Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold

April 17, 2021 @10:30 A.M.---Live Onsite Auction Of 103.89 Acres Of Pastureland/Tillable Land/Recreational Land, 1---10 Acre Building Site & 1 Existing 9.04 Acre Acreage Site--Located Northwest Of Inwood, IA In Lyon County, IA---To Be Sold In 3 Separate Tracts--Located In Lyon TWP, Lyon County, IA!! Hazel Haugland Estate & Selmer Haugland Trust---Thanks To the large Crowd in attendance!!!! Tract #1 Pastureland Sold for $6300.00 Per Acre!!!!---Tract #2 Sold for $77,000.00!!!!---Tract #3 abandoned Acreage Site Sold for $101,000.00!!!!

  • Live Auction
Open House:
Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 10:00 A.M. To 12:00 P.M.(Noon) and on April 1, 2021 from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Auction Date:   April 17, 2021 - 10:30 am
1516 220th St.
  • Inwood
  • Lyon County
  • IA

Upcoming Live Public Auction Of 103.89 Acres Of

Pastureland/Recreational Land & Tillable Land & 1 Acreage Site & 1 Very Scenic Building Site Nestled In The Hills Northwest of Inwood, IA

To Be Sold In 3 Separate Tracts!

Tract 1 — 103.89 Acres Of Pastureland/Farmland

Tract 2 — 10.0 Acre Scenic Building Site 

Tract 3 — 9.04 Acre Existing Acreage Site 

Location: 1516 220th St., Inwood, IA or from Oak St. Station in Inwood, IA go North on HWY 182 approx. 1/2 mile to Jefferson St in Inwood then go West on Jefferson St and continue onto K12(Cherry Ave) then go North on K12(Cherry Ave) for 1 mile to 220th St. then go West on 220th St. for 1 3/4 mile to Tract 3. Tract 1 & 2 are located North of Tract 3.  Auction signs will be posted. Watch zomerauctions.com for inclement weather!  Auction will be held at the site of the farmland!


April 17, 2021 @10:30 A.M.

Auctioneers Note: Our company is honored to have been selected by the Hazel Haugland Estate and Selmer Haugland Trust to offer these properties for sale at live public auction! Make plans today to attend this auction! These properties offer a great opportunity to purchase scenic acreage/home sites and pastureland/farmland!! Call an auctioneer listed below today to receive a full informational packet! This auction will be held at the site of property!! Watch zomerauctions.com in case of inclement weather!



Legal Description Tract 1: Parcels I and J in the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Two (2), Township Ninety-Eight (98) North, Range Forty-Eight (48) West of the 5th P.M., Lyon County, Iowa. Subject to all public easements and roadways of record.


General description of Tract 1: According to survey, this property contains 103.89 gross acres of pastureland/farmland. This is a very scenic property with a 72.34 acres of excellent pastureland with natural flowing creek for water for livestock. According to FSA there are also an additional 29.77 tillable acres of farmland with the balance in road/ditch. This pastureland is fenced and has been used for a cow calf operation in years past. This farm is classified as HEL and NHEL. This farm has a corn base PLC yield of 171 bu. and has a soybean base PLC yield of 35 bu. FSA will do a reconstitution on base acres once the property is sold. The predominant soil types of the tillable farmland include: 430-Ackmore, 37B-Alcester, 410C2-Moody, 27C-Terril, 37-Alcester, 401D2-Crofton, 411D2-Egan, 33F-Steinauer, 33E-Steinauer, 608B-Dempster, 33G-Steinauer. The average CSR1 is 54.8 and the average CSR2 is 63.5 on the tillable acres.  There is currently no fence on a portion of the North fence line of this property however the sellers will install at the sellers expense a new fence on the unfenced portion of this property line.  This property provides an opportunity to purchase excellent pastureland/recreational land with productive cropland and is located in the beautiful scenic hills of Northwest IA! Make plans today to attend this auction!!!  


Legal Description Tract 2: Parcel H in the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Two (2), Township Ninety-Eight (98) North, Range Forty-Eight (48) West of the 5th P.M., Lyon County, Iowa. Subject to all public easements and roadways of record.


General description of Tract 2: According to survey, this property consists of 10.0 acres. This property is currently in pastureland and is very scenic with great views and rolling hills! This is an amazing opportunity to design and create the beautiful acreage of your dreams! According to the Lyon County Assessor this parcel is zoned A-2 and is eligible as a dwelling location!!  Properties of this nature located in these scenic hills are very hard to find! This property is only 1/2 mile from a hard surface road!! Buyer will be responsible to determine and comply with any zoning regulations and any and all building restrictions if any. Rural water and elec are available to this property however all costs to bring elec and water to the property will be the buyers expense. Make plans today to attend this auction!!!  


Legal Description Tract 3: Parcel K in the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Two (2), Township Ninety-Eight (98) North, Range Forty-Eight (48) West of the 5th P.M., Lyon County, Iowa. Subject to all public easements and roadways of record.


General description of Tract 3: According to survey, this existing acreage site consists of 9.04 acres. This acreage site is located in the scenic hills Northwest of Inwood, IA! Currently this acreage has an older uninhabited 2 story home. This acreage also has a 32 x 50 building and a 16 x 40 pole shed and various other outbuildings! This property currently has a well which is not in use. If the buyer desires rural water the Buyer would be responsible for all fees to connect to rural water. This acreage site offers many possibilities! The home on this property has been uninhabited for many years and if buyer desires to update the home any septic upgrades required by law will be the buyers sole expense. Buyer will be responsible to determine and comply with any zoning regulations and any and all building restrictions if any. These properties have been in the Haugland family for many decades and truly offer a once in a lifetime opportunity!!! Make plans today to attend this auction!!


Open Houses To View The Properties: Open house will be held on Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 10:00 A.M. To 12:00 P.M.(Noon) and on April 1, 2021 from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. or by appointment only. UTV tours will be given or you may bring your own UTV to the open house.


Method of sale: Tracts will be sold in the order listed. Tract 2 & 3 will be sold in total dollars. Tract 1 sold per acre. Auction will be held live on site at the property.


Taxes: The current Real Estate Taxes according to the Lyon County Treasurer are approx. $2,384.00 per year total. Seller will pay the 2020 taxes which are due and payable in March and Sept of 2021.  Taxes will need to be re-assessed due to the recent survey.        


Possession: Possession of Tracts 2 & 3 will be on closing day. Possession of Tract 1 will be on April 19, 2021.     


Fencing: If either Tract 2 or 3 or both are purchased by a different buyer then Tract 1, any fence which needs to be installed will be governed according to Iowa Fence statutes. Also a portion of the North fence on Tract 1 is currently not fenced however sellers will at sellers expense install a fence on the portion of the North fence line which is currently unfenced.   


Terms: Purchaser(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable $15,000.00 as earnest money deposit on Tracts 2 & 3 and 15 % of the purchase price as earnest money deposit on Tract 1, and also agree to enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day on or before May 19, 2021 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. These properties are being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies and as is with any/all defects and encroachments if any. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. No warranties are expressed or implied. Any lines on maps are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be actual boundary lines of the property. Sellers do not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary and any new fencing if any will be the responsibility of the purchasers pursuant to IA statutes. Any announcements made day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. This Property is being sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Real Estate brokers are representing the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact auctioneers listed below. –  Paul Kippley —Attorney for Seller.



Hazel Haugland Estate and Selmer Haugland Trust – Owners


Zomer Company

Mark Zomer – 712-470-2526 — Blake Zomer – 712-460-2552

Gary Van Den Berg – 712-470-2068 — Darrell Vande Vegte – 712-476-9443

Ivan Huenink-712-470-2003—Gerad Gradert-712-539-8794

Ryan Zomer – 712-441-3970

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker