Zomer Company

Serving IA, SD, NE & MN            712.476.9443     info@zomercompany.com

Zomer Company
  • Sold

April 9, 2015--1st Annual Tri- County Machinery Consignment Auction Accepting consignments of Tractors, Tillage Equipment, Harvest Equipment, Livestock Equipment, and farm related items----Awesome Crowd and Auction!! Thanks for coming!! We appreciate it!!

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   April 9, 2015 - 5:00 pm
Sioux Center, IA 51250, USA
  • Sioux Center
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Tri- County Consignment Auction

Silage Truck, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Wagons, Trailers,

Livestock Equip., ATV’S, Mowers Etc.

Thursday April 9, 2015

Sale Time: 10:30 A.M.

Location: Sioux Center Fairgrounds, Sioux Center, IA from Casey’s corner go approx. 1 mile East on 7th St. to Sioux County Fairgrounds


Lunch on grounds

Auctioneers Note: Consignments can be brought in Monday April 6, Tuesday April 7, and Wednesday April 8 from 9:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M. No consignments accepted Thursday Morning!! Loading will be available Thursday April 9, 2015 day of auction and Friday April 10. Please remove your items by Saturday April 11-no exceptions. In case of inclement weather, listen to FM93.9 for weather related announcements. We will start at 10:30 A,M. Day of auction on tools,mowers and Livestock equipment then go to Farm Machinery & Tractors.

Tractors, Loaders & Accessories:  1974 IH 1066 tractor-5200 hrs, all new rubber/many new parts/body shop paint restored right-sharp: IH 5088-sharp, 8060 hrs, 18.4-38 60% rubber:  2013 JD 8235R, new 380-90-R54 rear tires & 380-85-R38 front tires, 3858 hrs, 1300 front end, 60GPM hyd pump, 4 service valves, 235 hp, auto steer ready, half rack front weights, power shift transmission-26.2 mph: (4) 20.5 -25 pay loader tires-bar tread:  1954 Farmall Super M-gas, nf, ps, 12volt,good paint & rubber: 1941 JD H-runs good, good paint: 1946 Ford 2N w/sherman overdrive transmission-good rubber:  Farmall B:  WL42 Westendorf loader w/quick tach bucket: bale spear for Westendorf loader:  IH 400 tractor, gas, nf, fast hitch: frontend loader-fits Ford 2000: Rock box & base front weight bracket for 7120C IH magnum: quick tach silage push board for Westendorf loader: 12’ payloader scraper-w/hooks for Volvo loader: 18.4-38 JD duals w/like new radial tires:

Silage truck: 2004 International truck w/10 spd transmission w/auto shift, w/C15 Cat engine, air ride suspension, air ride cab and seat, feedlot radiator, w/grain/silage box-26 ft L, 62”H w/2 ft silage extension w/roll tarp, front push bumper with LED lights and rear tow hooks & LED lights—14-200lb.-90% front tires, w/75% tread on rear tires:

Wagons: (3)Meyer Model #4122 rear unload steel silage wagons w/#2206 Meyer gear w/6 wheels, 22T, plastic floors, hyd driven—used 3 seasons:  (2) 650bu Demco wagons-(green): Bradford 250bu wagon: JD barge wagon w/JD gear: Roorda steel silage wagon w/Oliver gear: 16ft flatbed w/gear-like new

Trailers: Tiger 20’ bumper car trailer-3500# axles-nice: Diamond D 5th wheel steel 7×20 livestock trailer-red-used very little: Triggs 16’ steel bumper hitch stock trailer:

Farm Machinery: Knight #3042 twin auger -1 owner feeder wagon w/scale:  7ft Gehl 1610 disc mower: 3 pt Bush Hog 8’ disc mower: JD #980 36’ hyd fold field cultivator w/harrow: Top Air field  w/750 gal tank-60’booms w/TeeJet 744A –boom control w/3 section shut off & foamer & fresh water rinse: 300 gal sprayer: Demco 600 gal sprayer w/45’ manual booms w/pto pump/and foamer /flotation tires: NH #116 pull type hay bine: 19 1/2′ Kewanee disc w/3 bar harrow:  3 pt bale mover: 12 ft Meyerink box scraper w/hyd tilt: Sitrex hyd fold wheel rake: Brady 1680 stalk chopper: Dayton  Model 3W955 40kw pto generator –like new: 30’ 10” Pech auger /hopper: M & W 5 shank V-ripper: New Idea side rake w/low rubber: IH #37 disc: (2) JD 14 ft disks: Allis Chalmers 180bu pto spreader: 4-9.5L Xn14 implement tires on 6 bolt rims: Moline 30’ drag feed w/incline/orbit motor:drum mower: Woods belly mower:

Heads:  JD 1293 12rn corn head-new gathering chains, hyd adjustable deck plates-poly snoots-good condition: Case IH 1020 30’ bean head w/Tiger tooth:

Vehicles: 1993 Chevy 1500 pickup, 4 x 4, 5.7 motor-ext cab, 171,000 miles: 1973 Chevy 3/4T pickup, 4 x 4, 4 spd, w/new Bradford flatbed-2nd owner, 82,860 miles-exc. cond.:

Livestock equipment/Tools: 9T bulk bin: Alley way splitter for Foremost chute: 2” assorted new lumber: 250 gal propane tank: steel/wood fence posts: misc. head gates: hog feeders: hog gates: large assortment of livestock equipment: Lincoln 180 amp welder: cut off saw: assortment of wrenches: ¾” socket set: 5 spd drill press: Magnaforce air compressor: bench grinder: misc. air tools: shop vac: bench vise: socket sets: Makita hand grinder: saws: drills:

ATV’s: 2006 Cam Am 800 EFI high output, 4 x 4 -4 wheeler-red –good tires, good condition:

Mowers/snowblowers: Husqvarna 38” mower w/bagger: Ariens 42” riding mower w/18 hp Kohler eng.-6-7 yrs old: Ariens riding lawn mower: Ariens ST824 24” snow blower-w/8hp Briggs eng. works good-elec start does not work: 40” snowblower: and more misc.

Pedal tractor/trailer/wagon: JD 4020 pedal tractor w/trailer: miniature JD wagon:

Terms: cash/check. Credit cards also accepted. Any announcement made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased.  All guarantees are between buyer and seller. All items sold as is. Ad is subject to change prior to sale.


Don Krommendyk-712-470-3203–

—Mark Zomer-712-470-2526–

–Ivan Huenink-712-470-2003–

-Darrell Vande Vegte—712-726-3428

Listing Agent(s)

Darrell Vande Vegte
  • Auctioneer
Mark Zomer
  • Auctioneer,
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Owner,
  • Real Estate Broker