Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

August 21, 2013 Household items, Misc. toys, Tools -Kody & Michalle Hedden --Gary & Kim Albers-owners--Goldwing Trike brought $16,600.00

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   August 21, 2013 - 6:00 pm
503 12th Street, Hawarden, IA 51023, USA
  • Hawarden
  • IA


of 1998 Honda Goldwing Trike, 

  Household items, Tools, Collectible items, Misc. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 @ 5:00PM

Location: 503 12th St.; Hawarden, IA 51023

Directions: From Casey’s General Store: 2 blocks north on the right side of the road. Or 1 block south of the Rocket Park in Hawarden, IA

Auctioneers Note: This is a combined auction. Lots of nice things to be sold. Lots of the tools are like new.

Household:Floor Lamps, Recliners, trundle bed, fans, dressers, end tables, desk, mirrors, TV’s, asst. bedding, dishwasher, microwave, exercise bike, wine rack, rocker, wall decor, many pictures, kitchen utensils, octagon table, Dining room table and chairs, knick knacks, Christmas decorations, Knitting needles, crafting books, dishes and much more to numerous to mention.

Toys and Collections:Fire Trucks, Indian Dolls, Barbie Dolls, Oil Lamps, Puzzles, Games, Hobo Clown Collections,  Prince Albert Cans,  Antique 3 drawer dresser w/mirror

Tools: Lawn tools, Mantis tiller, picnic table


Kody & Michalle Hedden, Owners

Tools and Garden:Troybilt Horse Tiller w/Tecumseh engine, Shop vac, Speed set dome tent, Craftsman tool box w/top and bottom, floor model drill press – ½ “ , lawn chairs, Live trap, Knipco heater, Eureka Vacuum, Carpet cleaner, Makita grinder, 4” Craftsman saw, McCullough leaf blower, McCullough 10” Mitre saw, 14” Wend electric saw, Air popper, Campfield power washer, Pickup ramps – Aluminum fold, 50’ New air hose, Extensions cords – asst. 20’ to 50’, 4” X 21” Craftsman belt sander, Craftsman Hand drill, 3/8 Black & Decker hand drill, Craftsman scroll saw and Band Saw(new), Welding clamps, 5X8 piece of Carpet, Soldering gun, Laser level, New Come along, 5 gal. buckets, 5’41/2” Wooden bench, Extendable tree pruner, 4’X6’ Utility trailer w/ramps, Ball hitch – 2 wheel ball trailer mover, Steel Galvanized Shelves 61/2’ long 5’ high, 4 wheel garden cart, 10’ Al. Combination Ladder, Camper mirrors, Lawn ornaments, Sure Clean Grain Cleaners, Antique Corn Sheller.

Trike: 1998 Honda Goldwing Trike-1500 cc: 1998 Aluma trailer:

Gary & Kim Albers–owners

Terms and Conditions: Cash/good cashable check. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements.

See pics: www.zomerauctions.com

Auctioneers: Ivan Huenink: 712-470-2003     Mark Zomer: 712-470-2526

Listing Agent(s)

Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker