Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold
Sold For $9,550.00 Per acre-- Thanks to all the bidders and who attended!!!!

April 13, 2016 83.20 Acres of Canton Twp Lincoln County, SD Very Prime Farmland Auction with Hwy 18 Frontage by Canton SD--Pete & Connie Hoogendoorn -owners---

  • Live Auction
  • Online Auction
Auction Date:   April 13, 2016 - 9:00 am
Canton, SD 57013, USA
  • Canton
  • Lincoln County
  • SD

Upcoming Lincoln County, SD prime Farmland Auction

83.20 Acres of Canton Twp Excellent Producing Farmland

Located on the West Edge of Canton SD with Hwy 18 frontage for future opportunities

April 13, 2016 @ 10:30 A.M.

Location: from the Hoogendoorn Construction on the West end of Canton, SD go approx. ½ mile West on Hwy 18-

Land is located on the South side of Hwy 18

Great Opportunity to Purchase some Lincoln County, SD Farmland –

This land has excellent soils and has some tile

Available to farm the 2016 Crop Year

“Your Farmland Specialists”

Land will be sold at site of land—Auction signs will be posted!

Auctioneers Note: We are honored to conduct this auction for Pete & Connie Hoogendoorn. They are offering at Public Auction this outstanding opportunity to purchase some of Lincoln County, SD finest farmland located just West edge of Canton, SD with Hwy 18 frontage for future opportunities. This property has very attractive terms for the buyer with the opportunity to purchase the land and farm in the Spring of 2016.

Legal Description: The NW ¼ except Lots H-1-2-3 and Lier’s Addition and Tract A of Section 21, Twp 98N, Range 49W of the 5th P.M. Lincoln County, South Dakota.—subject to all public roads and any and all easements of record.

General Description:  According to the Lincoln County Assessor, this tract of land contains 83.20 gross acres. According to Lincoln County FSA this tract of land contains 79.1 tillable acres. (The County shows gross acres are 83.20 and tillable is 79.1 and this is an inside tract of land therefore seller is going to survey and sell the farm based on surveyed acres). This is an Excellent inside tract of land with Half mile rows and is a very desirable tract to farm.  The predominant high quality soil types include: Eab-Egan, WeA-Wentworth, Cd-Chancellor, EsC-Egan Shindler, WhA-Wentworth Chancellor, Ca-Chancellor Tetonka & AcB, AcA-Alcester. This farm has an Agri Data soil productivity index rating of 84 and the County soil rating is .869. This farm has a corn base of 76.91 base acres with a PLC yield of 133 bu. This farm is classified Non-HEL. There has been a wetland determination done on this farm and there are no wetlands according to Lincoln County Soil Conservation. This farm has some drainage tile installed. This farm has been well managed and in a good state of productivity. This farm has access to Hwy 18 with Hwy 18 frontage and also has a 33’ wide access easement to the farm on the South 33’  of adjoining Tract A from the farm adjoining from the West. This farm is an inside tract and is nearly 100% tillable except for 2 electrical towers along East property boundary.  Make plans to add this excellent producing farm to your operation today.

Taxes: The current Real Estate Taxes according to the Lincoln County Treasurer are estimated to be $1850.00 per year. Seller will pay the 2015 taxes payable in 2016.

 Possession: Possession will be day of auction—subject to terms in Purchase agreement. Farmland is available for the 2016 crop year.

TERMS: 15% nonrefundable down payment day of sale on the farmland, with the balance due at closing on or before May 27, 2016. Owners Title insurance and closing agent fee will be split 50/50 between buyer and seller. Buyer agrees to pay for acres times the price bid per acre with acres to be determined and based on survey. The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that the existing fences lie on the true and correct boundary and new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. The property is sold in as is condition and as a cash sale with no financing contingency- Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, or highway of record, if any. Information is deemed to be correct but it is not guaranteed. All prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all written advertising. Vande Vegte & Zomer Realty & Auction Inc. are agents for the seller. Sold subject to confirmation of sellers. Lincoln County Title will be escrow and closing agents for the sellers.

Pete & Connie Hoogendoorn -owners


Mark Zomer-712-470-2526*Darrell Vande Vegte 712-726 3428

Joel Westra-605-310-6941* Pete Atkins-650-351-9847* Joel Westra Jr.-650-957-5222

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker