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Zomer Company
  • Sold

February 19, 2021 @10:30 A.M.---Live Auction Of Feedlot & Farmland Sold In 3 Separate Tracts--Lyon County, IA---This Property Is Located Northwest of Inwood, IA & South Of Larchwood, IA!! Avach Iowa Holdings LLC--Owner--

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   February 19, 2021 - 10:30 am
  • Lyon County
  • IA

Upcoming Live Public Auction

Featuring Feedlot Facilities & Prime Lyon County, IA Farmland

Sold In 3 Separate Tracts!

Feedlot Property #1 (Tract 1): 51.82 Acre First Class Feedlot Facility With 1 60’ x 190’ Mono Slope Cattle Building Built In 2010 & 2 60’ x 140’ Mono Slope Cattle Buildings Built In 2008, Concrete Bunker, 50’ x 100’ Shop, 54’ x 100’ Heated Shop Built New In 2013, 80’ x 170’ Heated Building Built in 2010 With Concrete Arena, Wash Bay & Offices, Commodity Shed, Heated Livestock Building & More!!

Feedlot Property #2 (Tract 2): 10.67 Acre Feedlot Facility With 1 60’ x 190’ Mono Slope Cattle Shed, 2 60’ x 140’ Mono Slope Cattle Buildings All Built in 2010 With The Option To Purchase 7.75 Additional Acres

Farmland (Tract 3): 89.25 Acres Of Prime Farmland With A CSR1 Of 67.3 Sold Separately From The Feedlot Facilities & Adjoins The Feedlot Facilities

This Property Will Be Sold In 3 Separate Tracts! 

Sale Date: February 19, 2021 @10:30 A.M.


Location: 2046 Buchanan Ave., Inwood, IA 51240 or from Oak St Station in Inwood, IA go North on HWY 182 for 3 miles to 210th St then go 2 miles West on 210th St to Buchanan Ave then go 1/2 mile North on Buchanan Ave to Tract 1. Tract 3 is located directly North of Tract 1 and Tract 2 is located directly North of Tract 3. Auction signs will be posted.

Auctioneers note: We are honored to conduct this auction for Avach Iowa Holdings LLC.! This property was a former Elanco facility and was well maintained!! This site has a full perimeter fence and security monitoring system installed! This is one auction you will not want to miss this is a great opportunity to purchase a existing feedlot facility and farmland! Be sure to attend the open house today or schedule your very own private tour today!!

Legal Description of Tract 1: Parcel A in the NW1/4 of Section 36, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA.


General Description Of Tract 1: This facility consists of 51.82 surveyed acres and is in a great location! This is a first class facility! This facility consists of a 60 x 190 mono slope steel frame cattle building built in 2010 with approx. 150ft of fence line bunk and a For-Most Hyd chute with working tub/alley, 2—60 x 140 mono slope steel frame cattle sheds built in 2008 with approx. 100ft of fence line bunk in each building, an 8 bay 12 x 102 commodity shed built in 2009 with a 30 x 96 concrete loading area which is also attached to a 78 x 98 concrete bunker with 12ft sidewalls (formerly used for compost), an 80 x 170 building built in 2010 with a 19 x 80 wash bay, offices and an 80 x 128 heated arena area with side cur tains, a 50 x 100 Steel building built in 1978 with a concrete floor, OH doors and 17ft sidewalls, a 50 x 100 machine shed built in 2013 with approx. 50% heated and the other 50% cold storage, a 4 bay 20 x 65 commodity shed built in 2017, and a 64 x 152 heated livestock building with 4 separate rooms, medication room and scale room! This facility is one of a kind and was predominately built new by Elanco in the last 15 years!! This property will also include approx. 17.50 acres of tillable farmland with a CSR1 of 65.6 and a CSR2 of 71.2.This property also has a very well established grove on the South side of the property. This property is on Lyon REC for electric and Lyon Rural Water. Buyer of this property will be required by Iowa law to inspect any septic systems on the property and update if required by Iowa code at the buyers sole expense. This is your opportunity to purchase a existing feedlot facility! Opportunities like this are not available often! This property is meticulously maintained!! This site has a full security monitoring system and badge security perimeter fencing installed which surrounds all 3 tracts. This site also has full wifi cover age to all of the buildings!



Legal Description of Tract 2: Parcel C in the NW1/4 of Section 36, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA


General Description Of Tract 2: This property consists of 10.67 surveyed acres and is in a great location! This is a first class property! This property consists of 3 separate mono slope cattle buildings including a 60 x 190 open front mono slope cattle building built in 2010 with approx. 150ft of fence line bunk and 2—60 x 140 open front mono slope cattle buildings built in 2010 with 100ft of fence line bunk in each building! These buildings are all steel and are in excellent condition! This property also features a well established grove on the North side. This property is on Lyon REC for electric and Lyon Rural Water. Purchaser of this property will have the option to purchase the day of the auction the adjoining 7.75 acres which adjoins Tract 2 to the West( Contact Agent For Details). If purchaser of Tract 2 does not exercise the option to purchase these additional acres (Parcel D) then Parcel D will be included in the sale of Tract 3. This site has badge security perimeter fencing installed which surrounds all 3 tracts.



Legal Description of Tract 3: Parcel B in the NW1/4 of Section 36, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA


General description of Tract 3: According to the survey, this property contains 89.25 gross acres. According to the recent Survey, this farm contains approx. 70.58 tillable acres, ap prox. 17 acres of grassland (could be tilled and farmed) with the remainder in road/ditch. This farm has a corn base only combined with the adjoining farmland with a PLC yield of 144bu. This farm is classified as NHEL . The predominant soil types include: 410, B, B2-Moody, 910B-Trent, 430-Ackmore, 31-Afton, 733-Calco. The average CSR1 is 67.3 and the aver age CSR2 is 70. This farm appears to have a good state of productivity and is well managed. This farmland would make a great addition to your current farming operation or would make a great investment opportunity!! If buyer of Tract 2 does not exercise their option to purchase Parcel D then Parcel D will be included in the sale of Tract 3. Tract 3 is sold sub ject to a lease for 2021 however the new buyer will receive the rent payment for 2021 and the current owner will subsidize the current rent as well!!! Contact an agent for details on the current rent and rent subsidy. Make plans today to attend this auction!!! This site has perimeter fencing installed which surrounds all 3 tracts.



Open house: Open house at the property will be held on January 16, 2021 from 10:00 A.M. To 12:00 P.M. & on January 27, 2021 from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. or contact auction company for personal showing.


Taxes: Current Real Estate Taxes for all of the tracts are approx. $8,656.00 per year. Assessor will reassess the properties due to the recent survey. Seller will pay the 2020 taxes paya ble in 2021 and will be pro-rated per parcel.


Method of Sale: Auction will be live onsite at the farm. Tract 1 & 2 will be sold in total dollars and Tract 3 will be sold per acre. The tracts will be sold in the order listed. After all 3 tracts have been sold individually the tracts will be offered in a combination as one total unit. The tracts will be sold in the method which nets the highest value.


Possession: Possession will be on closing day on Tract 1 & Tract 2 on the building sites. Tract 3 & all tillable land possession will be on March 1, 2022.


Terms: Purchaser (s) will be required to pay a non-refundable 15% of the purchase price as earnest money deposit on each tract, and also agree to enter into a purchase agreement immediately following the auction with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day on or before March 31, 2021 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. This property is being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies and as is with any/all defects and encroachments if any. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. No warranties are expressed or implied. Any lines on maps are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be actual boundary lines of the property. Sellers do not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary. Any announcements made day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Buyer agrees to accommodate the seller with a 1031 tax deferred exchange. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. This Property is being sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Real Estate brokers are representing the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact auctioneers listed below. Ryan Snell—-attorney for sellers.

Click Here For Booklet


AVACH Iowa Holdings, LLC – Owner



Auctioneers and Brokers:

Mark Zomer — 712-470-2526—-Darrell Vande Vegte — 712-476-9443

Gary Van Den Berg — 712-470-2068

Ryan Zomer — 712-441-3970—Blake Zomer — 712-460-2552

Joel Westra — 605-310-6941

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker