Zomer Company

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Zomer Company

March 8, 2011 - 123.72 Acres of Lyon County, IA Farmland - Sold for $4,200.00

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   March 8, 2011 - 9:00 am
  • Inwood
  • Lyon County
  • IA

Public Lyon County Land Auction

Of 123.72+/–acres of Farmland/Pastureland

March 8, 2011

Sale time: 10:30 AM

Location: 1592 220TH St. Inwood, IA. or from

Sale held at site of land


Legal description: The SE ¼ of Section 2, Lyon Twp, Twp 98N, Range 48W, except Parcel B and except Parcel D.

General Description Selling will be 123.72 acres of farmland. According to the Lyon County FSA, this farm contains 41.7 cropland acres with the balance of 53.2 CRP acres. This farm has high producing soils with an average CSR rating of 31.9. This farm is classified as HEL. This farm has a corn base of 39.3 with a direct and cc yield of 92. bu. The topography of the land is very gently rolling. This tract of farmland presents a great opportunity to add to your current operation, to be used as a home site or also would be an attractive piece of farmland for recreational purposes with its scenic rolling hills. Don’t miss the opportunity to invest in this piece of great Lyon County, IA. farmland.

Method of Sale: This farm will be offered as one tract of 123.72 acres.

RE taxes: According to the Lyon County Treasurer, the current RE taxes are $978.00  per year. Seller will pay the 2011 taxes due and payable in the Spring and Fall of 2012.

Possession: Possession will be April 8 ,2012 due to the current farm lease.

TERMS: Purchaser(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable 10% of the purchase price immediately following the auction and also agree to enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day                      , 2011 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. This farm is being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. All FSA information is according to the Lyon County FSA. Any announcements made day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. The land is sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact the agents listed below. Vande Vegte and Zomer Realty and Auction are agents for the sellers.





MARK ZOMER-712-470-2526



Listing Agent(s)

Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent