Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Public Union County, SD Farmland Auction
Of an Excellent 75.04 Acre Tract of Big Springs Twp Farmland
Located South of Alcester SD
Thursday, December 19, 2013—
Sale time: 10:30 A.M.
Land will be sold at the site of land
Location: from the Alcester Steakhouse go approx. 2 miles South on Hwy 11 –Land is located at the intersection of 304th St. and Hwy 11-Land is located on the south side of 304th St. on the east side of Hwy 11.
“Your Farmland Specialists”
Auctioneers Note: We are honored to offer at Public Auction this 75.04 acre tract of Union County, SD Farmland owned by the Heiman Family. This tract of farmland has been in the Heiman Family for approx. 118+ years. This tract of land is now being offered at Public Auction and represents a great opportunity to add to your current portfolio! Auction signs will be posted!! In case of inclement weather listen to FM 93.9 or watch our
Legal Description: The N ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 10, Twp 94N, Range 49W of the 5th P.M. except H-Lots 1 & 2 & Heiman Tracts 1 & 2- subject to public roads and any/all easements of record.
General Description: This productive 75.04 +–acre tract of farmland. According to the Union County Farm Service Agency, this tract has 73.65 tillable acres. This farm is classified as hel. There is not a certified wetland determination completed on this land. This farm has a corn base of 39 acres and a direct and cc yield of 87bu and a soybean base of 28.8 acres with a direct and cc yield of 30bu. The predominant soil types include: Mdc, Mcb-Moody, CnB, CND2-Crofton Nora and Ae-Alcester. The soil productivity index rating is 74.5. This property is located along Hwy 11 with great access and only 2 miles south of Alcester SD. If you are looking for a productive farm make plans today to attend and add to your current operation. This property has been surveyed and there are survey stakes marking south boundary line. This property is well maintained and appears to be in a good state of productivity. This farm is available to farm for the 2014 cropyear.
Taxes: Current Real Estate Taxes according to the Union County Treasurer are $1733.88 per year. Seller will pay the 2013 taxes payable in the Spring and Fall installments of 2014.
Possession: Possession will be March 1, 2014 due to current farm lease.
Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment day of sale with the balance due on Jan 21, 2014. Title insurance and closing agent fee split 50/50 between buyer and seller. Union County Title and Abstract will be the closing agent. The acres in this property are based on surveyed acres. The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that the existing fences lie on the true and correct boundary and new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. The property is sold in as is condition and as a cash sale with no financing contingency. Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, lease and highway of record.. Information is deemed to be correct but it is not guaranteed. All prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all written advertising. Real Estate licensees are agents for the seller. This sale sold subject to owner’s confirmation.
-Vergene Heiman,
Quinten Heiman, Beverly Fickbohm,
LaDonna Way and LaDel Heiman
Auctioneers and RE Brokers:
Mark Zomer-VVZ Realty 712-470-2526
Darrell Vande Vegte-VVZ Realty712-726-3428
Joel R Westra, Westra/Atkins-605-310-6941
Joel A Westra Westra/Atkins 605-957-5222
Pete Atkins, Westra/Atkins 605-351-9847