Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold
Tract 1 Sold for-$12,250.00 Per Acre, Tract 2-$8100.00 Per Acre &the Acreage Sold for--$86000.00 Thanks to all the bidders approx 120 in attendance

February 5, 2015---308.66 Acres of Union County, SD Farmland to be Sold In 3 Seperate Tracts including an approx. 4.51 Acre Acreage site by Alcester SD-Bernard & Sheila Smith Family Trust-owners-

  • Live Auction
Auction Date:   February 5, 2015 - 10:00 am
Alcester, SD 57001, USA
  • Alcester
  • Union County
  • SD
Lot Size:
308.66 Acres

Upcoming Public Auction of Prime Union County, SD Farmland

Of 308.66 Acres of Union County, SD Alcester Township Farmland To Be Sold in 3 Seperate Tracts including a

 approx. 4.51 +/– Acre Acreage Site Located near Alcester SD.

To be offered in 3 Separate Tracts****Auction will be held at site of Tract 1

Thursday February 5, 2015—-10:30 A.M.

“Your Farmland Specialist’s”——zomerauctions.com

Location: Acreage location 30235 481st Ave Hawarden IA. (Acreage is in South Dakota).Tract 1 and Acreage location  from the Alcester Steakhouse go 2 miles east on Blktop Union County 13/302nd St. to 481st Ave./Union County 23 then go ½ mile South –land/acreage located on West side of road. Tract 2 location: From the Alcester Steakhouse go 2 miles east on Union County 13/302nd St. to 481st Ave. then go 2 miles north on 481st Ave.-Land is located on the Southeast corner of intersection 300thSt./481st. Ave. Auction signs will be posted!

Auctioneers Note: We are honored to have been asked to conduct this auction for the Bernard & Sheila Smith Family Trust and Smith Revocable Living Trust. This auction includes some PRIME South Dakota farmland and also a 4.51 acre acreage site located on a hard surface road only minutes from Alcester SD. Make plans today to attend!! This land has been in this family for many years and offers an unbelievable opportunity to purchase land in this area!!!

Legal Description of Property #1: The NE1/4of section 35 Twp 95N R49W except  Tract 1 Smith Addition and Less Lot R-1 (2.96 acres), Union County South Dakota subject to public roads and any easements of record.

General Description of Property #1: This property consists of 152.53 gross acres according to Union County Assessor. According to Union County FSA, this tract has 144.42 tillable acres. The balance of this farm consists of road, ditch, waterway and some trees around the acreage site. This farm has good access with blacktop road on 2 sides. The predominant soil types include: Mcb, Mdc, Moody, Ka Kennebec, Ae, Alcester, CnD2, Crofton-Nora, and Ca, Calco. This farm has an average soil productivity rating of 83.3. According to Agri Surety Data, this farm has a corn base of 116.3 acres and direct and cc yield of 87 bushel. And a soybean base of 21.9 acres and a direct and cc yield of 34 bu. This farm appears to be well managed and in a good state of productivity. This farm had approx 8500 ft of drain tile installed in approx 2012, this farm has some HEL soils and is contoured farmed.  This farm has excellent soil types and is a very attractive Union County Farm. This excellent Union County farm would make an excellent addition to your current operation or a investment portfolio.

Legal Description of Property #2: The NW ¼ located in Section 24 Twp 95N, R49W, except lot H-18 Union County South Dakota, subject to public roads and any easements of record.

General Description of Property #2: According to the Union County Assessor, this tract of land contains 156.13 gross acres. According to Union County FSA this tract of land contains 148.24 tillable acres with the balance in abandoned acreage site with trees, grass, and a waterway in NE corner, some pushup terraces and road and ditch. The predominant soil types include, Mcb, Mdc, Moody Nora, Cnd2, Crofton Nora, Ma, Mcpaul, and Ca, Calco. The average soil productivity rating on this farm is 67.3 according to Agri Surety Data. This farm has a corn base of 123 acres and a direct yield and cc yield of 87 bu. This farm has a soybean base of 23.1 acres and a direct and cc yield of 34 bu. This farm is classified HEL. This farm appears to be well managed and in a good state of productivity. Make plans to Add this excellent producing farm to your operation today.

Abbreviated Legal Description of Property #3: Approx. 4.51 acre Acreage site located in the NE ¼ of Section 35, Twp 95N, Range 49W of the 5th P.M.- described as Tract 1of Smith addition located in Union County South Dakota.

General Description of Property #3: This acreage site located at 30235 481st Ave Hawarden Iowa (in South Dakota) and consists of 4.51 surveyed acres. This property includes a two story home with approx 1374 sq ft, vinyl siding, a Lennox forced air furnace,  central a/c and asphalt shingles. This home consists of 4 bedrooms upstairs. The main floor consists of a kitchen/dining room, living room, office, full bath w/tub and shower and rear entry. The home has a full unfinished basement which includes the laundry. Other buildings include a double and single unattached garage, cattle shed, older hog house, 2 silos, Chief brand grain bin with dryer, and various older buildings. This acreage is on South Lincoln Rural water and Mid America Electric and is located in the Hudson Alcester School District. This acreage has an excellent location and is located on a hard surface road. Make plans today to attend!!

Method of sale:  Tract 1, then Tract 2, then Tract 3,  tracts will not be combined. (Note acreage site will be sold as total dollars.)

Taxes: The current Real Estate Taxes according to the Union County Treasurer are $5160.00 per year on Tract 1 and 3 combined.—Tract 2–$3740.00  per year.

Open Houses: Open house on the acreage site will be held on Saturday January 17, 2015 from 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. and Saturday January 24, 2015 from 1:30—3:00 p.m-or by appointment by contacting one of the agents listed below.

 Possession: Possession will be closing day March 13, 2015 on farmland and acreage site. Farmland is available for the 2015 crop year.

TERMS: 15% nonrefundable down payment day of sale on the farmland and a non-refundable $7500.00 on acreage site, with the balance of each tract due at closing on or before March 13,2015. Title insurance and closing costs split 50/50 between buyer and seller. 2014 taxes due in 2015 to be paid by the seller. 2015 taxes due in 2016 to be paid by the buyer. Buyer agrees to pay for acres times the price bid per acre with acres to be understood to be “more or less”. The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that the existing fences lie on the true and correct boundary and new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. Parcel 1 will have a access easement across driveway of Tract 1 Smith Addition. The properties are sold in as is condition and as a cash sale with no financing contingency. Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, or highway of  record, if any. Information is deemed to be correct but it is not guaranteed. All prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all written advertising. Real Estate licensees are agents for the seller. Sold subject to confirmation of owner. Tract one will have an access easement across the driveway of Tract 3 for field access. Union County Abstract and Title will be closing agents for the seller. James Pickner –attorney for sellers.

Bernard & Sheila Smith Family Trust and Smith Revocable Living Trust-owners

Peoples Bank Trustee—Brad Van Heuvelen –trust officer


Mark Zomer-712-470-2526*Darrell Vande Vegte 712-726 3428

Joel Westra-605-310-6941* Pete Atkins-650-351-9847* Joel Westra Jr.-650-957-5222

Type of Home: 2 story
Lot Size: 308.66 Acres
Roof Type: asphalt
Siding Type: vinyl
Furnace Type: Lennox
A/C: central
Master Bedroom: 15.5 x 17.7 up
Bedroom #2: 13.8 x 7.6 up
Bedroom #3: 9.2 x 12.9 up
Bedroom #4: 15.6 x 13 up
Main Floor Bathroom: 9.1 x 5.5 w/tub and shower
Garage Size: single unattached
Kitchen: 14.4 x 15.8
Dining Room: 14.6 x 14.9
Living Room: 15.9 x 17.5
Laundry / Utility: down
Basement Includes: unfinished full basement

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Don Krommendyk
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent