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Zomer Company
  • Sold

Dec. 12, 2014 -Tractors, farm equipment,collectibles--Chester Vande Weerd Estate--owners

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   December 12, 2014 - 5:00 pm
2565 320th Street, Rock Valley, IA 51247, USA
  • Rock Valley
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Upcoming Public Estate Auction

Of Collector Tractors, Implements, Horse Machinery,

Antiques and Collectible items etc.

Friday Dec. 12, 2014—Sale time: 10:30 A.M.

Location: 2565 320th St. Rock Valley, IA. 51247 or from Pump n Pak in Rock Valley-go 1 mile South on Elmwood Ave. to 320th St. then go ¾ mile East on 320th St. Auction will be held on South side of road east of Post Equipment.


Auctioneers Note: We are honored to conduct this auction for the Chester Vande Weerd family. Chester was an avid collector for many years and has amassed a collection of tractors, horse drawn machinery and many unique items of almost every kind. At the time of listing, the family is still going through items so expect surprises. This is a partial listing-plan to spend the day with us!!

Tractors: Farmall Cub SN#A7125, 11.2 x 24 near new tires-rear fenders, rear belt pulley, front wheel weights-restored: Farmall H-SN#289410, gas, w/side pulley, nf, lights, standard swing draw bar, original: International Cub Lo Boy-SN#20202J w/64” IH belly mower-original paint-80% rubber: Farmall Cub-SN#24750, 90% rubber, rear weights,-rear fenders: Farmall Cub SN#189547-wf, rear weights, original crank-50% rubber: Massy 44 Special, wf, 90% rubber, ps, rear fenders-lights, repainted: JD 350B-trak dozer SN#199965T, diesel, original paint, winch, 712 hrs, runs w/6’ 6 way blade: Oliver 70 row crop tractor SN#263629, dual exhaust, rear fenders, lights, nf—needs restoration: Farmall H SN#108705-rear spoke wheels, w/ buzz saw, belt pulley, nf-for parts:

Implements for Farmall Cub Tractors: 2 rw cult: 5 ft sicklemower: IH single planter: front blade: 5’ bar mower: single bottom plow: rotary mower:

Machinery: Minneapolis Moline Shellmaster Model 1200 threshing machine: pull type S Gleaner combine w/4 cyl Wisconsin gas eng. SN#409702: tumble bug: water wagon for threshing machine: pto buck saw:

Tractor accessories: set of H or M 13.9 x 36 tires-50%: cast iron seats, fuel tanks for F12 & F20: triploader bucket:

Allis parts: several pallets obsolete parts for harrows, cultivators, plows and implements:

Antiques: pair of WWI or earlier wood spoke cannon wheels: wood Book keeper register: sod cutter: antique pump: Case Beverly Shearer: wrought iron fencing: canvas military mailbox: Encyclopedia American dovetail box: gas station air tire bell: De Laval Junior cream separator-not complete: Red Jacket well pump: Wright Chain Saw: Struna Chain Saw: Chicago Newmatic jack hammer w/bit: 2 wheel feed cart: Toledo Scale: Fairbanks Morse scale:  Allen 4000/8000 magneto tester: Standard cash register: misc. license plates: potato fork: copper boilers: wash boards: Maytag wringer washer: post grinder: ammo boxes: misc. wood chairs: 5 & 10 gal. cream cans: Oak office chair: cistern pump: Coop, Farm Oil, Archer, Sinclair 5 gal. cans: cast iron corn planter plates: malt mixer: stainless milk cans: stove lids: kerosene can: hand corn sheller: fanning mill: D lite #3 lantern: The Mosler Safe Company safe: threshing machine wheels: lots of misc. steel wheels-some with spokes: aluminum RR signs: 55 gal. Whiskey barrels: walk behind plow: walk behind sod buster: walk behind garden cultivator: bull nose pinchers: Small Forge: Quick Aid brass fire ext.: GI cans: misc. wood pop crates w/bottles: lighting rod w/globe: metal DeKalb signs: old clarinet: antique house jacks and railroad jacks: wood crutches: old freight elevator: wood binder rollers: Dakon rasp bar straightner: Scythe: manual sickle blade sharpener: military gas gans: ammo box: many items to numerous to list:

Horse equipment: single rw cultivator: Deering potato planter: cultivator: IH single rw cultivator: IH #9 sickle mower: McCormick sickle mower: horse drawn road grator-missing blade:  Stoughon Wagon Co. sleigh bottom

Terms: cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Clerk Zomer Clerking.

Chester Vande Weerd—Estate—owners

Questions call Carl Vande Weerd-612-570-2644


Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Doug Kooima-712-470-1603

Listing Agent(s)

Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker