pt harrow: 200 gal. sprayer w/pump: 5 x 9 skidloader tandem axle trailer w/ramps: water tank: alum. Storage boxes: barge wagon w/hoist: Silomatic silo unloader: 3 pt ball hitch: some pallets of misc. items:
Rock/Gravel: 5 dumptruck loads of 1”/1/1/2” mixed crushed rock/road gravel(-sold as one unit)
Dog kennel fencing: Superior dog kennel fencing enough for approx. 2-6’H x 12’L pens:
Mower: Dixon 48ZT 48” mower w/ 26 hp Briggs motor, triple blades, 37 hrs: Dixon ZTR312 mower-no deck:
Tools and misc: lg LB white heater: Century arc welder: welding clamps: Duff Snorten 30T 5” lift: Rockwell 2 spd portable extra heavy duty bandsaw-Model 725: vise on stand: Acetylene torch w/cart: Sioux heavy duty grinder: Makita chopsaw: handyman jack: (6) elec. motors-5-7.5 hp: 18” Homelite chainsaw: work bench: hyd cylinders: chain hoist: large tool cart: gas cans: grease dispenser: Road rider car tote: 26’ ext ladder: pipe wrenches: socket sets: oil cans: barrel pumps: log chains: load binders: hitch balls: fittings: nuts/bolts/nails: pulleys: 2 hp air compressor: welding clamps: lg assortment of hand tools: pitch forks: post augers: misc. tarps: 24” new interior doors: lots of misc. items to numerous to mention:
Cement blocks/fencing items/panels: cattle panels: steel fence posts: 2 x 6 lumber: 2-200 ft rolls of chainlink fence: 600 cement blocks: assortment of wood poles: 12-highline poles: barb wire: Super 98 fencer: Super 100 fencer–like new:
Propane tanks: 500 gallon propane tank: grill propane tanks:
Fuel barrels: 300 gal. gas barrel: 300 gal. diesel barrel:
Sauna/Body Trac glider: Sunlight Select 3 model 3 person sauna-new in 2009-110v, infrared heat, stereo system: Body Trac glider/rowing machine-newer-exc cond:
Antiques: Kalamazoo 4 burner stove w/water/wood reservoirs: wood 2 door cabinet: record cabinet: Victrola record player w/cabinet: wood secretary: wood buffet: wood display stand w/dictionary: Lane cedar chest: table/lamp-w/gold angel: wood washstand: pitcher/bowl: Tonka toys: galv. wash tub: Waterbury Clock Co. mantle clock: Vulgan anvil: large anvil w/stand: yard gates: misc. items:
Household items: 25.6 Frigidaire side by side fridge-almond: Sharp microwave: misc dressers: shelves: misc. items:
Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for theft of items purchased. Any announcement made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Zomer Clerking
Terry and Cherie Groth—owners-
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428