Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold

July 30, 2016--10:00 A.M. Retirement Auction of 18 John Deere and IH Tractors, Very Sharp JD X310 Lawn Mower, 1950 IH Running Gear, 4 Bottom McCormick plow, Tractor parts, Tools, and wooden antique double wringer washer, --Albert & JoAnn Groeneweg--owners---This will be a live Auction with online bidding Available!!----The Groeneweg Family wishes to thank all of those in attendance at the Auction on a Wonderful Day and all the Registered online bidders!!!!

Auction Date:   July 30, 2016 - 10:00 am
Rock Valley, IA 51247, USA
  • Rock Valley
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Upcoming Public Auction

Of 18 Tractors including a JD 7420, (2) JD 4055’s, JD 4050, (2)-JD 4230’s,Case IH 7130 Magnum, JD 3020 gas powershift, (2) IH 1066’s, (2)-IH 856’s,IH 966 diesel, JD 4010 diesel, JD 3010 LP, Farmall 450, Farmall M, Farmall H,

JD B, JD #275 9 ft disc mower, Misc. Equipment, Tractor parts and misc. Tools

Saturday July 30, 2016–Sale time: 10:00 A.M.

Location: 2222 14th street- Rock Valley Tractor Pull Track on East edge of Rock Valley, IA or from the downtown stoplight go 5 blks East on 14th St Auction signs will be posted!!

Auctioneers Note: As Albert and JoAnn have moved to Four Seasons Independent living in Rock Valley, IA and are retiring from their business and farming,  they are offering at public auction a excellent line of 18 tractors including Albert’s pride and joy –JD #4055 Pulling tractor, tractor parts and misc. tools etc. Make plans today to attend–Order of auction –we will start on tools, tractor parts, manuals etc and move to the tractors and major machinery at approx. 11:00 A.M. CST—Open Range lunch on Grounds!!   Spend the day with us!!

Go to zomerauctions.com or go to zomerbid.com to view catalog

Vande Vegte Zomer Realty & Online Bidding


This will be a live auction with online bidding available at zomerbid.com-Online auction items will be sold at approx. 11:00 A.M. CST

Albert and JoAnn Groeneweg—owners

Questions –call Arlin-712-470- 2264 or Herm-712-470-2347 or Jim-712-441-3692

Tractors and accessories: JD 7420 FWA,  w/4669 hrs, 480/80R-42 rear tires 45% rear rubber, 3 pt, power reverser shift, SN#RW7420R015441 hubs and duals will be sold separate: JD 4055 w/20.8-38 rear rubber, 3 pt, dual hyd, rollbar cab, big injectors and injection pump, can be turned down to stock—currently has 400 hp, has new injectors, pump rebuilt, 1750 hrs, quad range,  totally restored, super—super sharp has been used as a pulling tractor: Case IH 7130 Magnum, 4 reverses, 18.4-42 80% rear rubber, FWA, 2 hyd, a/c works, 10,300 hrs, w/18.4-42 duals: JD 4230 quad, turbo, new paint, 8400 hrs, SN#025469R, 18.4-34 65% rear rubber, 2 hyd, 3 pt, radiator rebuilt: JD 4055 w/8485 hrs, 480/80R-38-65% rear rubber, wf, dual hyd, 3 pt, 5540/1000 pto, quad range, diesel, SN#40558H003725, a/c, original paint, clean tractor, joystick and reg -hyd: JD 4050 diesel, tach shows 1855 hrs, originally came from Railroad Co, 18.4/38 Firestone tires, tires show some wear, 15 spd power shift, SN4050P00165, dual hyd 1000/540 pto, good clean tractor, a/c works: IH 1066 w/brand new 18.4/38 rear rubber, professionally repainted, WF, rear weights, dual hyd, 3 pt, unknown actual hrs, very, very sharp tractor, SN#2610172U025735:  JD 3020 SN#58604, gas, powershift, new paint, 2 hyd, 3 pt, nf, 15.5-38 rear tires, 540 pto, regular JD fenders, electric fuel pump, 7870 hrs:  IH 1066 diesel w/turbo, new Firestone 18.4/38 rear rubber, dual hyd, 3 pt, repainted, sharp, SN#2610172U042062, unknown actual hrs, good clean tractor, runs excellent: International 856 w/18.4/38 90% rear rubber, new battery, tach shows 2840 hrs –not sure if actual -2 pt, rear fenders, SN9129, some paint chips, good clean tractor, wf: International 856 SN#26101420028040, diesel, 18.4-38 65% rear rubber, repainted, rear fenders, 2 hyd, 3 pt, 2 yrs ago complete oh w/less than 100 hrs on complete oh, new clutch, w/turbo off 1256, w/8080 hrs:  International 966 diesel w/18.4/38 60% rear rubber, like new hydro—done by Lee’s Repair in Inwood, IA, 3 pt, Hiniker cab, dual hyd, unknown actual hrs, SN#2510174U008194, P12 Miller loader -quick tach w/8 ft bucket-loader sold separate: JD 4010 SN#29331diesel w/15/5/38 near new rear rubber, 3 pt, dual hyd, repainted, 5123 hrs, synchro range, runs excellent: JD 3010 LP w/LP under the hood, nf, repainted, 13/6/38 95% rear rubber, SN#11222, 3 pt, rear fenders, 6690 hrs, super sharp, synchro range—rare tractor: Farmall 450 diesel-starts on gas runs on diesel, SN#10392, nf, new Firestone 11/23 rear rubber, w/good torque, w/fast hitch, repainted-sharp: Farmall M- 13/6/38 50% rear rubber, nf, standard drawbar, live hyd, overdrive, no ps, repainted, runs excellent, SN#24398: JD B SN#123364 w/JD sickle mower, gas, nf, 11/2/38 rubber-runs good: Farmall H – SN#331600, 11/2/38 95% rear rubber –has super H decal but is a straight H with large pistons, nf, overdrive, live hyd-no ps:

Equipment: JD 275-9 ft 3 pt disc mower:  6 x 9 -2 wheel single axle trailer: 2 pt 4 bottom McCormick plow w/clod buster bar w/hyd cylinder: 1950 Int running gear-double bar, repainted, excellent tires: misc. items:

Antiques: Anchor brand wooden double tub wringer washer: wall phone:

JD mower: JD X310 mower w/Kawasaki eng, 42” deck, bagging system – with bags or hopper dump box, 191 hrs, super clean:

Tools: Campbell Hausfield 80 gal. 140 psi upright air compressor: 6.4L Ford pickup diesel power booster-new: load binders and chains: handyman jacks: bolt cutters: ¾” socket sets: pickup tool box: tool boxes: air impact wrenches: vise grips: Solar 500battery charger: ratchet straps: gas cans: Toro leaf blower: hedge trimmers: weed eaters:

Manuals: JD 70,  JD 4020, JD 20 Series, 40 Series, McCormick Super MTA, (2) JD 3020, IH 806, JD 7810, JD 741, JD 2520, JD 4000-4020, IH 656, IH 706, JD 4430 and misc.

Dumpster: yard and half Steel dumpster

Tractor parts: assortment of tractor rims: cement wheel weights: IH and JD hubs, 10 suitcase weights: IH and JD tractor steps: assortment of receiver hitches and balls: brand new JD K & M tractor step: tractor lights and mufflers: IH cement wheel weights, hitch pins: chrome stacks: 42” JD step up rim: pair of 20.8/38 rims: pair of 18 x 38 rims: 42” step up rim: pair of 13” x 46” JD rims: 38” step up rim:  2–480/80R46 tractor tires: 20.8-38 tractor tire: JD starters: H Farmall front grill: JD 4050 hood: JD decals: 3 5/8” JD wheel sleeves: 10 bolt Magnum hubs: IH 66 Series 9 bolt hubs: JD 9 bolt hubs: lots of misc. items:

Terms: cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Not responsible for accidents or theft of items purchased. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertisements. Zomer clerking


Mark Zomer-712-470-2526

Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428

Joel Westra-605-310-6941

Blake Zomer-Online Representative-712-460-2552

Listing Agent(s)

Rick Childress
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Real Estate Agent