Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Auction
Of approx. 20 guns, Going out of business fishing tack and equipment, Bait Machine, Hunting items, Massey Ferguson windrower, 1988 Motor home, 1954 Chevy Suburban, Antique and Collectible items, Household items and misc.
Saturday July 17-2010 11AM
Location: 1813 Cherry Ave. Inwood, IA. or from Mickels Corner in Inwood, IA go 7 miles North on Hwy 182 to 180th St. then go West 1 mile to Cherry Ave. then ¼ mile South.
***Lunch on grounds***
Auctioneers Note: As Bill and Lynne are selling out of their “L and B Bait Shop” business and are planning to move in the near future, they are offering on public auction some new and collectible fishing tackle and equipment, a coin operated Bait machine (currently located at Lake Pahoja), APPROX. 20 GUNS, Massey Ferguson windrower and misc. collectibles, household and acreage items. This truly is a sale with something for everyone, Make plans to attend!! At time of listing there are many boxes not gone through—expect surprises–NOTE: The guns will be sold at approx. 1:00 P.M.
GUNS: Coast to Coast Model CC660 Master mag. 3” 410 pump shotgun: Ithaca Model #M49 22 short/long LR lever action rifle: Winchester Model 74 semi auto 22 rifle: Gamble Stores Inc. Pioneer Model 25 22 pull cock rifle: Remington Model 550-1 semi auto 22 rifle: Mossberg and Sons Model 46B bolt action 22 S.L.L.R. w/flip up front sights(rare): Winchester Model 140 semi auto 12 ga. Shotgun: (2) Marksman repeater 177 cal. BB pistols: Tristar semi auto 3 ½” super mag. 12 ga. Shotgun-new cond.: Marlin Model 60 semi auto 22 LR rifle-new cond.: Remington Model 29 12 ga. Pump, no stock: Marlin Model 783 bolt action 22 WMR w/4 x 32 tasco scope and sling: Sports Legacy 50 cal inline muzzle loader w/sling and starter kit: Savage Model 24 over/under 20 ga./22 CR 3” chamber: Remington Model 12A pump 22 S.L.L.R: (2) official shooting education BB guns by Daisy: (2) air rifles: cross bow pistol w/bolts: misc. gun cases: some ammo:
BAIT MACHINE: Bait Vendor coin operated bait machine: good cond.:
NEW AND COLLECTIBLE FISHING TACKLE/HUNTING ITEMS: (3) 100 gal. livestock tanks: large assortment of new tackle including hooks, lures, jigs, crawler rigs, etc.: minnow traps:12v elec. Eagle fish mark fish finder: 4 x 8 fish house on wheels: 4 x 6 2 man portable suitcase fish house: several yards scent lock material: life jackets: misc. ice fishing jigs: Minnkota props: pocket fisherman-Original box: tackle boxes: aquariums w/ pump filters: live traps: boat seats and gas tanks: cash register: sleeping bags: lots of misc.:
WINDROWER/TRAILER AND MISC.: Massey Ferguson #36 windrower: Donahue windrower trailer: JD 10’ disc: Kewanee Model 600 elevator:
MOTOR HOME, SUBURBAN, MOTORCYCLES: 1988 32’ Pace Arrow motor home w/dual roof a/c, Chevy 454 eng., sleeps 6, 84,000 miles: 1954 Chevy Suburban—6 cyl eng—need work: 2006 Big Chopper 49cc “mini chopper” motorcycle: 1977 Honda XL100 motorcycle: car top carrier: pickup tool boxes/bed liners: alum. Race car seat:
ACREAGE ITEMS AND TOOLS: fence/T posts: misc. bikes: horse tack: (3) rabbit cages: 150 gal. LP tank: hand tools: Mark I 14” band saw: Ace 10” table saw :Sears 48” wood lathe w/table: 6.25 hp 2800 psi gas pressure washer-like new: 42cc Poulan 16” chainsaw in case-like new: 3.5 gal. Campbell supply air compressor: 30 gal. air comp.: hitch jack: (2) Snap on cordless drills: Companion bench mount drill press: Makita drywall screw gun: 3/8” elec. drill: electric impact: Craftsman 6” planer: Craftsman table saw: Dura Weld Arc welder: car ramps: portable cement mixer: tool boxes: storage and bolt organizers: rolls of wire: (2) wood burning stoves: picnic table: lots of misc:
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Coke machine-works: hanging Beer lights: Duck, goose and turkey calls (Faulks, PS OLT Co. Buck Gardner): classic and vintage jewelry: cast iron pans: wagon wheels: cream can: cistern pump: Little Chef elec. smoker: vintage fishing tackle, lures, rods and reels—Pflueger, Ocean City, Wards, Higgins etc: approx. 25- 30 deck and goose decoys: marbles: lighter collection(zippo, Smokin Joes, Winston Nimrod pipe lighter: pocket knife collection(Feterl, MFCO Schrade old timers): Minnehaha co Atlas: McDonalds train booth: glassware: lots of misc.:
HOUSEHOLD: GE refrigerator: Whirlpool small chest freezer: Frigidaire large chest freezer: entertainment center: chest of drawers: coffee and end tables: file cabinet: misc. pictures and crafts: Christmas decorations and lawn ornaments: canning jars: glider chair/ottoman: glassware: dishes: silverware: VCR movies: books: albums/cassettes: several boxes new ceramic/duraceramic and wood laminate flooring: desk: lots of misc.
TERMS: cash/good cashable check, credit card now accepted. Any announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertising. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Zomer Clerking:
Auctioneers and RE Brokers
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526
Darrell Vande Vegte—712-726-3428