Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Outstanding Tractor Collection
of Approx 37 IH and JD Tractors & Tractor Parts offered at Public Auction
Saturday July 14, 2012
Sale time: 10:00 A.M.
Location: 2222 14th St. Rock Valley, IA. From the Downtown stoplight in Rock Valley Iowa go 4 blocks east on 14th St. Auction Held At Rock Valley Tractor Pull Track! Seating Available!
Call Auctioneers for info on Lodging/motels Available.
Auctioneers Note: As Albert is 82 years old, he will be offering at Public Auction his own outstanding personal tractor collection which he has collected for over 40+ years. Albert has been buying and selling tractors for 40+ years, but is offering his own personal collection!!! If you are an avid tractor collector –this is the auction you will not want to miss as many of these tractors are rare and hard to find! Most tractors have been repainted and have new rubber and are super sharp. Short term storage is available if not able to remove on Saturday. Make plans today to attend!! Order of sale will be tractor parts at 10:00 A.M. and tractors at 11:15 A.M.— Thank You Mark.
Seating Available
For weather related announcements see our website or listen to FM93.9
***Bizzy Beez lunch on grounds!!***
Proxibid online bidding available on all tractors starting at 11:15 A.M.—-For online terms See
IH Tractors & JD Tractors: Tractors will be sold in this Order
Lot #1-1957 IH 350 diesel SN#3947DS, diesel, new t/a/ clutch, new cyl head, not repainted:
Lot #2– 1958 IH 350 diesel, SN#17060-wf, new t/a/clutch-:
Lot #3- 1957 IH 350 diesel SN#6938, nf side pulley, good t/a/clutch, fast hitch 1660 hrs 2nd Owner:
Lot #4- 1958 IH 330 Utility w/IH loader, SN#4544-1933 hrs wf,, snow bucket and sharp– rare:
Lot #5- IH Super M-TA, SN#80875, Gas, good t/a, new paint, ps, nf.:
Lot #6- IH Super M-TA, SN#73549, nf, gas, ps:
Lot #7- IH 460 gas, SN#26440, 6877 hrs, new t/a/clutch, nf, fh.
Lot #8- 1966 JD 2510 SN#T711R001618R-gas, nf, 3 pt, synchro, 5258 hrs:
Lot #8A- 1952 John Deere B nf, Clean Tractor
Lot #9- 1968 JD 2510 diesel, SN#014373R, nf, single valve hyd., synchro range, 3 pt, differential lock,
approx. 1400 hrs on engine, nf:
Lot #10- 1966 JD 2510 SN#T711P004646R, wf, gas, powershift, 3 pt very few made-8473 hrs:
Lot #11- 1966 JD 2510, SN#T713POO2913R diesel- powershift, complete oh, 2 hyd, 3 pt, wf:
Lot #12– 1969 JD 2520 SN#T711R017436R Gas, Synchro, nf. 4305 hrs
Lot #13- 1969 JD 2520 SN#T711R01743OR-wf, rear fenders, gas, 5161 hrs, 2 hyd, 3 pt:
Lot #14- 1966 JD 3020 SN#T113P090367R-diesel, power shift, wf, 2 hyd, 3 pt, new tires, 800 hrs on engine OH:
Lot #15– 1964 JD 3020 SN#11T50542, powershift, diesel, wf, rear fenders, 3 pt:
Lot #16– 1966 JD 3020 SN#T112R093837R LP,-wf, dual hyd, 3 pt, not repainted-4049 hrs
Lot #17- 1969 JD 4000 diesel, SN# B213R216195R, dual hyd., 4348 hrs -2 hyd, 3 pt, side console, nf, rear fenders:
Lot #18– 1970 JD 4020 -SN#T213R225268R-w/QT1cab, side console, diesel, 3 pt, 827 hrs on eng. OH :
Lot #19 –1971 IH 966 SN#2510175U011368, Diesel, wf, rear fenders, 6016 hrs, complete OH:
Lot #20- 1973 IH 1066 SN#2610172U029513, Diesel, wf, rear fenders, 6742 hrs, OH:
Lot #21– 1966 IH 1206 diesel, SN#11691-9222 hrs-good t/a/clutch.:
Lot #22- 1966 IH 1206 SN#10021 Diesel, rear fenders, wf, 6303 hrs:
Lot #23– 1968 IH 1256 SN#12626S- Diesel, 9511 hrs, turbo, 3 pt, 2 hyd, rear fenders:
Lot #24- 1968/1969 IH 1256 SN#9184S-Y, Diesel, wf, rear fenders, 10,016 hrs, new head gasket, heavy duty/t/a clutch:
Lot #25– IH 1456 SN#2650005U011930, rear fenders, hyd seat, 3 pt, 2 hyd, 8904 hrs, wf,:
Lot #26- 1970/1971 IH 1456 Hyd clutch, SN#2650005U011549, 4718 hrs, rear fenders, good t/a
Lot #27– 1974 IH 1466 SN#2650129U023691, 6546 hrs, good t/a, diesel:
Lot #28 –1972 IH 1468 w/cab-SN#2650119U008004, IH cab w/air, wf, 5981 hrs:
Lot #29– – 1972 IH 1468 SN#2650119U008064,Diesel, 4787 hrs, wf, rear fenders-heavy duty t/a/clutch:
Lot #30 1972 IH 1468 SN#2650119U008042, wf, diesel, rear fenders, 3869 hrs, heavy duty t/a/clutch:
Lot #31– 1974 IH 1568 SN# 7277, 2532 hrs,/duals, w/IH cab, no pto, 2 hyd:
Lot #32- – 1974 IH 1568 SN# 7400 1832 hrs, cab- duals, pto:
Lot #33-IH 6388 2+2 SN#: 2650127U007400, Western cab, deluxe radio, 4 hyd, 3711 hrs—70% Good year rubber:
Lot #34– 1970/1971 IH 1026 Gold Demonstrator SN#261013OU008878, hydro, wf, rear fenders, approx. 10,124 Hrs:
Lot #35– 1961 JD 3010 LP underhood SN#30101T11222, 6674 hrs, 3 pt, single hyd, very few made:
Lot #36—1971 JD 4020 SN#T213R258814R, wf, rear fenders, side console, 2523 hrs on OH, 3 pt, 2 hyd, diesel:
Forklift: Huyster forklift-single stage –diesel:
Tractor parts: 10 bolt 3 ¼ hubs for 1066: front fenders for 4640-4840: sev IH. 100# suitcase weights: IH 1206 side decals: assort. tractor steps: assort. of IH & JD mufflers: JD starters: 1066 diesel inj. Pump: Lundeen cab for 2510: misc. tires and rims: JD rollamatic nf front end: IH front weight brackets: misc. JD & IH draw bars: set of IH rear wheel weights: assort of 3 pt center links: turbo for JD 4020: Inj. Pump for 350 diesel-rebuilt: IH front fenders for 66 series: IH front tube grill: Oliver side panels—88 etc.: misc. Jeffers 3 pt quick hitches: set of JD 20 series front weights w/brackets: pair of IH 14L-16.1 tires/rims: pair of 11L-15 JD front rims/tires: pair of 9.5L-15L tires: (2) Firestone 10.100-16 brand new tires: block, valve covers, rocker arms for 1468 V-8’s: set of 75lb split IH rear wheel weights: 1206 factory cab: lots of misc. parts to numerous to list:
Collectible items: Maytag wooden double tub wringer washer-manual or w/eng., working cond. nice—100 yrs old: JD endgate seeder: JD tool box: IH side pulleys: tractor manuals including IH 806, IH 1566-1568, IH 350 diesel, IH Super M-TA, JD—2510-(3) JD 3020’s, (2) JD 4020’s: JD 2520, JD 70 etc.
Terms: cash/good cashable check, Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Auction Company has the right to verify buyer’s credit or request a wire as payment and a letter of credit approval on major purchases prior to equipment leaving the premises. All tractors sold as is where is. All years on tractors are believed to be accurate, but buyer is encouraged to verify. All hours on tractors are approximate. ZOMER CLERKING: For online bidding see online terms at
Albert and Joanna Groeneweg-owners
Auctioneers and RE Brokers
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428
Clark Ahders-712-470-4700