Zomer Company

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Zomer Company

April 7, 2012 - Estate Auction - Dora Klarenbeek

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   April 7, 2012 - 11:00 am
  • Rock Valley
  • IA

Upcoming Estate Auction

Of 1981 Chevy pickup-51,200 miles, 1990 Olds Delta 88-76,500 miles-both 1 owner vehicles, Ariens riding lawn mower, Household goods, Tools and misc. Collectibles

Saturday April 7, 2012–Sale time: 11:00 A.M.

Location: 749 Fairway Dr. Rock Valley, IA. or from Coop in Rock Valley go 1 blk South to Fairway Dr. then go ½ blk East

Inclement weather location: Rock Valley Christian School Bus Barn—

Auction will be held Rain or Shine

Bizzy Beez lunch on grounds

Auctioneers note: The family of Dora Klarenbeek will be offering at Public Auction a very nice 1981 Chevy pickup-1990 Olds Delta 88 car-both low miles and both 1 owner vehicles, an Ariens riding lawn mower w/bagger, misc. household goods and misc. tools and lawn and garden items and also some misc. collectible items—Make plans today to attend!!

Chevy pickup: 1981 Chevrolet Scottsdale pickup, 2 x 2, 305 eng. 51,200 miles—1 owner-blue/silver-sharp

Olds Car: 1990 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royal car w/3800 eng., cassette, 1 owner—76,500 miles—1 owner-sharp—blue

Household goods: Amana 17 cu ft upright freezer-almond: Amana 16 cu ft refrigerator-almond: Amana chest freezer: GE washer-white: GE dryer-white: Singer Touch Tronic sewing machine w/cabinet: Colonial grandfather clock: Flexsteel recliner: Lazy boy rocker/recliner: glider rocker: swivel rocker: Mastercraft sofa-blue: dinette table w/5 roller chairs—2 leaves: 4 pc queen bedroom set: 3 pc blonde full size bedroom set: 3 pc waterfall bedroom set: misc. end tables: misc. floor, table and hanging lamps: Regina elec. broom: Black and Decker hand vac: oscillating fans: Rival crock pot: toaster: blender: Westbend standing mixer: hand mixer: Tupperware: trays: muffin tins: misc cookie sheets: cake pans: 2 sets Correlle: casserole dishes: cookbooks: pots and pans: roaster pans: pressure cookers: misc. silverware sets: ice cream maker: lots of misc. sewing supplies including thread, material, patterns, yarn etc: card table: folding chairs: King James Bible on cassette: lots misc. bedding, towels, pillows etc: Keep safe safe: kids table/chairs: luggage: fruit jars: 6 ft white banquet table: lots of misc. items:

Collectible items: Dazey butter churn: Ingraham mantle clock: cedar chest: Oak table w/claw feet:  bookcase w/glass door: Model Market pitcher: hand grinder: Hull vase: dresser lamps: old books: lots of misc. doilies: lots of misc. knick knacks and glass collectibles:  misc. toys including top, Mac Dutch windmill tin toy, True Value truck etc.: dresser vanity set: misc. games: Blue Delph items: buttons: Rogers and Bros silverware set: cookie jar: refrigerator dishes: misc pics: Drostes cocoa tin: sausage press: Monarch wall telephone: Dietz lantern: sad irons: enamelware: Work basket magazines: copper boiler: cob box: secretary: 3 gallon crock: small crocks: Hamilton cooler: American family scale: many misc. tins: lots of misc. items to numerous to list:

Guns: New Haven Model #283TB 410 gun: Winchester Model 67 -22 rifle:

Tools: trouble light: tractor sprinkler: misc. hand tools: grease gun: socket set: gas cans: Whirlaway air comp-older.: fishing rods and reels: tackle boxes w/tackle: brooms: forks: scoops: 16’ alum ext ladder: wooden 5 ft ladder: lots of misc.

Lawn mowers and misc Lawn and garden items. : Ariens YT130H – riding lawn mower -17.5 hp Briggs motor –hydro w/bagger: Dechiqueteuse elec. push mower w/charger: Hawthorne bike: Sears bike: coaster wagon: Black and Decker hedge clipper: Toro elec. weed eater: lawn chairs: flower pots: Weed eater leaf blower:

Terms: cash/good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will take precedents over advertisements. Zomer Clerking



MARK ZOMER-712-470-2526


Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Rick Childress
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Real Estate Agent