Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Public Estate Auction
Of JD L110 Lawn mower, Jet 3 Scooter, Tools,
Household goods and misc.
Saturday April 6, 2013
Sale time: 10:30 A.M.
Location: 816 Ave. C. Hawarden, IA. or from Caseys and Hwy 10 go 1 blk West then 2 blks South, then 1 blk West and then 1 blk North on right side of road.
Lunch on grounds
Auctioneers note: In order to settle the estate of Avis Jager, the family is offering at public auction her line of Household goods, Tools, lawn & garden misc. etc. Make plans today to attend!! Listen to FM93.9 or see our website for weather related announcements. Auction signs will be posted!!
Household goods: Maytag washer: Maytag dryer: Vizio flatscreen TV: RCA TV: 4 pc queen bedroom set-white-new: Maple queen bed w/dresser/mirror: queen size bed/headboard: Elec. fireplace: Curio cabinet: rocker glider: 2 recliners: Naugahide leather sofa: kitchen table w/roller chairs: sm. Wooden table/4 chairs: round dining table w/4 chairs: 3 sofas: end tables: coolers: chest of drawers: misc. dressers: misc. lamps:Lane cedar chest: Dell computer: desk/chair: Oak 2 drawer file: paper shredder: misc. bedding: towels: luggage: Dyson vaccum: Shark steam vacs: Dreck steam cleaner: Dirt Devil vac: Coronado sewing machine in case: Sears Kenmore sewing machine: misc. cameras: Eden air purifier: Keurig coffee maker: Cuisinart coffee maker: Ham. Beach mixer: George Foreman grill: Food saver sealer bags/attach.: misc. Tupperware: Pyrex: Corning ware: Pampered Chef: silverware: dishes: glasses: dehumidifier: misc. cake pans: cookie sheets: roasters: picnic baskets: lots of misc. knick knacks: stepstool: shelves: air mattress: Christmas and seasonal items: AB circle pro: Exercise Pro: Red Fitness XL: Nordic Track abworks: AB2 Lounger: Cross Bow machine: Pro Form treadmill: Fast Track: misc. books/magazines: VCR tapes: misc. items to numerous to list:
Collectibles: Royal china dishes: Currier & Ives plates: Budweiser mugs: Elvis records: 8 track player/8 tracks: GE elec. rotary iron: Avon collectibles: misc. books: beveled mirrors: costume jewelry: cast iron pans: misc. records including Elvis:
Sporting items: fishing poles: cabinet: filet knives: lots of misc. fishing items: guncase: gun shelves: 10hp Johnson boat motor:
Tools: Coleman Power Mate 27 gal, 5 hp Air comp.: Karcher 1600 psi pressure washer: Sears battery charger-10 amp: gas cans: misc. bikes: alum. Car ramps: 16’ alum ext. ladder: elec. chain saw: misc. hand tools: hand saws: wrenches: vice grips: bench vise: bench grinder: asst. shelving: 4 gal Craftsman shop vac: brooms: spades: ext cords: misc. counter tops: lots of misc.:
Scooter: Electric Jet 3 scooter chair:
Mower -Lawn and Garden items: 2004 17 ½ hp JD L110 mower w/42” cut: Lawn Boy self propelled push mower: Craftsman 5 ½ hp tiller: Toro 163cc 21” Powerclear w/elec. start: Patio table/chairs: misc. lawn chairs: Pull behind and push lawn spreaders: extendable tree trimmer: 22” Craftsman hedge trimmer: rechargeable weed eater: Craftsman elec. leaf blower: Ryobi elec. leaf blower: 4 sets golf clubs: Weber gas grill: lawn ornaments: lots of misc.:
Terms: cash/good cashable check. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements.
Avis Jager Estate—owner
Ivan Huenink-712-470-2003
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526