Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

August 1, 2009 - Retirement Auction - Fred & Lucy Ymker

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   August 1, 2009 - 11:00 am

Retirement Auction


SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 2009—Sale Time: 10:30 A.M.

LOCATION: 1351 280th St. Inwood, IA. or from Mickels Corner in Inwood, IA go 5 miles South to Blktop County Rd A-54B then 4 miles West on Blktop-County Rd. A-54B to Beech Ave. then go 1 mile North around curves to 280th St. then ½ mile West or from 4 way stop in Rock Valley, IA. go 7 miles West on Hwy 18 to curve-  then continue 2 miles North on Hwy 18 to Blktop –County Rd. A-54B go 4 miles West on Blktop-County Rd. A-54B    to Beech Ave. then go 1 mile North around curves to 280th St. then ½ mile West on 280th St.

AUCTIONEERS NOTE:  As Fred and Lucy have sold their acreage and are moving to Rock Valley, IA., they will be offering at Public Auction an EXCELLENT line of items. Fred and Lucy were Great Caretakers of their items –so make sure to mark your calendars. Order of sale will be starting on household goods and antiques then moving onto livestock equip. and farm machinery. The tractor, skidloader, Atv, lawn mower and car will be sold at 1:00 P.M Sharp!.  You don’t want to miss this Auction– See you Sale Day!! Thank You–Mark

HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND MISC.: Gibson 20.3 cu ft chest freezer-white; Amana refrigerator/freezer on bottom: Crosley elec. smooth top stove: Kenmore dishwasher:  Kenmore microwave: Lane reclining sectional w/fold out queen size hide a bed: Everett console piano w/bench: Estey upright piano: Oak dinette set w/6 chairs and matching hutch: Ranch Oak octagon game table w/4 roller chairs: book case: swivel rocker: Zenith stereo: Jenny Lind baby crib: full size Jenny Lind bed: Magnavox TV w/remote: wood dollhouse w/furniture: Oasis dehumidifier: many games and books: Tefal fry daddy: Stir Crazy popcorn popper: wok: coolers: Christmas trees and décor: kids table/chairs  High chair: boom box: cook books: life jackets: Royal typewriter: picnic basket: luggage: fruit jars: porch swing: (4) wooden foldup lawn chairs: 33 ½ x 21 ¾” and 47 ½” x 22” bathroom countertops w/new faucets: kids sleds: picnic table: misc. items:

ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES: Oak 5 legged square table w/5 leaves: Oak 4 drawer dresser w/mirror: Oak washstand w/towel bar: spring rocker: wood piano stool w/glass ball claw feet: Majestic upright radio w/cabinet-works: Damascus treadle sewing machine: Chicago Cottage organ Co. pump organ w/bench: Cedar chest: kerosene lanterns:  Hessel Roorda Int. Truck road atlas: 1954 and 1965 Sioux Co. Atlas’: 1931 Dept of Labor health books: 1925 Int. Atlas of the World: McCormick Deering Farmall Model f-20 tractor manual: several early 1900’s books: crock shoulder jugs: Redwing 2 gallon crock: sad irons: Dietz D-lite #2 railroad lantern: Dazey butter churn: Hamms Beer cooler: ¼ oz.—1 lb.—and 8 oz. Drostes Cocoa tins: old bottles; Roberts milk bottle: Sessions school wall clock: Oak rocker w/detailing, seat needs work: collection of  1/25, 1/34, 1/43 scale Ertyl die cast metal locking coin banks including Anheuser Busch, Budweiser Clydesdale,  1932 Ford panel delivery bank, 1931 Hawkeye crate bank: Trolley car bank etc.: RCA Elvis record album: misc. records: misc. football card collections including 1991 Topps football—complete, unopened,  (4) sets 1991 Topps football—unopened, (2) boxes 1992 Skybox football-unopened, 1993 Fleer football-unopened, 1992 Score football-unopened: misc. baseball card collection including 1991 Topps baseball-unopened, 1991 Conion collection-unopened, (4) boxes 1991 Topps stadium Club-unopened, 1993 Topps baseball-unopened: (4) boxes Desert Storm trading cards—unopened: large collection of beer steins including, Miller, Bud, Holiday etc.: Anheuser Busch collectable plates:  Remington Kleanbore ammo box: barn door picture-unique: Fischer Price barn and toys: Tonka metal pickup, army jeep: Tru scale metal dump truck: green depression cream/sugar: silver, brass and copper items: blue Carnival glass vase: Blue Delft pieces: 2 man saws: scythes: wood scoop: ice pick: single trees: Terrace Park Dairy clock: buck saw: copper boiler: (2) 19 ½ x 48 lead glass windows: (4) 14 ¼” x 37” lead glass windows: Pfaff hand crank sewing machine: Home Comfort cast iron cook stove: Ocoala wood burning stove: hand cistern pumps: Case horse drawn sickle mower: single horse disk: 16” and 28” buzz saw blades: Many misc. items:

TRACTOR AND TRACTOR ASSESSORIES: IH 674 tractor, SN#2430025U103982, 3640 hrs, 16-9-30 new rubber, 3 pt,  wf, w/Miller loader 7 ft bucket, rear fenders, complete overhaul approx. 500 hrs ago: 2 pt arms-sold separate: 3 pt arms: 14-9-28 clamp on duals: rear B Farmall wheel weights:

SKIDLOADER: NH L-455 diesel skidloader w/ 5 ft quik tach bucket, 2206 hrs:

ATV/ SPRAYER: 2002 Polaris 400 Sportsman 4 x 4 -4 wheeler, liquid cooled, w/2127 hrs—1 owner-sharp: Demco 13 gallon sprayer w/wand and boom, new pump: ATV 45” x 55” lawn cart w/tilt:   Sno Jet snowmobile-needs work:

LAWN MOWERS AND MINI CHOPPER: 2000 F687 Z Trak mower w/54” deck, 439 hrs, 1 owner—sharp: Ranch King 5 hp 22” cut Hi Wheel push mower: Lawn boy 19” push mower: Mini Chopper motorcycle:

CAR: 1992 Grand Marquis car, V-8, 4 dr. pw, pl, 157,000 miles—super sharp:

FARM MACHINERY AND MISC.: Dayton #3W954 PTO generator on cart-50KW/25KW, 1800 RPM, 540 PTO, exc. cond.: New Idea #213 spreader: 6 x 10 barge wagon w/elec. gear and hoist: Speedco 3 pt post hole digger w/12” auger: 200 gallon pull type sprayer w/pump: yard drags: flare box wagon w/gear:  6’6” x 16 tandem axle bumper hitch car trailer w/15” sides, needs new floor: IH front pedestal for 56 series: 5 ft PTO Bush Hog rotary mower:  18’  bale elevator: 2 pt bale mover: 5 x 16” 5 hole implement rim-new: JD #37 pull type sickle mower w/7’ bar:

LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND MISC.: (8) portable 8’  HW brand corral gates:  (4) 10’ portable calving gates: (4) 10’ portable calving gates w/swinging gate: 4’ and 8’ Sioux gates: 16’ new Sioux gate: Portable 12 x 17 calf shelter: single sided calf creep feeder: (3) round bale feeders: 14 ft x 28” feed bunk: 3’ x 16’ feed bunk: vet supplies: ear tags: pistol grip syringes: calf bottles: brome seed: (2) calf pullers: electric shockers: electric fencers: International S-12 electric fencer: railroad ties: bridge planks: (6) 24’ galv. Box car lining: (2) 18’ and 14’ galv. Box car lining: (9) 14’ aluminum Yard lamp poles: utility corner post: (2) 2’ x 24’ culverts: 20 sheets 3 ft x 16’ of rib steel-for windbreak:

TOOLS AND MISC.: Karcher Model 14000G 13 hp, 35000 PSI pressure washer: Speed Aire portable air comp.: Stihl 16” bar chain saw-like new: Craftsman 10” radial arm saw-used little: DeWalt 7” angle grinder: DeWalt 7 ¼” elec. skil saw: Craftsman bench grinder:  ext. cords: shovels: brooms: heavy duty steel shelving: work bench: 20’ Fiberglass ext. ladder: post hole auger: socket sets: wrench sets: bottle jacks: vise grips: animal traps: hitch pins: fencing supplies: fence stretchers and pullers: gate hinges: fountain parts: 100 ft 220 cord: bolt cutters: gas torches: plumbing fittings and supplies: 5 gallon pails: block and tackle pulley system: log chains: grain scoops: load binders: assortment new Anderson  replacement windows: steel pipe rack: trailer jacks: many misc. items:

HAY AND STRAW: approx. 135 small square bales of hay: approx. 70 small square bales of straw:

Consigned by neighbor Kenny Baatz: Allied 50ft elevator: IH #1150 grinder: International #475 19 ft disk: 4 rw White 3 pt cultivator:

Terms: Cash/good cashable check, not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. ZOMER CLERKING—All items must be removed by August 8, 2009:


Questions–712-986-5933 or 712-470-1711


Mark Zomer—712-470-2526– Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker
Ryan Zomer
  • Real Estate Agent