Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
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This Auction will take place live on site and on our Online bidding platform via a Live Virtual Auction Broadcast from the site of the auction. What this means is we will have a live video feed of the Auctioneer conducting the auction on site. All bidding will be done Live on site or online or by phone bid, but all on-site bidders must remain in their vehicle due to current health regulations. If you have any questions on how this process will be handled or need help getting registered for online bidding if this is the method you prefer, do not hesitate to call. If you are only interested in observing the auction we encourage you to watch on our website video feed,
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Public Multiple Tract Auction
Of 137.74 Acres Of Eagle TWP, Sioux County, IA Farmland
This Auction Will Feature 137.74 Acres Of Eagle TWP, Sioux County, IA Farmland To Be Sold In Three Separate Tracts!! This Farmland Is Located Just East of Hawarden, IA on US HWY 10! This Is A Great Opportunity To Purchase 1 Or Several Tracts Of Farmland In A Great Area!!
Tract 1 Location: From the Hawarden, IA Golf Course go 2 miles East on US HWY 10/450th St. to Chestnut Ave then go 3/4 mile North on Chestnut Ave to Tract 1.
Tract 2 & 3 Location: From the Hawarden, IA Golf course go 2 miles East on US HWY 10/450th St. to Tract 2 then go 1/4 mile further East on US HWY 10/450th St. to Tract #3. Auction will be held at the site of the farmland! Signs Will Be Posted. Watch for inclement weather
March 30, 2020 @10:30 A.M.
Please go to to bid or click on the blinking button below to bid on the items!!
Auctioneers Note: We are honored to have had our firm selected to offer this property for sale at live public auction for the Witt Family! As the Witts have decided to discontinue their partnership they have asked us to offer for sale to the public these great properties! This farmland would make a great investment or addition to your current farming operation!! Make plans today to attend this auction and purchase this tract of farmland! Call an auctioneer today to receive a full informational packet!
Click Here To Print Witt Farmland Packet
Abbreviated Legal Description Of Tract 1: Parcel B in the NW1/4 of Section 32, TWP 95N, Range 47W, Sioux County, IA. Subject to all public easements and roadways of record. This tract is sold subject to a cell tower easement.
General Description Of Tract 1: According to the recent survey this property contains 66.86 gross acres. According to FSA this tract of farmland has approx. 64 tillable acres with the remaining balance of the farm in road/ditch and pushup terraces. The predominant soil types include: 310B2, C2-Galva, 810, B, B2-Galva, 428B-Ely, 1B3, C3-Ida, 8B-Judson, 733-Calco. According to Agri-Data this farm has a CSR1 rating of 61.5 and a CSR2 rating of 83.5. This farm has a corn base only combined with the adjoining farmland with a PLC yield of 153bu. This farm is currently classified as NHEL. This farm does have some drainage tile line installed. This farm will need to undergo a reconstitution due to recent survey. This property is sold subject to a cell tower easement. This easement does not have any annual payments. This property provides a great opportunity to add more acres to your operation or investment portfolio!! Make plans today to attend this auction and purchase this property!!!
Abbreviated Legal Description Of Tract 2: Parcel C in the SW1/4 of Section 32, TWP 95N, Range 47W, Sioux County, IA. Subject to all public easements and roadways of record.
General Description Of Tract 2: According to the recent survey this property contains 39.82 gross acres. According to FSA this tract of farmland has approx. 36.94 tillable acres with the remaining balance of the farm in road/ditch and small grass waterway. The predominant soil types include: 310B2, C2-Galva, 11B-Radford-Judson, 133-Colo, 91B-Primghar. According to Agri-Data this farm has a CSR1 rating of 61.1 and a CSR2 rating of 86.9. This farm has a corn base only combined with the adjoining farmland with a PLC yield of 153bu. This farm is currently classified as NHEL. This farm will need to undergo a reconstitution due to recent survey. This property provides a great opportunity to add more acres to your operation or investment portfolio!! Tracts of this size in this area are rarely offered for sale!! Make plans today to attend this auction and purchase this property!!!
Abbreviated Legal Description Of Tract 3: Parcel D in the SW1/4 of Section 32, TWP 95N, Range 47W, Sioux County, IA. Subject to all public easements and roadways of record.
General Description Of Tract 3: According to the recent survey this property contains 31.06 gross acres. According to FSA this tract of farmland has approx. 23.26 tillable acres with the remaining balance of the farm in approx. 1.19 acres of road and the remaining balance in approx. 4 to 5 acres of CRP and in waterway. The current CRP contract acres will need to be reconstituted due to the recent survey and exact acres are not guaranteed. The current CRP contract is for $362.22. per acre and expires 9-30-2023. CRP will be pro-rated from the date of closing for 2020 and all future payments thereafter will go to the new owner for the CRP acres on this property. The predominant soil types include: 733-Calco, 467-Radford, 810B, B2-Galva. According to Agri-Data this farm has a CSR1 rating of 69.8 and a CSR2 rating of 83.9. This farm has a corn base only combined with the adjoining farmland with a PLC yield of 153bu. This farm is currently classified as NHEL. This farm will need to undergo a reconstitution due to recent survey. This property provides a great opportunity to add more acres to your operation or investment portfolio!! Tracts of this size in this area are rarely offered for sale!! Make plans today to attend this auction and purchase this property!!!
Method of sale: Farmland will be sold at the site of the land. Farmland will be sold with the final bid price x gross surveyed acres. Tracts will be sold in the order listed and will not be combined in any way.
Taxes: The current Real Estate Taxes according to the Sioux County Treasurer are approx. $2,005.80 per year on Tract 1, approx. $1,194.60 per year on Tract 2, and approx. $931.80 per year on Tract 3. Seller will pay the 2019 taxes which are due and payable in March and September of 2020.
Possession: Possession for farming will be on April 2. This farm is available to farm for the 2020 crop year.
Terms: Purchaser(s) will be required to immediately following the auction pay a non-refundable 15 % of the purchase price as earnest money deposit on each tract and also agree to enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day on or before May 1, 2020 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. 2019 taxes due in 2020 paid by the seller. 2020 taxes due in 2021 to be paid by the buyer. This farm is being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies and as is with any/all defects and encroachments if any. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. No warranties are expressed or implied. Any lines on maps are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be actual boundary lines of the property. Buyer agrees to assume any CRP contracts and any responsibility with the CRP and any future and midterm maintenance for the CRP contracts. CRP payment for 2020 will be pro-rated from the date of closing and all future payments thereafter will go to the new owner. Sellers do not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary and any new fencing if any will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to IA statutes.. Any announcements made day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. This Property is being sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. Auctioneers and Real Estate brokers are representing the sellers. If any additional information is requested, please contact auctioneers listed below. James H. Pickner—Sellers Attorney.
Witt Feedlot LLC–Owner
Auctioneers and Brokers:
Ivan Huenink-712-470-2003—Gerad Gradert-712-539-8794
Mark Zomer-712-470-2526—-Darrell Vande Vegte-712-476-9443
Gary Vanden Berg-712-470-2068 — Blake Zomer-712-460-2552—Joel Westra—605-310-6941