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Zomer Company
  • Sold

Nov 2, 2019-117.84 +/- Acres Norway Township-LINCOLN COUNTY, SD LAND, ANTIQUE & MACHINERY AUCTION--(17 +/- Acre Acreage, 100 +/- Acres Farmland)--Ernest Ekanger & Family, Owners--Sold As A Unit For $7,100.00 per acre! Thank you to everyone in attendance!!

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   November 2, 2019 - 10:00 am
29509 SD Hwy 11, Hudson, SD
  • Alcester
  • Hudson
  • Lincoln County
  • SD


117.84 +/- Acres Norway Township

17 +/- Acre Acreage, 100 +/- Acres Farmland

Saturday, November 2nd, 2019, 10:30 AM

Acreage Open Houses: Sat, Oct 12, 10:30-12:00 AM & Thurs, Oct 17, 5:00-6:30 PM

We will sell the following real estate and personal property at public auction at the landsite located at 29509 SD Hwy 11, Hudson, SD or from Norway Center, 1 mile south on SD Hwy 11 or from Alcester, SD, 5 ½ miles north on SD Hwy 11.


Click here for Google Map directions

Auctioneers Note: Land and acreage will sell at 10:30 with personal property to follow. This is a great opportunity to purchase farmland and an acreage in southeast South Dakota, a prime agricultural production region. The land and acreage have been in the Ekanger-Husby family for 126 years, this auction is a once in a lifetime occasion. Located on a hard surface road in the rolling hills west of Hudson, SD, which gives convenient access ethanol plants and grain elevators.  The land is in a corn/soybean rotation and is available to the new owner for the 2020 crop year.  The land has a soil rating of .574 and according to the FSA there are 89.4 acres of cropland, 42 acre corn base / 154 bushel per ace PLC yield, 38.5 acre soybean base / 42 bushel per acre PLC yield. According to Surety AgriData the land has a productivity rating of 54.5. Predominate soils include: Crofton-Nora complex, 11-17 percent slopes, eroded; Moody-Nora silty clay loams, 6-10 percent slopes eroded. A certified wetland determination has been completed and a conservation plan is practiced.  Taxes: $1597.02. In case of inclement weather listen to WNAX radio or visit www.westraatkins.com

Click here to Download the entire Sale Booklet including FSA, wetland and soil maps

Acreage Open Houses: Sat, Oct 12, 10:30-12:00 AM & Thurs, Oct 17, 5:00-6:30 PM

Click here for Aerial Video of the Property

The 17 +/- acre acreage is located one mile south of Norway Center on SD Hwy 11. The acreage has an older 1 ½ story home (in need of repair), established shelter belt, barn, machine shed, pasture, & well. The acreage’s topography presents an ideal location to build that dream home with lots of room for livestock or horses, gardening, with room to grow and expand. Located on the acreage is a steel garage that was owned by Simon “Sam” Husby for car and tire repair, which was moved in the late 1940’s or early 1950’s from Norway Center. Please join us at one of the open houses:  Sat, Oct 12, 10:30-12:00 AM & Thurs, Oct 17, 5:00-6:30 PM.

Legal Description: NE ¼ except W ½ W1/2 NE ¼ and Lots H-2, 28-96-49, Lincoln County, SD

Offered in 3 Tracts:

Tract 1: 17 +/-Acre Acreage

Tract: 2: 100.84 +/- Acres Farmland

Tract 3: Combination of Tracts 1 & 2 = 117.84 +/- Acres

TERMS:  15% nonrefundable down payment day of sale with the balance due at closing on or before Dec 13, 2019. Title insurance and closing costs split 50/50 between buyer and seller. 2019 taxes due in 2020 paid by the seller. 2020 taxes due in 2021 to be paid by the buyer. If sold in separate tracts then acres for Tract 2 will be determined by 117.84 total tax based acres less surveyed acres in Tract 1. Tract 1 survey to be paid for by the seller. The acres in this property are based on acres stated in the county tax records with acres to be understood to be “more or less”.  The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that the existing fences lie on the true and correct boundary and new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. The property is sold in as is condition and as a cash sale with no financing contingency.  Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, or highway of record, if any. Information is deemed to be correct but it is not guaranteed. All prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided.  Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all written advertising.  Real Estate licensees are agents for the seller.  Sold subject to confirmation of owners.

Antiques & Collectibles: trunks; school desks; baby buggy & crib; typewriters; fire extinguisher; milk can; rocking horse; Tyco electric train set; doll bed /side drop; hand crank butter churn; wicker kids rocking chair, doll buggy & padded seat chair; mantel clock; 2 man saw; pedal sharpening stone; bowls; Red Crown sign; dining room table/ 1 leaf/4 chairs & hutch; ringer washer; metal trunk; wooden high chair; mini wooden barrel; Monarch kitchen cook stove; enamel pots, pans & basin; cream separators; dishes; phonographs, rocking chairs; tackle boxes; wooden kids chairs; suitcases; metal picnic basket; doll high chair; pictures and frames; meat grinders; footstool; wooden pie cooler cabinet; wooden cigar boxes & shoe shine box; chalk board; mini wash board; cabinets; A & W glass gallon jugs; kerosene lamps/Hurricane glass top; kerosene lantern & heater; radio; metal wardrobe; Tom Thumb junior typewriter; bassinette/stand; heating stove; table/3 leafs; pitcher & basin sets; fruit crates & flats; ice cream maker; dresser; Kirby vacuum; Coleman picnic stove; Roper washing machine; wooden kitchen table/4 chairs; plus much more.

Machinery & Misc: gravity wagon; pull type 2 wheel seeder; IHC corn picker; horse drawn machinery; drag; wagon; plow; tools; Knipco heater; air compressors; Nutone electric ceiling heater; plus more

Terms:  Check/Cash/Sales Tax 

Click here to Download the entire Sale Booklet including FSA, wetland and soil maps

Click here for the Acreage Property Disclosure 

Click here for Aerial Video of the Property

Ernest Ekanger & Family, Owners

Phil Peterson, Closing Attorney


Joel R Westra, Broker, Beresford, SD 605-310-6941

Pete Atkins, Broker Associate, Tea, SD 605-351-9847

Joel A Westra, Broker Associate, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222

Phil Eggers, Broker Associate, Renner, SD 605-351-5438

Craig Atkins, Broker Associate, Tea, SD 605-351-9850

Mark Zomer, Vande Vegte Zomer Auctions, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent