Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Retirement Auction
Of IH 1256 Tractor, Super H Tractor, Farm Machinery, Livestock Equipment, Tools and misc.
Saturday December 3, 2011
Sale time: 11:00 A.M.
Location: 2172 290th St. Rock Valley, IA. or from the 4 way stop in Rock Valley, IA. go 3 miles West on Hwy 18 to Dogwood Ave. go 2 miles North on Dogwood to 290th St. then go ¼ mile WestAuctioneers Note: As John and Sylvia have moved to town, they will be offering at Public Auction their full line of farm machinery and tractors at Public Auction. This is not a large auction—so plan to be on time!! Auction signs will be posted!
Tractors – Skidloader and Tractor Accessories: International 1256 tractor w/7183 hrs, 3 pt, cab, SN#12325, 18-4-38 rear rubber: Farmall Super H tractor SN#29058-super sharp-restored: White 2-65 FWA tractor, diesel, 5710 hrs, 16.9 x 30 rear rubber, 95-24 75% front rubber–1 owner: Prime Mover 23 hp skidloader w/48” bucket-30 hrs on new Briggs and Stratton eng.: IH front weight bracket w/10 suitcase weights: misc. tractor chains: 18-4-38 hub duals w/hubs:
Farm Machinery: 19 ½ ft International #496 disc w/Noble single bar harrow: Roorda 220 bu spreader w/triple web, slop gate, 47 x 18-18 tires: 180 bu Roorda spreader: NH #311 square baler-exc cond.: 30’ JD bale elevator w/elec. motor: JD RG630 6 rn cultivator: Int. #200 sickle mower: buzz saw: Oliver 4 bar side rake: Sytrex 3 pt 5 wheel rake: Oliver #565 4 bottom plow: section drag w/cart: barge box w/hoist: 42’ Kewanee elevator: 8 x 17 flatbed w/JD #1065 gear: Roorda steel box silage wagon: 8 x 17 flatbed w/JD gear: 16’ flatbed w/good gear-2” lumber: 6 bolt running gear: 5 bolt running gear: 17’ 5 bolt flatbed:
Livestock Equipment: 16’ cattle feed bunks: misc. hog gates: 2 and 4 hole Mirra founts: round cattle stock tank: 3 pt hog carrier: 10 Stainless steel 8 hole hog feeders: 10 stainless steel nipple hog waterers: white plastic hog flooring: plastic nursery dividers: 2–2 ½ T Osborne feeders: electric fencers: misc. items:
Tools and Misc.: Sears Roebuck scroll saw: asst. Hyd cylinders: 2 pt arms: misc. hand tools: Black and Decker hand grinder: bolt bin: planer: spades: Yardman 15 hp 42” riding lawn mower: gas grill: wheelbarrow: Proforce 7 gallon air compressor:
Antiques and collectible items: Dr. Pepper “Pepper Special” go cart w/5 hp Briggs motor: antique horse drawn dump rake: antique hay loader: (2) steel wheel running gears: barn windows: misc. horse equipment: cob box: cast iron planter plates: steel yard gate: cream cans: misc. items:
Fuel barrels: 150 gal gas barrel on stand: 300 gal diesel barrel on stand: gas stand:
Generator:Wind Power 540 Pto generator, single phase-120/240 w /cart:
Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit/debit cards also accepted. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Not responsible for theft of items purchased. Zomer Clerking
John and Sylvia De Ruyter—owners
Auctioneers and RE Brokers:
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Doug Kooima-712-470-1603