Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Serving IA, SD, NE & MN 712.476.9443
Upcoming Public Auction
of 14′ John Boat, Ice Houses, Ariens S16 mower, Antiques, Household items and Misc.
Saturday April 9, 2016 @10:30 A.M.
Open Range Lunch on grounds
Location: 2345 310th St. Rock Valley, IA. 51247 or from Pump n Pak in Rock Valley, IA go approx. 1 ½ miles West on Hwy 18. Auction is located on the South side of Hwy 18.—Auction signs will be posted!!
Auctioneers Note: We are honored to conduct this public auction for Willard and Arlene Wissink. Included on this auction will be Ice houses, John Boat, Antique items and household items. Make plans today to attend!!
Machinery: 3 pt 8 ft blade: 5’ pull behind Bush Hog mower: Pull type sprayer: Oliver sickle mower w/7’ bar:
Mower/snowblower: Ariens-S-16-H hydro lawn tractor-no deck-w/48” tiller: 48” front mount snowblower:
Tools: Outdoor items: Acetylene Torch w/cart: hand drill press: Wards RC arc welder: misc. tools: shovels, rakes, spades, forks etc: Homelite weed eater: hand sprayers: mens golf clubs/bag: apple picker w/cane pole: Weed Eater gas leaf blower:
Boat, Ice Houses and misc. fishing: 14’ Flat bottom John boat w/Shorestation trailer w/Minnkota elec. Trolling motor w/5 hp 2 cyl, Johnson gas eng.: Fish Trap II 2 person ice shack: homemade 3 person ice shack: Jiffy Model 30 gas ice auger: rods/reels: tackle box full of tackle: Electric Fisherman filet knife: lifejackets: fish spears: White brand campstove: wood burning stove: nets: Wood water skis:
Collectible items: 2 pc dresser set includes full size bed/headboard/footboard and dresser w/mirror: enamel top table: No. 1 Alaska ice crusher machine: 2, 6 & 10 gallon Redwing crocks: misc. smaller crocks: shoulder jug: 3 gallon crock: Foppes crock/has some cracks: 1965 IH flare kit in original metal box: steel runner sled: wooden toboggan sled: Roy Rogers, Lone Rangers, Gene Autry, Red Rider books: Roy Rogers harmonica: Kids metal hand pump toy: metal Ben Franklin thrift bank toy: Grappette glass bank jar: RV Roots bell & mug: Japan cups/saucers: salt and peppers: sewing baskets: lots of crystal bowls, relish trays, glasses, goblets etc: Pyrex bowl/pie plate/casseroles: Hull vase: silver leaf glasses: wood kids chair: Avon collectibles: misc. records: old apple peeler: antique paper shell reloader: old horse clipper: Gilbert mantle clock: misc old cabinets: Penneys kids sewing machine: Little Golden Books: old kitchen utensils: gold vanity chair: meat grinder: enamel pans: stainless steel milk bucket: wooden egg crate: Pie conservo: old pictures: corn sheller: lots of misc. items: Vess salt shaker: coffee grinder: sad irons:
Household items: 1994 model upright GE 19.7 cu ft freezer-white: sofa/loveseat: Gulbransen piano: 3 pc end table/coffee table set: 2 mauve chairs: Christmas trees: towels: linens: books: misc. sewing items-yarn, crochet items etc: cookbooks: Rubbermaid/Tupperware: silverware: cookie sheets: Procter Silex coffee maker:25 cup coffee maker: wok: 2 soup pans: canners: fruit jars: Rival garment steamer: 32” console TV: wood desk: end tables: Windmere oscillating fan: Graco walker: Smith Corona typewriter: home décor: Lite Bright: lots & lots of misc. items: Terms on personal property: cash or good cashable check. Credit cards also accepted. Any announcements made day of auction will supersede any advertising. Not responsible for theft of items purchased. Zomer Clerking
Willard & Arlene Wissink—owners
Auctioneers and Agents:
Mark Zomer-712-4702526–Darrell Vande Vegte-712-726-3428–Ivan Huenink—712-470-2003