Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

August 27, 2016--2-IH 1086 Tractors, 2--IH 560 Tractors, IH #1460 Combine, NH L250 Skidloader, IH Cub Lo Boy Tractor, Case IH #496 disk, 1989 Blair Gooseneck Trailer, 2002 Cargo Sport Enclosed Trailer, Gravity Wagons, Flatbeds--John C. Groeneweg Estate--Irene Groeneweg-owner---Thanks to all the bidders in attendance at the sale and online!!!! Your support is very appreciated!!!

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   August 27, 2016 - 10:00 am
Hull, IA 51239, USA
  • Hull
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Upcoming Live Public Estate Auction

Of 2-IH 1086 Tractors, 2-IH 560 Tractors, NH L250 Skidloader, IH Cub Lo Boy Tractor, 1989 Blair Gooseneck Trailer, IH 1460 Combine & Heads, Case IH 496 Disc, 2002 Cargo Sport Trailer, Gravity Wagons and misc. Farm Machinery, Tools, Etc.

Saturday August 27, 2016 @10:30 A.M.

Location: 2945 Grant Ave. Hull, IA or from Pump n Pak in Rock Valley, IA go 5 miles East on Hwy 18 to Grant Ave. then go 1 ½ miles North on Grant Ave.—Open Range Lunch on Grounds –

Auctioneers note: We are honored to present this very well cared for line of machinery for the John C. Groeneweg Estate and Irene Groeneweg. They have been excellent caretakers. Most of the machinery has always been stored inside. We invite you to spend the day with us. Order of sale-We will start on tools and misc. at 10:30 AM for approx. 45 minutes and then move onto Machinery. We will offer live on site and online bidding on the major machinery starting at approx. 11:30 A.M. CST.

Can’t be at the auction? Go to zomerbid.com to bid and to view the online catalog

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Vande Vegte Zomer Realty & Online Bidding

Tractors and Accessories: IH 1086 SN#2610177U25819, 3 pt, 6283 hrs, a/c, dual hyd, 18/4/38 60% rear rubber, radials, super clean—1 owner: IH 1086 SN#2610181U44133-3 pt, 4 sets of rear weights, 5256 hrs, dual hyd, 18/4/38 70% rear rubber, Goodyear radials, super clean—2nd owner:  IH 560 nf, SN#55103, diesel w/turbo, 10,698 hrs, 16/9/38—80% rear rubber, rear cement weights, fast hitch, rear clam shell fenders, repainted, super sharp, runs excellent: IH 560 diesel w/turbo, SN#59770, nf, 6708 hrs, 16/9/38 rear 60% rubber, fast hitch, square fenders, 1 set of weights: IH Cub Lo Boy tractor-wf, belly mower, SN#14801-runs: 11-suitcase weights: H & M front weight bracket: 18.4/R38 duals and hubs: Westendorf quick tach WL42 loader w/1086 brackets: 18.4-38 tractor chains: set of 18.4/R38 clamp on duals:

Skidloader: NH L250 skidloader gas, 3’ bucket- SN#736374—1983 hrs:

Combine and heads: IH 1460 Axial Flow combine w/24/5/32 front rubber, rear wheel assist, 3203 hrs, no chopper, SN#1700233U03307C, field ready, runs good: IH #1063 6 rw 30” corn head: Case IH #1044 4 rw wide corn head: IH #820 17 ½’ bean head:

Trailers: 1989 Blair 7 ½ x 20 ft w/4 ft beavertail gooseneck trailer w/5000 lb tandem axles, red, good cond—tires good: 2002 6 x 10 Cargo Sport enclosed trailer w/spring loaded back door ramp, inside tie downs, good rubber, alum fenders, side thru walk in door, double walled—exc. cond—black:

Tillage equipment/Planter: Case IH 22’ #496 disk w/3 bar IH harrow-front blades measure 20” back blades measure 20 ½”, SN0470000: International #183 3 pt 8rw 38” cultivator: 24’ Kent Model 5323 Field Cultivator w/3 bar Herman Harrow:  11ft Bush Hog #1560 pull type soil finisher/chisel: JD #7000 8 rw 38” corn planter w/corn and bean units and monitor:

Farm Machinery/livestock equipment:  like new Meyerink #3612 12FT box scraper-used 1 time: Case IH #3206 3 pt 8FT disc mower: Case IH #8430 round baler—good cond.: Oliver #565 2 pt 5 bottom plow w/clodbuster bar: Nobles 5 section drag w/cart: Demco pull type 500 gallon sprayer w/26ft booms w/540 pto pump: 3 pt post hole digger: misc. gates: cement blocks:

Wagons and flatbeds: 400 bu J & M gravity wagon w/11-22.5 tires, w/lights-good cond.: 350 bu J & M gravity wagon w/11-22.5 tires, 12T gear: Demco 350 bu gravity wagon w/11R-22.5 truck tires, red/white-good cond: Demco 350 bu gravity wagon w/11R-22.5 truck tires, red/white w/lights:  Barge wagon w/hoist w/Westendorf gear: Flare box wagon w/end gate seeder: 2—8T Westendorf gears: 2– 16’ flatbeds w/gears:

Tools and misc: Craftsman 15” 1 hp drill press: acetylene Torch w/cart: Almand stick welder: welding helmets:  30 amp battery charger: Poulan 16” chainsaw: Skilsaw 14” metal cutoff saw: 6” bench grinder: Makita 9” elec. Grinder: Skil 3/8” elec. Drill: ½” elec. Drills: Knipco heater: Craftsman mitre saw: Craftsman 14.4v cordless drill:   knipco heater: Case IH 15/40 oil drum w/pump: 10 ft fiberglass stepladder bolt cutter: crescent wrenches: socket sets: hyd bottle jacks: handyman jack: pitchforks: shovels: rakes: prybars: funnels: creepers: halogen work light: Dole moisture tester: alum. Overhead wire:  lots of misc. items:

Lawn and garden misc: Husqvarna 125B leaf blower: Husqvarner gas weed eater: antique well pump:

Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit Cards also accepted. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Not responsible for theft of items purchased. Zomer Clerking. Online terms will be stated on the zomerbid.com website.

John C. Groeneweg Estate—Irene Groeneweg—owner


Mark Zomer-712-470-2526—

Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Joel Westra-605-310-6941

Blake Zomer-Online Representative–712-460-2552

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent