Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Join us for a public auction located at 30470 481st Ave., Alcester, SD, 57001, or from Alcester, SD, 2 miles east on 302nd street, and 2 ¾ miles south on 481st Avenue.
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Auctioneers Note: As Steve and Charlotte expand their Swine operation they will sell their nice line of farm equipment. There are no small items so be on time. This auction will feature both live and online bidding. Online bidding begins at 10:30 A.M.
Click on the blinking button below to view the online catalog!
Tractors: 2001 Case IH MX270, MFD, 46’’ rear tires 90%, 34’’ front tires 30%, 6,786 hours, 10 front weights, 5 hyd.; 1988 Case IH 7140, 2wd, dual PTO, 3 pt., 18.4-42 tires, 3 hyd., 10,342 hrs. (1200 hrs. on overhaul); 1977 IH 986, 400 hrs. on overhaul, 6,829 hours, new clutch, TA is out, 18.4-38, 3 sets of wheel weights, 10.00-16, K&M step.
Combines/Heads: Case IH 2388, 30.5-32 tires, field tracker, new separator, Mauer big top, 3,432/2,523 hours, Ag leader Insight yield monitor; Case IH 1063 corn head, 6 row, poly; Case IH 1020 30’ bean head, 30’ 4-wheel header cart; Case IH 610 grain head.
Trucks and Trailers: 1996 White/GMC semi, 615,000 miles, 3406E, 450hp, 10 speed, sleeper; 1990 Volvo, 9 speed, 779,000 miles, Volvo engine, 350 hp, sleeper; 2008 Timpte aluminum grain trailer, 41’, roll tarp; 1978 Wilson grain trailer, 39’, tarp.
Farm Equipment: White 8222 – 12 row planter, Integra Ag-leader monitor, variable rate, individual row clutches, 3 bu. boxes, PTO pump, trash whippers; J&M 750 grain cart, 24’’ auger, tarp; CIH 3950 disk, 26’, harrow; CIH 496 disk, 24’, harrow; Glenco disk chisel, 15’; Rem 2100 grain vac; Fast 6420 sprayer, 80’ boom, 1000 gal. tank, 100 gallon rinse tank, Ag-Leader insight controller, auto shut off; Blue Jet 5 shank subsoiler (nice); Arts-Way 450 grinder; Brent 540 gravity wagon, Brent 440 gravity wagon; Semi flatbed trailer, approx. 28’, older unit; Roorda feed wagon.
Consigned items: John Deere 6430 premium, 4,825 hrs, power-quad, left hand reverser, mfd, fenders, sold with John Deere 673 loader, joystick, grapple; IHC 5400 minimum till grain drill; John Deere 535 baler; flatbed; Mayrath Auger, Demco saddle tanks; Goodyear 18.4-38 duals.
Terms: Cash or good check. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcement made say of sale will supersede any advertisements. All buyers are encouraged to inspect all items and verify information. All items sold as is with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. Nothing removed until settled for. Lunch provided by Steve and Charlotte. Pork loin sandwiches will be served with a free will donation. The money raised will be used to support the Youth building fund for Big Springs Church.
Joel A. Westra Auctioneer, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222
Joel R. Westra Auctioneer, Centerville, SD 605-310-6941
Pete Atkins, Auctioneer, Tea, SD 605-351-9847
Mark Zomer, Auctioneer, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526
Blake Zomer, Online Rep., Rock Valley, IA 712-460-2552
Craig Atkins, Auction Rep, Tea, SD 605-351-9850