Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
Thanks to the very large crowd in attendance at the auction today!!!! Acreage Sold for $335,000.00!!! Tract 2 pasture $6800.00 Per Acre!!! Tract #3 pasture $6800.00 Per acre!! Tract #4 Pasture $6600.00 Per Acre!!! Tracts # 5 and 6 farmland sold for $13,300.00 Per Acre!!!

October 30, 2021 @10:30 A.M.---Live Farmland, Acreage & Pastureland Auction To Be Sold In 6 Separate Tracts--Located in Centennial TWP, Lyon County, IA---Located West Of Lake Pajoha Near Klondike Northwest Of Inwood, IA! These Properties Are Only Approx. 25 Minutes From Sioux Falls, SD! Helmer Haugland Estate Heirs--Owners

  • Live Auction
Open House:
September 29, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. and on October 7, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M.
Auction Date:   October 30, 2021 - 12:00 am
1843 Birch Ave. Inwood IA 51240
  • Inwood
  • Lyon County
  • IA

Upcoming Live Public Auction Of 229+/- Acres Of

 Farmland & Pastureland & An Acreage Site

Located In Centennial TWP, West Of Lake Pajoha Near Klondike!

To Be Sold in 6 Separate Tracts!



Tract 1 — 5.66 Acre Acreage Site 

Tract 2 — 67.64 Acres Of Pastureland/Cropland

Tract 3 — 53.75 Acres Of Pastureland/Cropland 

Tract 4 — 30.22 Acres Of Pastureland

Tract 5 — 53.15 Acres Of Cropland 

Tract 6 — 19.09 Acres Of Cropland



Location: 1843 Birch Ave., Inwood, IA 51240 or from the West Lyon School go 3 miles West on 180th St (A20) to Birch Ave. then go 1/4 Mile South on Birch Ave to the Acreage Site. All the tracts lie along Birch Ave & 180th St. Tracts 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6 are all adjoining and Tract 2 lies directly across Birch Ave to the East of the acreage site. Auction signs will be posted. Watch zomerauctions.com for inclement weather! Auction will be held at the site of the Acreage Site!



Sale Date: October 30, 2021 @10:30 A.M.






Auctioneers Note: Our company is honored to have been selected by the Helmer Haugland Estate to offer these properties for sale at live public auction! These properties offer something for everyone including tillable farmland, pastureland and an acreage site! Call an auctioneer listed below today to receive a full informational packet! This auction will be held at the site of property!! Watch zomerauctions.com in case of inclement weather!



Legal Description Tract 1: Parcel C in the NE1/4 of Section 22, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA. Subject to all public roads and easements of record.



General description of Tract 1: According to the survey this acreage site consists of 5.66 acres! This property is in a great location on a hard surface road only minutes from the West Lyon School & approx. 25 minutes from the SE edge of Sioux Falls, SD! This property consists of a ranch style home with 3 Bedrooms and 1 Bathroom with a double attached garage! This home has recently had several updates including a new trex deck, carpet, windows, gutters and garage door! The exterior of this home was also recently painted! This home also recently had a Thrasher basement system installed by Thrasher basement systems. The outbuildings on the property include a 32 x 48 open front storage building, a 40 x 50 cattle shed and a 32 x 48 cattle shed. This property also has 2 cattle yards with some fence line feed bunks and concrete aprons! This property is on REC Elec and on well water. Lyon & Sioux rural water lies directly adjoining the property. Please contact rural water for any information regarding availability for connection and costs associated with connection. This property is in a great location and would make a fantastic property to establish your family’s legacy on! Acreage sites in this area are not often offered for sale at auction! This acreage site lies directly adjoining Tracts 3 & 6! The septic system on the home will be inspected by the seller. If the septic system on the home requires an update the buyer will be at the buyer’s sole expense required to update the septic system to Iowa Code. The septic system is currently functioning. This property is in the West Lyon School District. Make plans today to attend an open house and purchase this property!



Legal Description Tract 2: The W1/2 of the NW1/4 of Section 23, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA. Subject to all public roads and easements of record.



General description of Tract 2: According to survey, this property consists of 67.64 acres. This property consists of 59.13 acres of pastureland and 5.48 acres of tillable farmland with the remainder in road and ditch. This property is very scenic with great views and rolling hills! This property is currently fenced and also has a stock dam for water! The tillable land on the property has a CSR1 of 54.5 And a CSR2 of 81.9. Rural water and elec are located near this property however all costs to bring elec and water to the property will be the buyers expense and buyers are encouraged to contact Lyon & Sioux Rural water & REC elec concerning costs and availability! Buyer of this tract will be required to install a new fence on the East boundary of the South acreage site which this property adjoins. Contact an agent for details! Make plans today to attend this auction!!!  



Legal Description Tract 3: Parcels D & F in the NE1/4 of Section 22, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA. Subject to all public roads and easements of record.



General description of Tract 3: According to survey, this property consists of 53.75 gross acres of which 45.93 acres is pastureland and 4.67 acres is tillable farmland with the remainder in road and ditch!  This property is currently fenced and also has a stock dam for water supply! This property is in a great location with access from the blacktop road! The tillable land on this property has a CSR1 of 48.5 And a CSR2 of 62.5. Rural water and elec are located near this property however all costs to bring elec and water to the property will be the buyers expense and buyers are encouraged to contact Lyon & Sioux Rural water & REC elec concerning costs and availability! Buyer will be responsible to determine and comply with any zoning regulations and any and all building restrictions if any. Make plans today to attend this auction!! Buyer of this tract will receive an ingress/egress easement from the buyer of the acreage site (Tract 1) as shown on survey. This Tract has an eligibility to build a dwelling.



Legal Description Tract 4: Parcel I in the NE1/4 of Section 22, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA. Subject to all public roads and easements of record.



General description of Tract 4: According to survey, this property consists of 30.22 gross acres of which 29.87 acres is pastureland with the remainder in road and ditch!  This property is currently fenced! This property is in a great location with access from the blacktop road! Rural water and elec are located near this property however all costs to bring elec and water to the property will be the buyers expense and buyers are encouraged to contact Lyon & Sioux Rural water & REC elec concerning costs and availability! Buyer will be responsible to determine and comply with any zoning regulations and any and all building restrictions if any. Make plans today to attend this auction!! Buyer of this parcel will receive an access easement from Tract 5 for ingress/egress access as shown on survey. This Tract has an eligibility to build a dwelling.



Legal Description Tract 5: Parcel G in the NE1/4 of Section 22, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA. Subject to all public roads and easements of record. 



General description of Tract 5: According to survey, this property consists of 53.15 gross acres. According to the FSA this parcel contains 49.46 tillable acres! This property has a corn and soybean base combined with the adjoining property with a PLC yield of 159bu. on corn a PLC yield of 50bu. on soybeans. The predominant soil types of this property include: 410B2, C2-Moody, 401D2-Crofton, 33E, F, D-Steinauer.  According to Agri-Data this farmland has a CSR1 of 52.3 And CSR2 of 62.2. This farmland has access from 180th St. Buyer of this tract will be required to grant an ingress/egress access easement to the buyer of Tract 4 as shown by the survey.



Legal Description Tract 6: Parcel E in the NE1/4 of Section 22, TWP 99N, Range 48W, Lyon County, IA. Subject to all public roads and easements of record.



General description of Tract 6: According to survey, this property consists of 19.09 gross acres. According to the FSA this parcel contains 17.35 tillable acres! This property has a corn and soybean base combined with the adjoining property with a PLC yield of 159bu. on corn a PLC yield of 50bu. on soybeans. The predominant soil types of this property include: 410B, B2, C2-Moody, 401D2-Crofton, 33F-Steinauer. According to Agri-Data this farmland has a CSR1 of 52.1 And CSR2 of 59.5. Smaller tracts of farmland are not often available! Buyer of this tract will receive an ingress/egress access easement from the buyer of the Acreage (Tract 1) as shown on the survey.



Open Houses To View The Properties: Open house will be held on September 29, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. and on October 7, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. or by appointment only. UTV tours will be given or you may bring your own UTV to the open house.




Method of sale: Tracts will be sold in the order listed. Choice will be offered on Tracts 3 & 4. First successful bidder on the choice of tracts 3 & 4 will have the option to purchase either Tract 3 or Tract 4 or both. Once both tract 3 & 4 have both been sold choice will again be offered between Tract 5 or 6. First successful bidder of the choice between Tract 5 or 6 will have the option to purchase either Tract 5 or Tract 6 or both. If in either choice only 1 tract is selected then the remaining tract will be sold prior to the next tracts.



Special Terms Concerning Grass Lane: If Tracts 3 & 4 are purchased by the same buyer the grass lane (Parcel H) on the South side of Tract 5 will be included as part of Tracts 3 & 4. If the same buyer does not purchase Tracts 3 & 4 this lane will be included with Tract 5. Price of this grass lane will be $1,500.00 total regardless of selling price of the tract it is included in the sale of. The sale price of the grass lane will be added to the final sale price of the tract it is purchased with. Contact an agent for details.



Fence Agreement: Buyers of Tracts 3 & 4 will be required to sign a fence agreement stating that the buyer’s of tracts 3 & 4 will be responsible for all maintenance, repair and installation of new fence and any costs associated with such for fences adjoining Tracts 5 & 6. Contact an Agent for details.



Taxes: The current Real Estate Taxes according to the Lyon County Treasurer are approx. $3,316.00 per year total on Tracts 1, 3,4, 5 & 6 and approx. $1,088.00 per year on Tract 2. Seller will pay the 2021 taxes which are due and payable in March and Sept of 2022.  Taxes will need to be re-assessed due to the recent survey.     



Possession: Possession of Tract 1 (Acreage Site) will be on closing day. Possession of the remaining tracts will be on March 1, 2022.  



Terms: Purchaser(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable $25,000.00 as earnest money deposit on Tract 1 (Acreage site) and 15 % of the purchase price as earnest money deposit on Tracts 2 through 6, and also agree to enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day on or before December 22, 2021 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. These properties are being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies and as is with any/all defects and encroachments if any. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. No warranties are expressed or implied. Any lines on maps/pics are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be actual boundary lines of the property. Sellers do not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary and any new fencing if any will be the responsibility of the purchasers pursuant to IA statutes. All measurements, acres, building sizes, years built etc are not guaranteed.  Any announcements made day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. This Property is being sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Real Estate brokers are representing the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact auctioneers listed below. De Koster & De Koster PLLC –Sellers Attorney.


Helmer Haugland Estate Heirs – Owners


Click Here for Auction Booklet


Zomer Company:

Mark Zomer – 712-470-2526 — Blake Zomer – 712-460-2552

Gary Van Den Berg – 712-470-2068 — Darrell Vande Vegte – 712-470-1125

Ryan Zomer – 712-441-3970 — Joel Westra-605-957-5222


Type of Home: ranch
Roof Type: steel
Siding Type: vertical hard board
Furnace Type: propane–new in 2010
A/C: Central
Master Bedroom: 11 x 13.2 main
Bedroom #2: 10 x 11 main
Main Floor Bathroom: 7.9 x 10 main w/tub/tiled shower
Garage Size: 24 x 24
Kitchen: 10.6 x 12.7
Dining Room: 9.8 x 13.2
Living Room: 12 x 20
Laundry / Utility: in basement

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent