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Zomer Company
  • Sold

August 8, 2013-Gary & Julie Peterson Retirement Auction-of Late Model Machinery

  • Live Auction
Open House:
Proxibid online bidding available
Auction Date:   August 8, 2013 - 5:00 pm
45913 299th Street, Centerville, SD 57014, USA
  • Clay County
  • SD

Late Model John Deere Machinery Auction

JD 9570 Combine, JD 9320 Tractor, JD 7830 Tractor

August 8th, 2013 10:00 AM, Proxibid 11:30 AM

Don’t miss this auction of extremely sharp, low hour, one owner John Deere equipment. Gary is an immaculate caretaker and his line of equipment has been well maintained and is field ready with service records available. Gary and Julie have decided to retire from farming and we will sell the following at public auction located at 45913 299th St Centerville, SD or from Beresford SD 11 ½ miles west on SD Hwy 46 and 2 ¼ miles south on 459th Ave (Frog Creek Rd). From Irene, SD 6 ½ miles east on SD Hwy 46 and 2 ¼ miles south of 159th Ave (Frog Creek Rd.)

Proxibid online bidding available


AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Sale begins at 10:00 AM with misc items, tools and smaller equipment and then beginning promptly at 11:30 AM we will move to the major machinery where Proxibid online bidding is available. For online terms go to www.proxibid.com. If you are looking for sharp low hour equipment, don’t miss this auction!

TRACTORS: 2007 JD 9320 4wd tractor, 1233 hrs, 18 spd. powershift, weight package, 710/70/42 Michelin tires, high cap. hyd. pump; 10yr/10,000 hr. engine and inj. pump transferable warranty till 4-16-17, lube scan on every oil change, RW9320P050521. 2010 JD 7830 tractor, 440 hrs, MFD, IVT, LH reverser, 4 hyd, 480/80/46 firestone tires, 380/85/34 fronts, 45 gpm pump, flood light package, 9yr/9,000hr engine and inj. pump transferable warranty till 6-13-20 lube scan on every oil change, RW7830DPAD029394. 1971 JD 4000 diesel tractor, 8301 hrs, syncro, 2 hyd, wf, 3pt, JD 55 series ISO coupler, SCV boxes, 16.9-34 Firestones, 9.5-15 fronts, original paint B213R 257970R; 1972 JD 3020 diesel tractor, 3796 hrs, syncro, single hyd, wf,16.9-34 Firestone rears, 4 rib Firestone11L15 fronts, original paint. T113R 154428R

AMS/GPS EQUIPMENT: JD 2630 monitor with section control, and Autotrac SF2 activations; Starfire 3000 reciever with SF2 upgrade- Monitor and receiver on 7830 will be sold separately; Original Greenstar display with mobile processor, Autotrac SF1 key card; Starfire ITC SF1 receiver for 9320 tractor. Display and receiver are sold as unit. JD tech will be on hand to remove AMS equipment if needed.

COMBINE/HEADS: 2011 JD 9570 STS combine; 299/213 hrs, contour master, HD reverser, Hi Cap. Lift cylinders, premier cab, round bar concave, deep tooth chaffer, wide spread, fine cut chopper, feed accelerator kit, 800/70/38 firestones, JD serviced post 2012’ harvest; 1H09570SKB0740652. 2007 JD 693 cornhead hyd. deck plates, knife rolls, stubble lights, contour master, outer ear savers, 2 height control sensors, reconditioned Dec. 12’; 2007 JD 893 cornhead, hyd. deck plates, 3 height control, knife rolls, stubble lights, contour master, ear savers, reconditioned Dec. 12’; 2011 JD 630F beanhead, hydra-flex, fore and aft reel, contour master, stubble lights, high stone dam, very low acres.

FARM EQUIPMENT: 2009 JD 1770 NT 16r 30’’ VAC planter, VR dual hyd. drive, sold with bean plates, single DP springs, Yetter row cleaners, 3 bu. boxes, JD row command shut offs, clean water wash tank; 1.6 bu. Boxes with meters and dry insecticide boxes sold separately with ProMax 40 cell disks; 2008 JD 637 disk, 32’1’’, hyd. fore and aft; 24’’ blades, JD adjustable harrow, blades measure 23.5” rockflex; 2010 JD 2410 chisel, true depth, floating hitch, summers HD harrow, full walking tandems, 25’; 2004 JD 726 field finisher, 33’9’’, JD 5 bar harrow, hyd. disk depth; 2007 JD 512 ripper, 7 shank, 17’6’’, summers harrow, low acres, blades 23.5’’; 2004 Fast 1000 gal. pull between nurse tank, Raven 440 monitor, hyd. pump, triple boom control ball valves; 500 hp rated; 91’ Demco 300 gal 3pt. sprayer, 10’ pasture boom, hyd. pump; 91’ 1000 gal nurse tank, walking tandems, herbicide pump, mixing cone, 250 gal herb. tank, 2’’ Briggs & Stratton gas transfer pump. JD 115 9’ blade, manual tilt and angle; JD 616 3pt rotary mower. JD 2700 4 bottom plow.

GRAIN CART/GAVITY WAGONS/AUGERS/TENDER: 2010 Brent 782 grain cart, scale and tarp, low use; 2- Parker 2600 gravity wagons, with JD 740 and JD 1075 gears; Unverferth 30’ header cart; MD header cart; JD running gear header cart. Convey All seed tender, 160 unit capacity, Honda motor, 2010 Peck 76×10 auger, hyd. swing hopper drive, hyd. winch; 2008 Peck 71×10 auger; hyd. swing hopper/winch; 2003 Peck 31×10 electric truck auger, 5 hp motor; built in hopper; 1995’ Peck 31×8 electric auger, 5hp motor, newer flighting. Rubber Auger Hoppers.

FUEL TANKS: 1000 gal. diesel tank, Fillrite pump; 500 gal. gas tank, Fillrite pump; 500 gal. clear fuel diesel tank, Fillrite pump. 500 gal. tank on 2 wheel trailer; 125 gal. pickup tank, hand pump. 500 gal. propane tank.

TRACTOR PARTS: 7830 rockbox; w/lights and weight bracket; 9320 dual rockbox; JD 4640 rockbox; Jeffers Cat 2 quick hitch; 3-3 piece 20 series weight sets; 55 series SCV box; JD 4020 front fuel tank.

MISC EQUIPMENT: Miller quick tach plate; 1 pr. New pallet forks; NH 5 ton hay rack; 1000 gal. water tank; JD 40 series cornhead row unit; Rheem 80 gal water heater; livestock panels; 500 steel posts; (2) DMC stirator augers; ATV utility trailer; yard drag w/weights; squirrel cage fan and motor on wheels; Butler Bin Fan; Ace hyd. sprayer pump; misc iron; JD 148 loader stands; 25 gal spray tank; barb wire; gravity box tarp; Knipco heater; (2) chemical totes; 3 pt JD head mover; 3pt Wildcat 5th wheel trailer hitch; Durst gearbox; M-Roy fertilizer injector pump, 85 gal/hr; 4 large shop lights; buggy top umbrella; misc. tools; large bolts. 30 ft. sickle for bean head; Auger hoppers; Dole 400 moisture tester; Sweep auger for 18 ft. bin; 2 nylon tow ropes; fold away tow ATV hitch; Rock wagon w/ hoist; 100 amp electrical service breaker panel; New Holland 451 3 pt. sickle mower, 7 ft. bar.

TIRES/RIMS: 10.00-16 4 rib tires on JD 6 bolt rims; (2) 11L-15 4 ribs on 6 bolt rims; (3) 12.5-16 imp. On 8 bolt rims; 10.00-16 4 rib/ on 6 bolt rim; 10.00-16 tri-rib; new 11L-15 Imp. Tire JD 6 bolt rim; [2] 16×34 JD rims; (2) 18×38 JD rims. [2] 11.2×24 Irr. Tires on wheels.

TERMS: Cash/good check/sales tax. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcement made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. All prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect all items and verify information provided. All items sold as is with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. Westra Atkins Land and Auction has the right to verify buyer’s credit or request a wire transfer as a payment and a letter of credit approval on major purchases prior to equipment leaving the premises.

Lunch: Bizzy Bees

Gary and Julie Peterson, Owners


Joel R. Westra, 605-310-6941 Beresford, SD
Joel A. Westra, 605-957-5222 Chancellor, SD
Pete Atkins, 605-351-9847 Tea, SD
Mark Zomer, 712-470-2526 Rock Valley, Iowa

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent