Zomer Company

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Zomer Company
  • Sold
--Sold For $17,100.00 Per Acre!!! Thanks to the very large crowd that attended!!!

April 15, 2016--80 acres of Sioux County Prime Farmland-North of Orange City, East of Sioux Center, IA--Gary B Lyftogt Family Trust Owners---This is a High Caliber Outstanding Farm and has been in this family for over 100 years!!!!!--

Auction Date:   April 16, 2016 - 10:00 am
Orange City, IA 51041, USA
  • Orange City
  • Sioux County
  • IA

Upcoming Sioux County Prime Farm Land Auction 

80 Acres +/- located in Holland Township

North of Orange City Iowa and East of Sioux Center Iowa in the Heartland of Sioux County IA.

Friday April 15, 2016 @ 10:30 A.M

Location: From the North Edge of Orange City Iowa on Blacktop K-64/Jackson Ave go 3 miles North to 410th Street,  then approx ¼ mile East, or From Snieder  Insurance in Sioux Center go 6 miles East on Blacktop B40/400th Street to Blacktop K64/Jackson Ave then go I mile South to 410thSt, then go ¼ mile East. Land is on the North side of the road.  Auction signs will be posted!!

Auction will be held at site of the Land

“Your Farmland specialists”      


Auctioneers Note: We are honored to represent the Gary B. Lyftogt Family Trust and present one of the finest farms in Sioux County at public auction. This prime outstanding farm has been in this family for over 100+ years. This farm is located in the heart of high quality Sioux County farmland. If you are looking for an excellent long term investment and a top notch farm to add to you farming operation make plans today to attend!!!

Gary B Lyftogt Family Trust Owner

Myron Toering –sellers attorney

Legal Description: The East ½ of the SW1/4 in Section 9, Twp 95N, Range 44W, of the 5th P.M. Sioux County Iowa, Subject to public roads and any and all easements of record if any.

General Description: Selling will be this highly productive 80+/–Acres of prime farmland. This farm according to the Sioux County FSA contains 79.71 acres of cropland and has a corn base of 51.9 acres with a PLC yield of 160 bu. This farm has a soybean base of 27.1 acres with a PLC yield of 47 bu. This farm has an average CSR 1 of 67.7 and CSR2 of 90.9. The predominant soil types include 310B, 310B2, Galva silty clay loam, 31 Afton, and 91, 91B, Primghar. This farm is an inside 80 acre tract with ½ mile rows and is very desirable to farm with road on only one side. This farm is classified as non highly erodible. This farm has drainage tile installed. This farm had cattle manure applied in the Fall of 2015. This highly productive farm has much to offer and is in a great location and would make a great addition to anyone’s current operation or investment portfolio.

Method of Sale:  Farm will be surveyed prior to auction and will be sold based on surveyed acres.

Taxes: According to the Sioux County Treasurer the current Real Estate Taxes are approximately $1658 per year. Seller will pay the 2015 taxes due and payable in the Spring and Fall installments of 2016.

Possession: Possession of the farmland will be granted day of auction subject terms in binding purchase agreement signed day of auction. Buyer will also be required to provide proof of satisfactory Liability Ins prior to possession. This farm is available to farm for 2016.

Terms:  Purchaser(s) will be required to pay a non-refundable 15% of the purchase price immediately following the auction and also enter into a purchase agreement with the remaining balance due and payable on closing day June 1, 2016 when the buyer shall receive a clear and merchantable title to the property. The farm is being sold as is as a cash sale with no finance contingencies or any buyer contingencies of any kind. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein all prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all the data provided. Any announcements made the day of the auction will supersede any advertisements. Aerial maps, soil maps and auction booklets are available upon request. The land sold subject to the confirmation of the sellers. If any additional information is requested please contact the agents listed below. Vande Vegte and Zomer Realty and Auction Inc. are agents for the sellers.

Auctioneers and RE Brokers:

Mark Zomer-712-470-2526– Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428—Gary Van Den Berg—sales-712-470-2068

Joel Westra SR -605-310-6941 –   Joel Westra Jr. -605-957-5222–   Pete Atkins 605-351-9847

Listing Agent(s)

Blake Zomer
  • Farm Management Representative,
  • Real Estate Agent
Bryce Zomer
  • Auction Setup Coordinator,
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Gary Van Den Berg
  • Real Estate Agent
Gerad Gradert
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent
Ivan Huenink
  • Auctioneer,
  • Real Estate Agent