Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

August 24, 2016--Grand 2 Story Home plus personal property including household items, collectibles, Toys, fishing & outdoor items etc-James Van Berkum--owner--sold for $51,500.00

  • Live Auction
Open House:
Wednesday August 3 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M.
Auction Date:   August 24, 2016 - 4:00 pm
1704 14th St, Rock Valley, IA 51247, USA
  • Rock Valley
  • Sioux County
  • IA
Sq Ft:
1764 total
Lot Size:
70 x 142

Upcoming Public Auction

Of 2 story 4 bedroom Home with 1 ½ baths located in Rock Valley, IA.

And Household items and Lawn and Garden Items

Wednesday August 24, 2016—Sale time: 6:00 PM

Location: 1704 14th St. Rock Valley, IA. Or from downtown stoplight go 1 blk East—Home is located on the corner—Auction signs will be posted!!

“Your Real Estate Specialists”—zomerauctions.com

Auctioneers Note: We are honored to present this Grand 2 Story Home for James R. Van Berkum. Also on this auction will be household and lawn and garden items. This home is in need of some repair and would make a great family home or potential investment property. This home is situated on a large corner lot. Order of sale—Home will be sold at 6:00 P.M. Sharp with the personal property to follow.

Legal Description: Lot 5 except the East 44’ thereof and all of Lot 6 Blk 12, Original Plat in the Incorporated City of Rock Valley, IA. -Subject to public easements and roads.

General Description: This 2 story home features 4 bedrooms. The main floor includes a kitchen w/Oak cupboards, dining room, great room and den area. This home had new shingles approx. 8 yrs ago and vinyl siding and predominantly new windows approx. 17 yrs ago. This home has an unfinished basement.   The home also includes a single unattached garage. This home has a large corner lot and is located close to downtown. This home has hot water heat and no central a/c. This would make a great family home, rental property or investment property. Come take a look and see what this property has to offer you!!

 Taxes: The current estimated Real Estate Taxes according to the Sioux County Treasurer are $1630.00 per year. Taxes will be prorated to date of closing.

Open House: Open house will be held at the property on Wednesday August 3, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. or by appointment by contacting one of the agents listed below.

Possession: Possession will be on closing day Sept. 30, 2016.

Terms: The buyer(s) will agree to enter into purchase agreement with these terms. A $5,000.00 non–refundable down payment will be due immediately following the auction with balance due on closing day on or before Sept. 30, 2016. This property is being sold as a cash sale, with no finance contingencies. Full payment will be due and payable on closing day when clear and merchantable title will be given to the buyer(s). This property is being sold as is where is with all defects and no warranties expressed or implied. Although all information is deemed reliable, all buyer(s) are encouraged to inspect the property and verify any information.  The Sale is subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Agents are representing the sellers in this transaction. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertising.

Personal property to be sold immediately following the Real Estate. This is a small auction so plan to be on time!!

Household items: 3 pc blonde bedroom set: 3 pc wood bedroom set: 2 pc dresser/vanity set: microwave stand: chefs island: end tables: 2 bar stools: wood corner desk: table lamp: Lakewood space heater: Holmes window air exchange: Kenmore microwave: Phaltzgraff dishes: Sevron china dishes: Ham Beach grill: music stand: bed tray: bowling ball: world globe: lots games/puzzles: all types of books: typewriter: carom board: lots of misc. items:

Collectible items: Griswold cast iron pan: 8” cast iron pan: RV Rocket youth coat: Hawkeyes, Dolphins and Twins banners: enamelware kettle: cigar boxes and tins: lots of misc items:

Toys: Nylint firetruck: Tonka Farms horse trailer: Structo livestock trailer: metal Vista Dome horse van trailer: metal firetruck-missing back wheels: Tonka crane: Nylint pickup: wagon: wooden doll bed: wooden baby cradle: misc toys: Fisher price car garage and student desk: kids wood blks: animals: lots of children’s and youth books:

Tools: Makita sander: Weller souder gun: vise grips: screwdrivers: misc. socket sets: Black and Decker jig saw: misc jig saws: Stanley stapler: booster cables: lots of misc. items:

Fishing & outdoor items: fishing rods and reels: rod holders: American Angler filet knife: fishing nets: Coleman lantern: Coleman campstove: croquet set:

Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Zomer Clerking

James R Van Berkum—owner

Auctioneers and Agents

Mark Zomer-712-470-2526    Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

           Gary Van Den Berg-Sales-712-470-2068—Ryan Zomer-Sales-712-441-3970—Blake Zomer-Sales-712-460-2552

Type of Home: grand 2 story
Year Built: 1900
Lot Size: 70 x 142
Property Tax: 1630
Utilities: 146
Roof Type: asphalt–replaced 7 yrs ago
Siding Type: vinyl––replaced 7 yrs ago
Furnace Type: hot water heat
A/C: no a/c
Master Bedroom: 12 x 14 possible on main or office
Bedroom #2: 9.5 x 11.5 up
Bedroom #3: 11.10 x 15.4 up
Bedroom #4: 11.10 x 15.5 up
Bedroom #5: 11.8 x 14.5 up
Main Floor Bathroom: 3 x 5 main––1/2 bath
Bathroom #2: 7 x 11.8 up w/tub and shower
Garage Size: 12 x 18 detached
Kitchen: 9.2 x 14.6
Dining Room: 13.7 x 15
Living Room: 14.4 x 15.6
Laundry / Utility: main

Listing Agent(s)

Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker