Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold

July 19,2018 @6:00 P.M.Live -Evening Auction-Of a Oliver 1550, JD 2640 w/JD 240 Loader, JD 60, Mustang 310 Skidloader, JD 4 RW 7000 corn planter, Steel 12 ft Roorda silage wagon, Steel Flare box wagon, Barge wagon, JD 12ft disc, Chicken Equipment & Nests, Guns, Tools, Animal Cages, Dining Table, Antique & Collectible items including Hooiser Kitchen cabinet, Trunks, Full size headboard, Dresser w/mirror, toys, De Laval cream separator, Trunks, Books, etc.--Corwin & Harriet Dolieslager--owners

Auction Date:   July 19, 2018 - 6:00 pm
3780 Harrison Ave, Sioux Center, IA 51250, USA
  • Sioux Center
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Upcoming Farm Retirement Auction

Of a Oliver 1550, JD 2640 w/JD 240 Loader, JD 60, Mustang 310 Skidloader, 2000 Ford F150 Pickup, JD 4 RW 7000 corn planter, Steel 12 ft Roorda silage wagon, Steel Flare box wagon, Barge wagon, JD 12ft disc, Chicken Equipment & Nests, Guns, Tools, Animal Cages, Dining Table, Antique & Collectible items including Hooiser Kitchen cabinet, Trunks,  Full size headboard, Dresser w/mirror, toys, De Laval cream separator, Trunks, Books, etc.

July 19, 2018 @ 6:00 P.M.

Location: 3780 Harrison Ave. Sioux Center,  IA. or from Pella Windows on Hwy 75 go 1 mile East on 20th St. NW to Harrison Ave then go 1/4 mile North

Auctioneers Note: As Corwin and Harriet have sold their acreage, they are offering at live public auction a nice Oliver 1550 tractor, JD 2640 tractor. Mustang 310 skidloader, chicken misc., guns, tools and a nice clean line of items. The majority of the machinery has been shedded and is in nice condition.   Make plans today to attend!! Open Range Lunch on grounds!!

Tractors/Loader Attachments: Oliver 1550 tractor gas, nf, w/15.5-38 40% rear rubber, front tires brand new, rear flattop fenders, tach shows 4824 hrs, SN#184578-502, 3 pt, —2nd owner: JD 2640 tractor w/240 loader, wf, SN#3695631, 18.9-28 65% rear rubber, tach shows 11-177 hours, 540 pto, 2 pt, diesel: JD 60 tractor ps, gas, rollomatic front end, nf, 13.6-38 rear rubber—not running:

Skidloader: Mustang 310 skidloader –2 new rear tires, gas, tach shows 949 hrs, w/3 ft bucket and manure bucket

Farm Machinery: 4 rw wide JD 7000 corn planter: JD 12 ft disc: 2 bottom pull type plow: Roorda 180 bu manure spreader w/double web and slop gate 3 hp Earthking post digger-2 augers: barge wagon w/8T Westendorf gear: yard drag: 20′ bale elevator w/ elec motor

Fuel barrels: 300 gal gas and diesel barrels on stands:

Pickup: 2000 Ford F150 Lariat w/Titan V8, approx. 133500 miles, bedliner, ext cab, 4 x 4-:

Chicken misc and livestock equipment: approx 7 wooden chicken nests: chicken feeders: waterers: large assortment of wire fencing-new & used:  2 incubators: egg baskets: box of new egg flats: heat lamps: several cattle panels, hog panels: large assortment 5 gal buckets: livestock syringes: LB White heater:1-10’, 2 —14’ cattle gates, 8’ and 10’ hog gates: 1 Mirromatic hog and 2 cattle fountains: large assortment of animal cages/Homes:

Self feeder: 16 ft cattle self feeder—inside good—outside needs steel:

Lumber/steel: assorted 2” tongue and groove siding: misc. 2” lumber: plywood: assorted sheets of new/used steel:

Tools: 225 amp Schauer batt charger: Craftsman 2 hp 12 gal air compressor: brand new in box 16” Homelite gas chainsaw: drill bit sharpener: Husky 2200 psi power washer: Milwaukee skil saw: S & K socket set-new:  DeWalt 4” grinder: DeWalt reciprocating saw: DeWalt 1/2 “ elec impact: skil saw: 1/2” drive air impact sockets: Wagner Model 770 paint sprayer:  bolt bins: ext cords: tree saws: Keller 5 ft fiberglass stepladder: pipe wrench sets: pry bars: shop vac: cement mixer: 2 industrial fans:

Mowers, Lawn and garden items: Dixon Speed ZTR 30” mower w/Briggs eng: Dynamark 17 hp mower-no deck: 21” Snapper 4 hp push mower w/bagger: walk behind tiller:  gas weed eater: lawn cart: 3 gal metal hand sprayer: rakes: hoes: sprinklers:  spades: shovels: leaf blower:

Guns: Stevens Model 1078 16 gauge single shot: Deluxe Topper M488 Herrington and Richardson Arms 410: Stevens Model 15A Bolt action 22: Single shot 22 : misc 410 and 22 ammo:  several live traps:

Collectibles: DeLaval #518 cream separator: Hooiser kitchen cabinet w/flour bin, enamel counter: wood doors: metal hinges: Hanson hanging scale: hand corn sheller: Wells Blue Bunny crates: wood sled: steel wheels: bottle capper: lg assortment of glass pop bottles: baby crib: assorted toys/games: wooden highchair: misc Crocks: 8 gal Redwing Crock: Kodak projector: homemade barn toybox and doll house toybox: cigar boxes: JD puzzles: Nylint truck: Tonka pickups: Thoroughbred Farms trailer/pickup: Western Auto Semi: International spreader:  JD skidloader: assorted toys: carom board: Pie conserve: Fisher Price A frame house, Firehouse: record cabinet: records: Little Black Sambo book: Little Bo Peep ironing board/iron: enamel pans: costume jewelry: child’s metal chair: lots of misc. items:

Household items: 5 drawer chest dresser: dinette table w/4 chairs, 3 leaves: GE refrigerator-white: chest freezer: assorted tables: office chair: typewriter: Tupperware: coolers: canning jars: crock pots: cookie sheets/pans: 20 cup coffee maker: Stir Crazy popcorn popper: ice cream maker: card tables: lg elec mixer: dishes:  blankets: bedding: bag lawn chairs: paper shredder: metal desk: quilting frame: Kenmore sewing machine/cabinet: sewing misc: exc bike: lots of misc items:

Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertising. Zomer Clerking


Corwin & Harriet Dolieslager-owners


Mark Zomer-712-470-2526—Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Blake Zomer-712-460-2552






Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent