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Zomer Company
  • Sold

Closing August 22, 2023 @5:00 P.M. --Online Only Equipment Auction In South Dakota Featuring A Very Nice Line Of Equipment!

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Auction Date:   August 22, 2023 - 5:00 pm
  • SD

Online Only Machinery Auction

August 22, 2023 Closing at 5:00 P.M.



Featuring: CIH MXM 120, 2-JD 4640’s, JD 3020, CIH 7220, Deutz 9170,Gleaner R52 combine, Gravity Wagons, Trucks, Tillage and More!




Auctioneers Note:  This sale is made up of a variety of equipment from several different consignors.  If you’re looking for nice, clean, used equipment don’t miss this sale.  Please note the item location for each lot.  For loading or pickup after the sale please note the pickup dates for your item.



Ron Dreeszen Retirement (items location Spink, SD):  1981 JD 4640, 7,982 hrs., 20.8-R38 tires, 14L-16.1 fronts, 500lb weights, 3 hyd., powershift, AC, hammer strap, 2nd owner; 1979 JD 4640, 8,434 hrs., 20.8-R38 tires, 11.00-16 fronts, Complete OH at 6,200 hours (turbo/injection pump), 3 hyd., powershift, AC, bought new; 1964 JD 3020 gas, powershift, nf, 3pt., fenders, 18-1900 hrs. on overhaul, 2 hyd.



Equipment: Brent 640 gravity wagon, tarp, brakes; Harvest Ind. 10’’x72’ auger, pto, 15’ hopper reach, very nice; Mayrath 10’’x30’ auger, hopper, pto; JD 230 disk, 21’, bought new; Sitrex 10-wheel rake, hyd. fold; JD 2600 plow, 6B varwidth, AR, buster bar; NH 56 side delivery rake, restored, new bu/bearings/tires, 5 bar; NH 256 side deliver rake, 5 bar; BushHog HMG8 disc mower, 8’; Spray pup, 500 gal. tank, 60’ demco boom, Big Butch 500 gal pull type sprayer, hyd. pump; 2-Huskee 225bu. gravity wagons, 8 bolt gears; 230 bu. gravity wagon, tarp; Livestock loading chute, 30’’Wx12’L, rebuilt, nice.



Misc.: Dressen 7’X16’ car trailer, ramps, 3500lb. axles, nice; MDS 7’ rock bucket with grapple, like new! JD 7’ bucket and grapple; 2- set 20.8-38 duals; 1 set JD wheel weights; 2-10 bolt JD dual hubs, off 4640; 2-JD Cat II/III cast quick hitches; 5’’ 10 bolt dual spacers; 76-gallon JD front diesel tank; brand new 22.5 10 bolt rim and tire for Brent 640 wagon; new 12.5-15 tire and rim.



James Poppinga Retirement (items location Chancellor, SD): CIH MXM 120 tractor, 2003, mfd, Koyker 1585 loader, joystick, LH reverser, 42’’ rear tires, 2,818 hrs., 2 hyd.; Yamaha Grizzly 700FI 4-wheeler, 4X4, 6,150 miles; 150-gallon ATV pull type sprayer, boomless nozzle, wand, Honda 120 gas engine, nice; Diamond H 12’ box scraper, hyd. tilt; lot assortments of T-posts.



Larry Burma Estate (items location Tea, SD): CIH 7220 Magnum, 42’’ rear tires (like new), 14.9-28 front tires (like new) MFD, duals, 5,794 hrs., 3 hyd., dual PTO, nice; Woods Dual 355 loader (fits 7220 sold separate) qt, good bucket; Woods pallet fork; CIH front weights & bracket; CIH QH; AC WD 45 tractor, wf, runs good; Bush Hog BH17 3pt. mower; Spreader grade 3pt. grader; Kewanee 78 3pt. blade, gauge wheels; New Idea manure spreader, ground drive, nice! wood flatbed; 500 gallon pull type sprayer; chemical tote, pump, meter.



Don Burma Estate (items location Tea, SD): Deutz-Allis 9170 tractor, MFD, 10 bolt duals, front weights & fenders, 3 hyd., 4,308 hrs., 18 sp., runs good; White 2-135, duals, 3pt., pto, 2 hyd., 5,446 hrs.; AC 7030 tractor, like new 20.8-38 drive tires, duals, 8,744 hrs.; MM G850 tractor, wf, 18.4-34 tires, duals, 7,096 hrs.; AC front weights.



Combine/heads:  Gleaner R52, 24.5-32 tires, spreader, grain tank ext., 3,749/2,622 hrs., Deutz engine; Agco 6RN corn head; Agco 20’ bean head sold with 25’ cart; F2 Gleaner combine, 1,923/1,285 hrs., runs, spreader; 15’ bean head.



Equipment: CIH 4800 24’ FC, harrow; Sunflower 1232 21’ disk, harrow; White 6128 8 row planter, pto pump, monitor; 2-Demco 365 wagons; 2-J&M 350 bu. gravity wagons; 2 sets of wheels and tires for J&M wagon; Dakon 19’ 3pt. FC, harrow; Kohen 11 shank chisel; Sudenga 8’’x70’ auger, hopper, hyd., drive; Dakon 22’ 3pt. FC, harrow; 500 gallon pull type sprayer; flare box, hyd. hoist; 1969 GMC truck.



Grain Trucks: 1979 Chevy C70 grain truck, 21’ steel box, tarp, 5+2, 427 engine, 44K miles; 1973 Chevy C65, 366 engine, 18’ steel box, tag, tarp, 79K miles; 1955 Chevy G400 truck, sold with water tank and transfer pumps.



Rick Jandl Equipment (items location Canton, SD): JD 8650 4wd, 10,800 hrs., complete OH, injection pump, 2 speed, PTO rebuilt at 7,500 hrs., LED lights, newer cab kit, 4 hyd., heat/AC, 3 pt., PTO, excellent tires; Mobility 800 fertilizer spreader, Raven 660 monitor, Ag leader spinner control, 8-ton, 60’ spread, 2-camera’s, loaded with options; 24’ GN trailer, triple axle water trailer, 1600 gallon tank, 3 induction cones, toolbox, hose reels, 12V pump, 25’ boom, must see to appreciate; Krause 30’ disk, 21’’ FB/21.5’’RB; Balzer 2000 stalk chopper; Farm Fans AB-8B grain dryer, auto-batch; 7.5hp pto cart.



Terms:  Cash, wire transfer, cashier’s check or credit card.  Items must be paid for within 48 hours of purchase and removed within 2 weeks.  All buyers are encouraged to inspect all items and verify information.  All items sold as is with no warranties or guarantees of any kind.



Auctioneer/Sales Rep:
Joel A. Westra Auctioneer, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222
Joel R. Westra Auctioneer, Centerville, SD 605-310-6941
Mark Zomer, Auctioneer, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526
John Hauck, Auction Rep., Beresford, SD 605-254-6966
Jonathan Hagena, Auction Rep, Lennox, SD 605-728-7282
Blake Zomer, Online Rep., Rock Valley, IA 712-460-2552

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent