Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

August 29, 2024 @ 10:00 A.M.--Live/Online Estate Machinery Auction Of A John Deere 7830 Tractor, A John Deere 7810 Tractor, A John Deere 9560 Combine, Tillage Equipment, Harvest Equipment & More!!

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Auction Date:   August 29, 2024 - 10:00 am
25019 464th Ave
  • Colton
  • SD

Live/Online Estate Machinery Auction
August 29th, 2024 @ 10:00 A.M.
JD 7830, JD 7810, JD 4650, JD 9560 Combine, Sterling Semi, Maurer Grain Trailer, Krause Disk, Gravity Wagon’s


We will sell the following at public auction located at 25019 464th Ave. Colton, SD.  From the Baltic exit (94) on I29 go 7 ½ miles west and ¼ mile south, or from Colton, SD go 1 ¾ miles south on 464th Avenue.



Auctioneers Note:  In order to settle the Mark Van Asselt Estate, we will conduct a live/online auction located at the farm site.  Internet/live bidding will start at 10:00 A.M.  There are no small items so please be on time. Loading will be available on sale day to remove your items.  Trucking is available.



Tractors: 2008 JD 7830, 1,645 hrs., left hand reverser, quad, MFD, duals, 42’’ rubber, front fenders, 3 hyd., QH, wheel weights, 8-front weights, very low hours; 1998 JD 7810, 6,224 hrs., MFD, powershift, 42’’ rubber, front fenders, 3 hyd., joystick, sold with JD 741 loader, nice; 1987 JD 4650, 2wd, 6,857 hrs., quad, 2 hyd., QH, 8-front weights, 20.8-38 tires, clamp-on duals.



Combine/Harvest Equipment: 2004 JD 9560 combine, 2,634/1,659 hours, grain tank extension, 30.5-32 tires, deep tooth chaffer, Touchset concave; JD 606C corn head, HH, good condition; JD 625 bean head, single point hyd.; Horst header cart, 4-wheel; Demco 650 gravity wagon; Brent 544 gravity wagon; 540 gravity wagon; Westfield 100-51 auger, electric motor, nice; Brandt 1060 auger, hopper, may have damage; Chevy C50 grain truck, not running.



Farm Equipment: Krause 8200 disk, 22’, drag, front blades 20 ½ ’’, rear blades 21 ¼’’, nice; John Deere 7200 12 row planter, folding, 30’’, trash whippers; Top Air TA1100 sprayer, 1100-gallon tank, hydraulic drive, 80 gallon fresh water tank.



Semi/Trailer: 2008 Sterling semi, single axle, Cummins engine, 227,241 miles, automatic, 22.5 tires, nice; Maurer 28’ grain trailer, tarp, single hopper, 24.5 tires; nice.



Terms:  Cash or good check.  Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased.  Any announcement made on the day of sale will supersede any advertisements.  All buyers are encouraged to inspect all items and verify information.  All items sold as is with no warranties or guarantees of any kind.


 Mark Van Asselt Estate/ Peggy Van Asselt, Executor



Auctioneer/Auction Rep.
Joel A. Westra, Auctioneer, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222
Joel R. Westra, Auctioneer, Centerville, SD 605-310-6941
John Hauck, Auction Rep, Beresford, SD 605-254-6966
Jonathan Hagena, Auction Rep, Lennox, SD 605-728-7282
Mark Zomer, Auctioneer, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent